2025 Faculty Research Award
The Ivan Doig Center for the Study of the Lands and Peoples of the North American West is pleased to request proposals for the 2025 Faculty Research Award. Tenure-track faculty at MSU-Bozeman who are working on a humanities or social science-based research project related to the study of the North American West may apply for up to $2,000 to support their research. Priority will be given to faculty who are in fields that have limited access to research funding.
Due Date: March 10, 2025 by 5 p.m. to: ivandoigcenter@montana.edu
Eligibility and Application Process
The award may cover travel. Transportation (airfare or mileage), lodging, and meal costs must comply with MSU Policies and Procedures for Travel. Failure to follow MSU guidelines may result in the denial of funding for your application. You can find up-to-date information on mileage rates, per diem, etc. on the MSU Office of Sponsored Programs website: OSP Forms and Toolkit
Funds may also be used for photocopying, acquiring digital images, or fees for services at difficult-to-access archives, and permission fees for use of photographs, maps, or other images crucial to your project. We will consider other requests that may be particular to your project, if justified.
Priority will be given to applicants who demonstrate that the funding will lead directly to research that will aid the timely completion of their project.
Requests for conference travel or computers will not be funded.
Applications should include the following material:
- Cover sheet containing:
- Applicant’s name
- Applicant’s department
- Project title
- Total amount requested
- Preferred email address
- Project Abstract (no more than 300 words)
- Project description that explains the faculty member’s project and its significance, as well as the research to be conducted for the award (no more than 3 double-spaced pages)
- Detailed budget with timeline of work and justification of expenses
- List of previous or pending grants and fellowships associated with the project, along with amount funded
- 2-page CV
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Award funds must be expended by January 26, 2026. A report detailing the work accomplished will be due February 9, 2026.
Please direct questions to Professor Janet Ore, Director, Ivan Doig Center (janet.ore@montana.edu).
Applications should be submitted electronically by 5 p.m. March 10, 2025 to: ivandoigcenter@montana.edu