Leadership Fellows
Leadership is all about being the voice, and taking the action. You are not what you say you are, but who you prove yourself to be with your actions. - Amanda Florkowski, HLD121 Leadership Foundations student - Spring 2024
The Leadership Fellows Certificate Program is open to all MSU students regardless of their chosen program of study.
Welcome to Leadership Fellows!
Elizabeth Williamson, LFCP Director & Wyatt Johns, Leadership Foundations Student, April 2024
Students come to MSU with varying levels of leadership experience. Some arrive as experienced leaders while others discover their leadership potential during their time at MSU. Students from all areas of study, though, are intensely curious about leadership. They want to learn about what it is and how it works. Then, they want the opportunity to put what they have learned in the classroom to use in their real outside-of-the-classroom lives.
Leading is messy . . . and exciting, frustrating, inspiring, life-giving, exhilarating, embodied, challenging, creative, emotional, imaginal, mind-blowing and beautiful! There is virtually no area of study in which leadership is not relevant; sooner or later, everything comes down to how we lead and how we follow. MSU’s Leadership Fellows Program is designed with all this in mind by providing academic coursework and applied opportunities to experientially study leadership and followership.
contact Elizabeth Roberts Williamson at elizabeth.roberts@montana.edu.
The Leadership Fellows office is at 242 Reid Hall.
The phone number is 406-994-2016.
![Montana State University Leadership Fellows logo](/ehhd/images/leadership_fellows/leadership_fellows_logo.jpg)