Long-time MSU COB Accounting Professor Passes Away
Former Associate Professor of Accounting Gil Crain passed away on Tuesday, July 1,
2008. He contributed to the successes of many students in his 33 years teaching in
the College of Business.
Crain joined the MSU College of Business faculty in the fall of 1974 and taught governmental and not-for-profit accounting classes until his retirement from the MSU College of Business faculty in spring of 2007. He received his Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Illinois at Urbana. In addition to teaching, Crain was also heavily involved with the MSU College of Business Accounting Advisory Board, established in 2004.
Prior to his tenure at Montana State University, Crain obtained extensive public accounting experience with Deloitte, Haskins & Sells and taught national training sessions on governmental accounting. He had been the independent moderator for most of the user focus groups held by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board to determine users' opinions on the proposed new financial reporting model. Since June of 1997, Crain served as the main editor of Governmental Accounting and Auditing Update, a monthly newsletter published by Warren, Gorham and Lamont/RIA Group, and his articles have been published in Governmental Finance, the CPA Journal and the Governmental Accountant's Journal.
A website dedicated to Gil Crain can be found at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/gilcrain.. He will be remembered fondly as a professor, mentor and friend.