Club Funding
The Office of Student Engagement (OSE) in conjunction with the Registered Student Organization Funding Board (RSOFB) and Club Sports Funding Board distributes funds collected by the Student Organization Fee to registered student organizations for the purpose of supporting programs, projects, and events that help the organizations succeed in meeting their goals and foster positive student development.
Make sure you're on the mailing list for the weekly club newsletter to stay in the loop on student organizations and upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.
- Every student pays $10.08/semester as part of their student fees. This goes into the Student Organization Fee which is comprised of 3 pots of money: Rolling, VIM, & Club Sports funding.
- Your student organization MUST be currently registered as a student organization with the Office of Student Engagement BEFORE you submit your rolling funding application, or collect VIM hours. This is an annual registration process. If your group has not registered yet this academic year, you can click this link to find the steps to apply.
V.I.M. stands for: "Volunteer and Impact Montana"
VIM Funding Timeline
- Collect Volunteer hours all year long!
- May 1, 2024: End of accumilation of volunteer hours for 2024-2025 academic year
- May 2, 2024: Start accumulating volunteer hours for 2025-2026 academic year
- May 1, 2025: End of accumilation of volunteer hours for 2025-2026 academic year
- May 6-10: Notifications go out to clubs about next academic year funding amounts
VIM Hours can be accumulated all year long. Money will be allocated to RSOs at the end of the Volunteer cycle and will be first come first serve according to available funding.
NOTE: Funding is not available until the following academic year.
- VIM Funding is allocated each spring to Registered Student Organizations based upon their number of Volunteer Service Hours (Up to 234 hours) to use in the following academic year.
- VIM Funding is to be used in the academic year after the volunteer hours are acrued and tracked.
- Spending can start July 1st at 8:00am and will end April 1st at 5:00pm.
- Your organization must be a registered student organization with OSE to be elegible to collect Impact Hours toward VIM Funding.
- If you are allocated VIM funding, you are still elegible for Rolling funding.
- RSOs will track their service impacts via CatServe.
- Funding Board will allocate funds in early May for the next academic year based on accumulated volunteer hours on a first come, first serve basis. There will be no application process to access these funds.
VIM Funding Process
- Find Volunteer Hours. Search for volunteer oppurtunities on CatsConnect, CatServe or through the Office of Student Engagement.
- Log Volunteer Hours. Individuals within organizations will track their volunteer hours for their club through
the GivePulse platform- each individual mut be listed in the "membership Roster" on
CatsConnect for thier hours to count.
- Eligible hours need to be: 1) Unpaid, 2) Within the State of Montana OR in association with MSU (ie: Engineers Without Borders, BreaksAway Trips, etc.).
- Work done within your own club does not count towards VIM (please contact the RSO program manager if you need to clarify if your club event counts as VIM or not).
- Hours can only be counted toward one club at a time. If a club member is part of multiple clubs, they will choose which club recieved their hours.
- Mandated service hours (University Conduct, Cort-Ordered) do not count.
- Hours can be accumulated all year long with the cycle starting May 2nd and ending May 1st.
- A staff member from the Office of Student Engagement will double verify reported volunteer hours before they are applied to a RSO's VIM Bank.
- Hours must be verifiable by a third party (Club members, leadership and advisors can not verify hours within their own club).
- Attend Spending Orientation. An officer from each funded organization must attend an orientation hosted by the Office of Student Engagement at the beginning of the Fall semester to learn the process for spending your allocated money.
VIM Funding Frequently Asked Questions:
- How can I spend this money?
- Funding earned can be spent in accordance to the mission and values of the club and however the RSO deems appropiate within the purchasing guidelines put forth by the Office of Student Engagement.
- We may have money leftover this year from our student organization funding, can we
use it next year?
- No. You have until April 1, 2024, to spend your money.
- If we receive VIM Funding, is that the only funding we can get?
- No, You may apply for Rolling Funding (max. $1500.00) for a maximum total of $5000.00 .
- What if our event is during the summer before school begins?
- Funding must be spent after July 1st due to MSU's fiscal year calendar. If you are needing funds over the summer, reach out to OSE, and we will work with you!
V.I.M. Funding |
Total Money Available in 2023-2024 |
$210,000.00 |
When is the application deadline? |
Hours gained and tracked from August 1st, 2023 - April 1st, 2024. |
What are the maximum or minimum funding requests? |
No minimum. Maximum $3,500.00 = 234 Hours per club The RSO earns $15.00 per hour |
When to use the funds by? |
Use in the next academic year it was allocated. I.e.; Hours tracked and gained in academic year 2023-24 will have associated funding to start spending July 1st, 2024. All funds must be spent by April 1st of that academic year. |
Who is eligible? |
Must be a current registered student organization that is registered by the end of the Fall semester. * Hours are obtained individually by current members of the club. Club members must be listed on the CatsConnect Roster to have reported hours qualify * |
Rolling Funding Rules
- The Rolling Funding pool is available to Registered Student Organizations from mid-September to April 1st.
- RSOs must complete a minimum of 25 VIM hours to be elegible to apply for rolling funding.
- The maximum amount awarded to an RSO will be $1,500 from this pool of money.
- An RSO can apply a maximum of twice in an academic year. (i.e. you can ask for $800 in November and then $700 in March). Cannot exceed $1,500 total over the year.
- This pool of money will be spent within the current academic year, with a spending deadline of April 1, 2024.
- These funds CANNOT fund programs, events or purchases that have already occurred.
Rolling Funding Application Process
Step 1: Submit Application. Fill out the Rolling Funding Application by the weekly deadline. The funding proposal must be SUBMITTED a MINIMUM of two weeks before the funding is needed.
To apply for funding:
- Log into CatsConnect and select the waffle (grid) icon in the top right corner and click "Manage".
- Then, under "My Memberships", select your organization.
- On the left side, click the pancake menu (three stacked lines), and then select "Finance" under Organization Tools. (this menu is also your main control center for all club operations!)
- From the Finance Page, click "Create New Request" and select "Create Budget Request".
- Select the type of funding you are applying for.
- Follow the steps in the application. You will get the chance to enter your line items for specific items in your request
Step 2: Application Review. The Registered Student Organization Funding Board will meet to decide on funding allocations.
Clubs are required to send a representative to the Funding Board meeting to present on their request.
Organizations will be notified within one week of the Funding Board meeting if their
funding application was approved and the total amount awarded. The Funding Board will not meet during university holidays or breaks. Your application will be accepted over
breaks, but may take longer to review.
Step 3: Schedule Spending Orientation. A representative from your organization (preferably Leader and/or Treasurer) must
attend a meeting with the Office of Student Engagement after you have been notified
of funding approval to learn the process for spending your allocated money.
Rolling Funding |
Total Money Available in 2023-2024 |
$70,000.00 |
When is the application deadline? |
Opens mid-September 2023 - April 1st, 2024. |
What are the maximum or minimum funding requests? |
Clubs can ask up to two times annually- Maximum $1,500.00 per academic year. Must complete 25 VIM hours to qualify. |
When to use the funds by? |
Use within the academic year it was allocated. I.e.; If you were allocated money in Oct. 2023 you have until April 1st, 2024 to spend. All funds must be spent by April 1st. |
Who is eligible? |
Must be a current registered student organization. Must complete 25 VIM hours. |
If Your Rolling Application is Approved...
- You will get notified on CatsConnect.
- You MUST complete the Funding & Spending Orientation.
- Either in-person or online with the club funding assistant.
- OSE is responsible for carrying out Funding Board's decisions.
- You MUST spend money by April 1st, 2024.
If Your Rolling Application is Denied...
- In the event an RSO disagrees with the Registered Student Organization Funding Board (RSOFB) decision to not fund an RSO or not fund to the level expected, RSOs are able to appeal this decision.
- The appeal process shall be as follows:
- Meet with the Presiding Chair or the Advisory Member of the RSOFB.
- Make a formal written appeal and make the corrections as outlines by the Funding Board. MUST be made within ONE WEEK of being notified.
- Written appeal will be brought to the RSOFB for a hearing and voted on during the next weekly meeting.
- Done within the State of Montana
- Or if the Volunteering hours are done as a representation of MSU. I.e.: MSU BreaksAway, Engineers without Boarders, Club Trip with Volunteer component.
- These opportunities MUST be unpaid.
Important CatsConnect terms to know:
Purchase Request
- A purchase request is a record of money that is being spent from your organization account for either specific or general amounts.
- This is where you submit your receipts for reimbursement or are submitting an invoice to be paid.
OSE Order Form
- This is the form you use to place an order using the OSE Credit Card.
- The form can be found by clicking this link.
Navigating the Finance Tool:
To view your organization’s account:
- Log into CatsConnect
- In the top left corner, click the three stacked lines, and then find your organiztion under My organizations and click the gear icon, select "Finance" under Organization Tools. (this menu is also your main control center for all club operations!)
- Then, you’ll see some tabs on the left side, Budget Requests and Purchase Requests,
and on the right you'll see buttons labeled Accounts and Create New. By selecting,
- The Budget Requests Tab, you will see all of your Budget Requests and the stage they are in.
- The Purchase Request tab, you will see all of your Purchase Requests and the stage they are in.
- If you click Accounts, you’ll see your funding balance! Please note, if you had submitted receipts within 48-hours, your account balance may not reflect those receipts.
To apply for funding (Budget Request):
- Log into CatsConnect
- In the top left corner, click the three stacked lines, and then find your organiztion under My organizations and click the gear icon, select "Finance" under Organization Tools.
- From the Finance Page, click "Create New Request" and select "Create Budget Request".
- This is where you select which type of funding you need to request. Please make sure to read the instructions and select the correct process and follow the steps through the request.
- Follow the steps and answer the questions in the first two pages of the application. When you get to the third page, this is where you'll enter your line items for each budget. Make sure to pay attention to which type of budget you're completing (General vs. Date Specific), each budget has different types of line items.
To submit your receipt for reimbursement or submit an invoice to be paid (Purchase Request):
- Log into CatsConnect
- In the top left corner, click the three stacked lines, and then find your organiztion under My organizations and click the gear icon, select "Finance" under Organization Tools.
- Towards the top right corner, click “Create New Request”. Then click “Create Purchase Request”.
- Follow the steps through the request. Only fill out the “Payee Information” section if you are submitting an invoice to be paid.
- Spend between July 1st - April 1st of academic year.
- Work with Club Funding Assistant to purchase items.
- Use it or Lose it.
- Club funds do not roll over year to year. Spending Deadline is April 1st.
- Must follow MSU purchase guidelines.
Important: Any funding an RSO is allocated is to be spent through OSE. The RSO does not get a check from us. RSOs will be required to go through a spending orientation before they are able to spend any funds.
OSE Credit Card | Reimbursements | Invoices | Travel |
OSE Credit Card | Reimbursement | Invoices | Travel | |
Paperwork needed every time. |
Paperwork needed once. |
N/A |
N/A | N/A |
Notes: |
- Blank Canvas (in SUB)
- Off-Campus printing can be reimbursed
- MSU Catering-SUB Rules:
- If hosted by your organization, and is under 25 people, it is not mandatory to use catering.
- If over 25 people and/or open to the public, MUST use catering.
- Tips cannot be over 18%, per university policy.
- Information Needed:
- If open to the public, we need flyer information for the event.
- If for club meeting or smaller event, we need a sign-in sheet of member's present or list of names.
- Department Correction
- If a club has a connection to a campus office or department, do NOT have them pay a bill first--bring it to us, or prearrange with out club funding assistant.
- If splitting costs with an on-campus department or office, please communicate with us so we can coordinate.
- Club Taxes
- Contact the club funding assistant if you need support getting started.
- ASMSU Legal Services meets with student organizations and will waive the $10 fee.
Common On-Campus Expenses
Please use these prices for your budget worksheets. This has been prepared by the Office of Student Engagement to help you build accurate budgets. If what you are looking for is not listed, please contact the individual department to receive those prices.
Conference Services
- Strand Union Building, 994-3081
- There is no charge to reserve rooms in the SUB, even if you charge admission to your event.
- Contact Conference Services to request AV and other equipment rental prices, including equipment in the Procrastinator Theater.
- Security for events:
- All events with alcohol require security – typically 1 guard per 100 people in attendance
- All student dances
- Conference Services hires/coordinates all security without exception. Student groups are not allowed to bring in their own security.
SUB Rec Center
- 994-5803
- Group rentals available for pool tables, bowling, and more
- RSOs must contact OSE before reserving anything with the Rec Center
Blank Canvas
Located within the MSU Bookstore, 994-2811
- View printing costs on their website
ASMSU Outdoor Rec Program
- 1401 West Lincoln Street
- Our ASMSU Outdoor Rec Program provides opportunities for students to get involved with the outdoor world. They have a rental shop where students can rent outdoor equipment, which could be useful for student organizations.
ASMSU Exponent
- SUB 366, 994-2224
- Student organizations may request 20% off listed ad prices
University Catering
- 994-3336 or email
- University Catering has their menu, prices, and more information on their website.
- Reminder of the food policy on campus:
- For the purposes of liability, quality, food safety, and control, all food sold and provided on campus must be supplied by University Food Services. Under no circumstance may food be sold or catered by any vendor or organization other than University Food Service.
- An exception to this rule allows for student organizations meeting in the SUB after 5:00pm with a gathering of less than 25 people. Groups are encouraged to utilize existing on-campus food venues after hours, however, these groups may order food from outside venues if desired. Groups with an anticipated attendance of greater than 25 people are required to utilize University Food Service. If the event is open to the public event, you must use University Catering.
The Student Organization Funding Board is the governing body of the Student Organization Fee and makes all funding decisions.
Weekly funding application deadline: Mondays at 5pm
Meetings: Wednesdays 5:30pm
Members: ASMSU Senators, Students at Large
Staff Advisor: Molly Lammers:
Funding Assistant:
- Funding Policies
- W-9 and W-9 instructions on how to complete
- Direct Deposit - please contact to get a copy of this form.
- Student Organization Bank Account Instructions
- How to obtain a Tax ID Number: instructions on how to request a Tax ID (or EIN) for your club in order to set up a bank account.
- Enterprise/Gas Card Request
- Student Organization Tax Filing Requirements
- Funding Board will not accept funding application requests for programs/events/activites that have already occured.
- Plan ahead if you want to order any items that are personalized. For example, if you choose to order shirts from Custom Ink, it could take up to 3 weeks to complete your order.
- It is highly recommended your club plans well in advance and have time to send your application to the Office of Student Engagement for review before final submission. You can email your application (using the Save and Resume later option) to The OSE is your resource, use them!
- Be thorough and have others look over your document. The Funding Board wants quality applications and an incomplete application will hinder your chances of receiving funding.
This is not an exhaustive list.
- Purchase of alcohol, tabacco, or marijuana.
- Philanthropic donations, chartiable contributions or gifts of any kind.
- State and Federal income taxes.
- Any organization that does not have open enrollment.
- Any item or activity deemed excessive, not justified, and/or in conflict with the mission of the club.
- Social functions that are not related to a program or educational event.
- Payment to members of the organization for any purpose.
- Items purchased before funding is approved.
- Academic scholarships.
- Bank account fees (inital deposits, overdraft, monthly fees, etc.).
- Monetary investment funds.
- Firearms and ammunition. NOTE: This excludes targets and firearm accessories.
- Damage fees and cancellation fees under the control of the club.
- Gift cards.
Club leadership or advisor needs to work with OSE to make purchases.
If your answer is yes to the following, then you qualify:
- Current registered student organization
- Completed 25 Hours of Community Service per club (VIM Funding)
If your answer is yes to the following, then you qualify:
- Current registered Club Sport
See Types of Funding chart above.
Please review the Funding Policies to review what you may and may not request funds for.
Every student pays $10.08/semester as part of their student ees. Matching fund comes from any money leftover from the previous year.
All funding applications are on CatsConnect. Clubs can apply for funding through their organization's page on CatsConnect. They will have to click on the Manage tab on the club page, click on the pancake icon on the top left (three stacked lines), scroll down and click on "Finance", click the "Create New Request" dropdown menu on the top right, and click "Create Budget Request".
Rolling funding will have a weekly deadline throughout the academic year. If you miss the weekly deadline for Rolling Funding, get your application in by the next week. Reminder you must get your application in AT LEAST 2 weeks before your funding need. Club Sports must pay attention to deadlines set by Club Sports Funding Board.
You have until April 1st to spend any money that was allocated. Money does not roll over.
To view your organization’s account:
- Log into CatsConnect and select the waffle (grid) icon in the top right corner and click "Manage".
- Then, under "My Memberships", select your organization.
- On the left side, click the pancake menu (three stacked lines), and then select "Finance" under Organization Tools. (this menu is also your main control center for all club operations!)
- Then, you’ll see three tabs on the left side of the page, Budget, Purchase, and Funding.
By selecting,
- The Budget tab, you will see all of your Budget Requests and the stage they are in.
- The Purchase tab, you will see all of your Purchase Requests and the stage they are in.
- The Funding tab, you will see all of your Funding applications.
- You will also see two tabs on the right, Accounts and Create New Request. The Create
New Request tab is a dropdown menu for Create Budget Request and Create Purchase Request.
By selecting,
- The Accounts tab, you’ll see your funding balance! Please note, if you had submitted receipts within 48-hours, your account balance may not reflect those receipts.
- The Create Budget Request tab, you will be able to apply for either Rolling or Matching Funding. This is where the Mass Funding application will appear every Spring.
- The Create Purchase Request tab, you will be able to fill out the Purchase Request form for reimbursement or invoices only.
Plan ahead! Your group is responsible for any expenses incurred over your allocated amount.
Notify us if you don’t plan on spending all and we can re-allocate to another club. The allocated money will not roll over from year to year.
Club leadership or advisor needs to work with OSE to make purchases.
To submit your receipt for reimbursement or submit an invoice to be paid (Purchase Request):
- Log into CatsConnect and select the waffle (grid) icon in the top right corner and click "Manage".
- Then, under "My Memberships", select your organization.
- On the left side, click the pancake menu (three stacked lines), and then select "Finance" under Organization Tools.
- Towards the top right corner, click “Create New Request”. Then click “Create Purchase Request”.
- Follow the steps through the request. Only fill out the “Payee Information” section if you are submitting an invoice to be paid.
Yes! We just need itemized receipts.
If a club has secured a sponsorship from a generous campus entity, the campus department can pay that sponsorship in the following ways:
1. The campus department can pay the invoice on the club's behalf.
- Please work with OSE if the invoice amount is over the sponsorship amount. If the
club has
adequate fundingthrough OSE, we will pay the difference.
- Please work with OSE if the invoice amount is over the sponsorship amount. If the
club has
2. The campus department can transfer the sponsorship money to an OSE index PLUS the 6% mandatory transfer fee.
- Please work with OSE to obtain the index.
3. The campus department can write a sponsorship check for the club to deposit into their off-campus bank account.
- Please note that check processing times can take up to 6 weeks.
As part of the sponsorship agreement, campus entities will be responsible for processing the sponsorship payment, including filling out a Campus Hospitality Form (HAF), if needed.