Placement Exams
Students must send any official ACT/SAT scores and any final, official transcripts to MSU prior to Orientation/Class Registration so they can be used for placement purposes. If a student does not have official test scores nor college credit, alternative placement methods are outlined below.
Math Placement
All students need a math placement to participate in academic advising and register for classes. This is to ensure that the math course they take is at the right level. MSU uses EdReady Initial Math Placement to assess math readiness for incoming students.
Why do I need math placement?
All students, regardless of major, must meet the Quantitative Reasoning (Q) general education requirement in order to graduate; plus, many courses at MSU require mathematics prerequisites. MSU wants to place you in courses in which you will succeed. MSU offers many options to meet the Quantitative Reasoning (Q) requirement, but which is best for you will depend on your math placement and the math courses required by your major.
Do I have to take the EdReady Initial Math Placement?
Yes! Unless MSU received your official ACT, SAT, or AP/IB test scores by June 15.
What if I took a college-level math course?
Take the EdReady Initial Math Placement anyway to ensure that your placement reflects your current math skills. If you haven’t already, you must also have an official transcript sent to MSU showing successful completion of the college math course. Upon evaluation of the transcript, MSU will update with your highest math placement.
What math course is required for my major?
You can look up which math course is required or recommended for your major on this webpage:
What if the results of my EdReady Initial Math Placement don’t confirm that I’m eligible for the course I want to take? Can I retake it?
No, but you can work up in placement! The Initial Math Placement works by assessing your current knowledge and identifying gaps. After you take it, you are encouraged to continue to work in the EdReady system through your study path. Your study path guides you in independent mathematics learning and review. You can advance one or two math levels, up to level 400 (pre-calculus), if you successfully complete your study path by August 15.
If you have a math placement listed on your Undergraduate Admissions Checklist.
- You are not required to take the EdReady Initial Math Placement assessment.
- Please still reference the the math flowchart and what math placement is recommended for your major by viewing the Majors by Required Math list.
- If your math placement will allow you to take the recommended course for your major, you do not need to do anything else. If you have a math placement level that is lower than what is recommended for your major, you are strongly encouraged to take the EdReady Initial Math Placement to ensure that your placement reflects your most current knowledge.
- EdReady Initial Math Placement can only bring your placement up; there is no risk that your placement will drop.
If you do not have a math placement listed on your Undergraduate Admissions Checklist.
- You are required to take the EdReady Initial Math Placement assessment.
- The assessment will be available at the start of your Online Orientation through your Undergraduate Admissions Checklist. You will log into EdReady using your MSU Net ID and password.
- You will need to complete this placement exam prior to meeting with your Advisor.
- After you complete your EdReady math placement, there will be a message informing you of your designated math placement.
- If students are content with their math placement, they can exit the program.
- If students would like to increase their math level, students can opt into the EdReady study paths allowing them to study (20 hours or less) and potentially improve their math placement.
Writing Placement
All students need a writing placement to participate in academic advising and register for classes. MSU uses an online Qualtrics assessment to evaluate the writing skills of incoming students.
Why do I need writing placement?
All students, regardless of major, must meet the Writing (W) general education requirement in order to graduate. To receive Writing (W) CORE credit, students must place out of Writing (W) CORE or take either WRIT 101 or the WRIT 101/001 co-requisite WRIT 101/001 co-requisite provides supplemental instruction in reading and writing to support success in WRIT 101 assignments. Some students will start with WRIT 080 to ensure they are confident and prepared for the work in WRIT 101. WRIT 080 provides support in sentence level and paragraph writing, reading strategies, and introductory research skills.
Do I have to take the Writing Qualtrics assessment?
Yes! Unless MSU received your official ACT/SAT, or AP/IB test scores by June 15, or you have a cumulative high school GPA of 3.9 or higher.
What if I took the ACT/SAT or took a college-level writing course?
If MSU has received your official ACT, SAT, or AP/IB test scores by June 15, MSU can use this information to place you into the following courses. More details available on our writing placement webpage:
LEVEL 100: WRIT 080 - Basic Writing Skills:
- ACT: English Language 0-15, Combined English/Writing 0-15, Writing Subject 3-4, Writing Subscore 3-4, English 0-15
- SAT: Writing/Language 10-18
- Qualtrics Survey: 0-37 pts
LEVEL 200: WRIT 101-001 - College Writing 1 with Co-Requisite Support:
- ACT: English Language 16-17, Combined English/Writing 16-17, Writing Subject 5-6, Writing Subscore 5-6, English 16-21
- SAT: Writing/Language 19-24
- Qualtrics Survey: 38-73 pts
LEVEL 300: WRIT 101W - College Writing 1
- ACT: English Language 18+, Combined English/Writing 18+, Writing Subject 7+, Writing Subscore 7+, English 22+
- SAT: Writing/Language 25-37
- Qualtrics Survey: 74-111 pts
LEVEL 400: Exempt from WRIT 101W
- ACT: Writing Subject 11+, Subscore Writing 11+, English 28+
- SAT: Reading/Writing 750+, Writing/Language 38+, Essay Total 22+, Essay Writing 7+
- AP: Language/Comp: Score of 4 or higher
- IB: English A: Lang & Lit HL: Score of 3 or higher
- College-Level Credit: A course that transfers to fulfill WRIT 101W
- Cumulative High School GPA: 3.9 or higher
Language Placement
Acquiring proficiency in another language can be an important part of your university education regardless of your major. The ability to communicate with people from other cultures is an advantage in any career.
If you are thinking about taking a language course at MSU, please review the following information for language placement purposes. For more information see
If you have taken the AP or IB exam, OR took a dual enrollment college credit course in high school, OR grew up speaking the language at home, please see Modern Languages (Gaines 117) regarding placement. Please note that your AP/IB results must be sent from the testing agency to the Office of Admissions.
Students who have had at least one year of a language within the last five (5) years must take the WebCAPE exam and see Modern Languages (Gaines 117) for an oral proficiency interview and placement.
If you place in a language course level other than 101, there is good news. Once you receive your grade in your first language class at MSU (C or higher), see Modern Languages to request credit for the classes below that level for free. This is NOT automatic, so it is your responsibility to see the Modern Languages Department in Gaines 117 (406-994-4448) for assistance.
WebCAPE exam: Computerized Adaptive Placement Exam
- To take an exam, go to and use the password: password
- Bring your results to the Department of Modern Languages in Gaines 117 (406-994-4448) for a brief oral proficiency interview to determine your placement.