Bobcats Give Back!

Service Saturdays

Service Saturdays are local service projects held on the first Saturday of the month offering a great way for community members and students to create relationships while working to enhance Bozeman. They are coordinated and sponsored by MSU’s Office of Student Engagement. Projects will vary from month to month, so please check back for upcoming project details.

How to Volunteer

Service Saturday takes place on the first Saturday of each month during the academic year! 

Projects take place on and off campus with local community organizations - transportation is provided if a project is taking place off campus!

Please RSVP beforehand on CatServe - space is limited for some projects.


  • Comfortable clothing that can get dirty.
  • Closed-toed shoes as some projects may be manual labor.


  • Water/snacks or other items you may need.

Note: If you are under 18, you must have a parent or legal guardian sign our Liability Waiver before participating. Please contact us.

The Office Student Engagement will make reasonable accommodations for known disabilities that may interfere with an individual's ability to participate. Persons requiring such accommodations should make their requests to as soon as possible before the meeting/event to allow adequate time for special arrangements.

Leader Applications Closed.

While volunteering as a Service Saturday Leader, you will be in charge of gathering the other volunteers, leading some ice breaker activites and making sure they get to and from the project site safely. Once you get to your project site, you will be responsible for checking in and helping those who are volunteering with getting settled with the duties that the project involves. Contact information will be provided if any questions arise while you are volunteering. Once the event is over, you will check back in with OSE to make sure everyone that went with you made it back safely and to return any supplies that were borrowed. 


What are the benefits of being a leader versus a participant in Service Saturday Projects?
Being a Service Saturday Leader gives you the opportunity to gain valuable leadership experience and training as well as earn double VIM hours that go towards funding if you are a member of a club on campus! 

What is the training like for a Service Saturday Leader?
All Service Saturday Leaders will  go through a one hour training prior to leading their first service group to prepare them to lead their groups. 

What is the time commitment of a Service Saturday Leader?
Service Saturday leaders can expect to attend a 1 hour training prior to leading their first service group. Day of Service Saturday they can expect to volunteer 4 hours of their time - 3 hours leading the group and participating in the service project and 30 minutes on each end.

Spring 2025 Schedule & Projects

OSE partnered with the Gallatin Valley Food Bank to send students to help them sort through food donations at their warehouse! 

OSE hosted the Valley of the Flowers on campus so that students could help make the free to borrow and return t-shirt bags for the Bozeman community - a sustainaility focused initiatve.

OSE is partnering with Hopa Mountain this month to help clean-up their new campus in Bozeman. Students will help with gradening and other outdoor tasks - come ready to get dirty! Gloves and tools will be provided.

Project TBD.

Fall 2024 Projects

The Office of Student Engagement worked with Sacks Thrift Store, Great Beginnigns Montessori School, The College "M" project and Big Sky Youth Empowerment on a variety of service projects to kick off the new school year!

The Office of Student Engagement worked with Eagle Mount to get their beautiful campus spuced up for the fall and winter seasons.

The Office of Student Engagement worked with Bienvenidos to host a clothing drive as greeters, passing out thank-you slips, grabbing supplies from cars, and checking items to ensure they are in good condition. Volunteers helped organize clothes from those collecting them and sort them appropriately into each designated section! 

OSE worked with the HRDC to deep clean their Warming Center in preparation ofor the winter months! 

This month, we helped the Downtown Bozeman Association with setting up for their 44th Annual Christmas Stroll. Volunteers performed duties including hanging "No Parking" and vendor signage and covering trash cans. 



How to Host a Project

If you are interested in hosting a group of Service Saturday volunteers on the dates listed above, please contact or 406-994-6872.