You will gain knowledge and skills in managing and caring for rabbits, selecting quality rabbits, feeding balanced rations and maintaining management records on which to base decisions regarding feed, production and breeding. You will also have opportunities to participate and assume responsibility in the 4-H rabbit program.

Rabbit, Level 1

This project is designed for the beginning rabbit member with little or no experience in raising rabbits. By the end of the project, you will be able to name several breeds of rabbits, identify the parts of the animal, discuss the sanitation methods needed to raise rabbits, describe good feeding and watering practices, learn to keep feed and financial records and demonstrate proper showmanship procedures.

This level may take up to three years to complete. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.

Rabbit, Level 2

The intermediate level project is designed for 4-H members who wish to expand upon their knowledge gained in the previous level. The level is designed to be completed in 2–3 years.

This level may take up to three years to complete. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.


Rabbit, Level 3

Level 3 of the rabbit project is designed for those who want to explore interest areas of rabbit production. Chapters include breeding and genetics, diseases, keeping records, marketing and tanning hides. Select four to five required activities each year to complete. Youth may participate in this level for three years.


This level may take up to three years to complete. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.


All Ears, BU8082

Additional Resources for All Levels

S Rabbit Resource Handbook for Breeding, Market and Pet Projects, 4H228R
L Rabbit Helper’s Guide, BU8083 Fifteen exciting rabbit group activities make group learning fun and educational.

Rabbit Independent Study/Advanced