4-H Shooting Sports Leaders Meeting Agenda & Minutes
Upcoming Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Treasurer’s Report
- Bookkeeper Balance
- Bank Account Balance
- Midway Account Balance
- Agent Report
- Fundraising Committee
- Sponsorship Committee
- Discipline Reports (A, R, P, SG, WH, H))
Unfinished Business
- Other
New Business
- Other
- SSLC Meeting - February 6th
- Leaders Council Meeting - January 14th
Current 4-H Year Meeting Minutes
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President, Joe Leggett.
Pledges were led by everyone.
Samaria K., Jody C., Mitsuru B., Donna J., Jenn V., Brad W., Pat V., Misty A., Elizabeth J., Joe L.
Jody moved to approve the minutes as written. Samaria 2nd the motion.
Treasurer’s Report:
- $10,700.54 in bank, $10,147.70 on the Balance Sheet and $3,692.34 in the Midway account
- Agent Report
- Jenn let us know that about 30 kids attended the Parade of Lights. December project day registration is open and 42 kids were signed up so far. The office is working on end of year reports and inventory. The Food Festival/ Quilt and Fashion Revue will be in May. Communications contest will be held in February. Project books are coming into the office for members. MSU is asking everyone to fill out a Leads assessment survey at every meeting.
- Fundraising – No Report
- Discipline Reports
- Pistol
- 4 kids are attending practices
- 1 week left of air pistol practice
- Working on Fair targets and postal targets
- Going good
- .22 Pistol will run from January 30-March 20 from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
- Registration will run from January 13- January 24 ($20 fee)
- Pistol
- Rifle
- 18 kids (9 kids/ session)
- 1 week left of air rifle practice
- Working on Fair targets and postal targets
- Going Good
- .22 Rifle will run from January 28th-March 18th
- Registration will run from January 13- January 24 ($20 fee)
- BB Gun
- 5 kids
- 2 more practices
- Going good
- Archery
- 54 kids signed up
- Held our first practice- it went well
- 1 blind member, 1 deaf member, and 4 other hearing impaired members
- Working on adaptive equipment to help with these kids
- Rifle
- Western Heritage
- Next meeting Dec. 17th
- 3 kids signed up
- Going great
- Western Heritage
- Hunting
- December 17th
- 4 kids signed up
- Hunting
- Shotgun
- Registration will go out in March
- April- May
- $20 registration fee
- Shotgun
Old Business
- Kessler Donation Allocation ($1250)
- Air Rifle slings have been purchased for $209.
- Jody and Samaria are working on getting the recurve bow ordered.
- NRA Grant Update
- John G. wasn’t at the meeting so no update.
- Bank Account signatures
- Misty reported that the minutes have been dropped off to the bank. They are still waiting on the new signer to get their paper work turned in so we can all sign the new sheet.
New Business
- Postal/Tournament
- Samaria reported that the postal information had been turned into the state. It started on December 1st.
- Tournament is set for February 15th at the Expo park
- We will set up on February 14th
- Joe suggested that we use MRSA indoor range for the airgun part
- Jen and Jody will work on getting contract from Expo park and insurance for the tournament
- Project Day- December 14
- SSLC Meeting- January 2
- Leaders Council Meeting- January 14
Jody moved to adjourn the meeting, which was 2nd by Mitsuru.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President, Jody Cope.
Pledges were led by everyone.
Samaria K., Jody C., Mitsuru B., Donna J., Jenn V., Brad W., Pat V., Misty A., Elizabeth J., Will A.
Misty moved to approve the minutes as written. Mitsuru 2nd the motion.
Treasurer’s Report:
- $10,509.05 in bank, $10,421.21 on the Balance Sheet and $3,692.34 in the Midway account
- Agent Report
- Jenn talked about project day on November 9th. She said that there were about 84 kids signed up and that around 17 were doing the shooting sports one. She stated that we sold 730 Green Clover raffle tickets and made about $4885 on the raffle. She also asked that if we were not receiving e-mails from the office then we need to let Jody know. The office will be closed on November 11th and November 27th. It was mentioned that if we go to any of the businesses that supported the Achievement Night awards that we thank them for our support. We were also asked to share any photos that we take during practice or club meetings. November 12th is the next Leaders Council meeting. We had 2 kids go to Fall Training in Billings to learn more leadership skills and we had one alumni speaker at the training talking about their experience in 4-H leadership. There is a list of leadership skills for teen in the office.
- Fundraising – No Report
- Discipline Reports
- Pistol
- Started on October 24
- 5 kids signed up but we are down to 4 kids now
- Going good
- Pistol
- Rifle
- Started on October 22
- 18 kids (9 kids/ session)
- Going Good
- BB Gun
- Started on October 30
- 5 kids
- Going good
- Archery
- Registration will go out November 18
- December 2- March 3
- 3 sessions of 20 kids
- $20 registration fee
- Rifle
- Western Heritage
- November 3 practice
- 2 kids
- Going great
- Western Heritage
- Hunting
- November 9
- 3 kids signed up but might have more
- Hunting
- Shotgun
- Registration will go out in March
- April- May
- $20 registration fee
- Shotgun
Old Business
- Kessler Donation Allocation ($1250)
- Will moved that we purchase slings for rifle, a recurve bow for archery, a competition electronic scorer for western heritage, and shotgun belts for shotgun with what money is left over. Brad 2nd the motion. It was voted on and passed.
- Bylaw Changes
- See the attachment with the changes
- Misty moved that we accept the Bylaw changes as they were submitted to the committee. Donna 2nd the motion. Voted on and passed.
- Grant Update
- John submitted the NRA Grant
- Attached is a list of items that he asked for in the grant.
- Budget Approval
- Samaria moved that we accept the budget as it was submitted to the committee. Mitsuru 2nd the motion. Voted and passed.
- Project Books
- Jody let us know that the project books have been ordered, but that some of them are on back order.
- Samaria moved that all shooting sports members complete the project book within 3 years for each discipline and when that is complete that they complete the skill sheet as is recommended by the state office. Mitsuru 2nd the motion. Voted on and passed.
New Business
- Signers on Bank Account
- Samaria moved that we remove Coya Williams from the bank account and add Joe Leggett as a signer on the account, along with Samaria Kirby and Misty Ayers.
- Mitsuru 2nd the motion. Voted and passed.
- Project Day- November 9
- Leaders Council Meeting- November 12
- SSLC Meeting- December 5
Brad moved to adjourn the meeting, which was 2nd by Misty.
Bylaw Changes
Article IV: Duties of Officers p. 2
- Executive Officers
- President: (add)
The president shall prepare the agenda for the meetings with the help of the secretary and the extension agent. They need to send the agenda, minutes, financials and any other packet information out to all members one week before the meeting and the information to the office 2 weeks prior to the meeting.
Article IV: Duties of Officers p. 3 (add)
- Shooting Sports Coordinator
This is a position that is pointed by the Cascade County Extension Agent. After being appointed, they need to go to an instructor training to be certified by the state for this position.
- Coordinator Jobs
- Organize events or activities
- Negotiate with others
- Help all discipline instructors complete Year Plan
- Laison with the Extension Agent and State office Coordinator
- Let all instructors know about upcoming tournaments
- Risk Management
- Make sure that all lead instructors have risk management sheets completed before the season starts
- Grants/Fundraising
- Find and fill out all grant work with the help of a committee
- NRA/ RMEF/ Midway/ any others
- Help find donors for the current shooting season
- Find and fill out all grant work with the help of a committee
- Budget
- Sit in on the budget committee meeting to help plan the budget for the year
- Awards/Recognition
- Tournament Awards
- Make sure we have enough awards for tournament
- Hand out awards with other instructors at tournament
- Mail out awards that aren’t picked up
- Postal Awards
- Make sure we have enough awards
- Mail out awards after postal tournament is over
- Achievement Awards
- Top Awards for Jr and Sr. members in all disciplines
- Leader awards for 1st year, 5th year, 7th year, 10th year, etc. leaders
- Event Planning
- Project Days
- Help with any project day activities when needed
- Gun Show
- Assign someone to get the table & run the table at the show
- Make Helper sign-up sheet
- Tournament
- Work with the extension office to make sure registration, payments, statement is turned into the state office.
- Make sure we have all paperwork completed with event center
- Make sign-up sheet for workers to set up, during, and clean-up
- Make sure we have all necessary items for the tournament
- Run the tournament scoring and help out where needed
- Instructor Certification
- Remind Instructors of upcoming renewals
- Recruit new instructors for discipline
- Project Days
- Tournament Awards
Article V: Sub-Committees
- Standing Committees shall be:
- Change October to November in the following:
(Budget Committee chaired by the Treasurer, will prepare an annual report Committee budget to be presented to the Shooting Sports Leaders Committee in October and Cascade County 4-H Leaders Council meeting in November.
Article VI: Meetings
Change: Agent to President in the following:
(Notice of meetings shall be emailed by the Extension Agent to voting members at least one week prior.)
NRA Grant Request
- Crossman Challenger Air Rifle (2)
- Sebastion Neo Olympic Recurve Bow Kit (2)
- Crossman Challenger Sight Set (2)
- Orion Conventional Slowfire Tartgets (1)
- Orion Conventional Timed/Rapid Targets (1)
- Crossman 2300S CO2 Air Pistol (2)
- Waldner Razor Slim Electronic Muff (20)
- Shooting Glasses- 12 count (2)
- Champion Choice 12 50X50mm Spotting Scope (2)
- Champion Choice Tripod Scope Base (2)
- Giant 8” LED Digital Range Timer (1)
- LED Target Lights (12)
- Thank You Promotional Banner (1)
- Range Safety Officer Vest (3)
- Safety Vest (6)
- Orion 50 Ft Rifle Targets (1)
- Orion 10 m Air Rifle Targets (1)
- Orion 10 m Air Pistol Targets (1)
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President, Jody Cope.
Pledges were led by everyone.
Samaria K., Jody C., Mitsuru B., John G., Donna J., Jenn V., Jill S., Brad W., Pat V., Misty A.
John moved to approve the minutes as written. Mitsuru 2nd the motion.
Treasurer’s Report:
- $11,736.98 in bank, $10,728.72 on the Balance Sheet and $3454.62 in the Midway account
- Agent Report
- Jenn talked about the Big Picture of 4-H and what this picture of the Extension program looks like. She mentioned that Green Clover tickets are due into the office because they will be drawing next week. The new 4-H year started on October 1st. We need to make sure that the Code of Conduct waiver is filled out. Project days will be the 2nd from 9-12. On November 9th, they are looking at having a meet and greet for all 4-H members and volunteers. The office is asking that each committee has a representative at this project day to help answer questions.
- Fundraising – No Report
- Discipline Reports
- Pistol
- Registration will open October 7th
- October 24-December 12 (Thursday nights)
- No Practice on November 28
- 10 kids limit
- 4:30-6:00 p.m. at MRSA indoor range
- $20 registration fee
- Pistol
- Rifle
- Registration will open October 7th
- October 22-December 10 (Tuesday nights)
- 12 kids limit
- 5:00-6:30 p.m. at MRSA indoor range
- $20 registration fee
- Archery
- Registration will go out in November
- December 2- March 3
- Rifle
- Western Heritage
- Registration will start next week
- Blackhorse Range & Library
- $20 registration fee
- Western Heritage
- Hunting
- Registration will start next week
- Library
- $20 registration fee
- Hunting
- Shotgun
- Registration will go out in March
- April- May
- $20 registration fee
- Shotgun
Old Business
- Officer Elections
- Elections were held for president and secretary. John moved to nominate Joe for president. Jill 2nd Jody moved to nominate Samaria for president. Mitsuru 2nd motion. Jenn moved to nominate Pat for secretary. Jill 2nd the motion.
- President- Joe Leggett
- Secretary- Samaria Kirby
- Rule Book Changes
- John shared what he emailed to some of the participating members. His change stated Rule/Policy Record Book & Project Rule Requirements p. 5 should be amended from “Required Project Book” to “Optional Project Book”. He feels that this would engage more members to the shooting sports program.
- Rule Book Policy: ANNUAL REVIEW OF RULE BOOK & GUIDELINES Changes to this rule book must be brought forth to the CC4HSSLC by the meeting date in September of each year. Changes will be sent out and discussed at the September meeting date and voted on at the CC4HSSLC meeting in October.
- Jenn brought up what the state office and Scott Francis said. She would also like us to work on these books during practices.
- We held a discussion on project book requirements at the next meeting.
- Kessler Donation Allocation ($1250)
- This was tabled to be discussed at budget meeting.
- Bylaw Changes
- Nothing was turned in yet to the office.
- Great Falls Gun Show- September 27-29
- John stated that he cancelled the table at the show due to lack of member help signed up.
- He will cover the cost of the table ($60), even though the executive board voted to pay for the table.
- We will try again in April for the Spring gun show. He would like to show a shooting sports PowerPoint to hopefully bring in more instructors.
- Instructor Training
- December 6-7 in Kalispell (archery, rifle, pistol, hunting, shotgun)
- December 13-14 in Belgrade (archery, rifle, pistol)
- Record Book Completion Form
- Samaria moved to drop this until next year. Misty 2nd the motion. Voted and passed.
- Tournament Registration
- We discussed if we would like to use something other than Fair Entry for the registration for the tournament this year. We talked about using Z-Suite or Bowscore instead.
- Jenn mentioned that Scott like the sign up possibilities of Bowscore instead of Fair Entry.
- John moved to use Bowscore for the tournament registration. Jill 2nd the motion. Voted and passed.
- Travel Reimbursement
- Donna moved to change the form for all tournaments to be on one form. John 2nd the motion. Voted and passed.
- Jill moved to remove the $100 cap on the reimbursement. John 2nd the motion. Voted and passed.
- Grants
- Midway Cash Grant
- $174 to be used on a firearms discipline
- John said that he would fill out the NRA grant this year.
- Disciplines need to get him information on what they would like to have put into the grant.
- Midway Cash Grant
New Business
- Project Days
- One representative for the November 9th Meet and Greet
- We need to let Jenn know if they would like to do one throughout November to May
- 2024-2025 Enrollment begins October 1
- Achievement Night- October 27
- SSLC Meeting- November 7
- Leaders Council Meeting- November 12
- Foundation Meeting- November 19
John moved to adjourn the meeting, which was 2nd by Mitsuru.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President, Jody Cope.
Pledges were led by Mitsuru.
Samaria K., Coya W., Jody C., Mitsuru B., John G., Donna J., Jenn V.
Minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report:
- $12,215.37 in bank, $10,839.14 on the Balance Sheet and $3354.62 in the Midway account
- Agent Report
- Jenn introduced herself as the new 4-H agent. She will be out of the office on September 9th for training and September 13th for the State Horse Show. Achievement Night will be October 27th.
- Fundraising Committee
- No Report
- Discipline Reports
- Archery
- No report
- Archery
- Rifle
- No report
- Rifle
- Pistol
- No report
- Pistol
- Western Heritage
- No report
- Western Heritage
- Hunting
- No report
- Hunting
- Shotgun
- No report
- Shotgun
Old Business
- Midway Account
- We got a $174 cash grant.
- We placed the $100 donation from John on to the account.
- Foundation Facility Fee
- Samaria talk to Liz about the fee and because are fee didn’t increase that much from last year she was told that it probably would change anything. She will get all cost for building to Foundation for their budget review though.
- Kessler Donation Allocation ($1250)
- This was tabled to be discussed at budget meeting.
- Great Falls Gun Show- September 27-29
- Coya will not be at the gun show
- John was going to check to see if we could still get a table. Sign up sheet if we got table
- President & Secretary Nominations Open
- Coya was nominated in June. John made a motion to reaccept her nomination for president. Mitsuru 2nd the motion.
- Samaria made a motion to be Secretary for another term. Mitsuru 2nd the motion.
- Nominations are open until the October meeting
New Business
- 2024-2025 Year
- By-laws
- Coordinator should be added
- Rule Book changes
- Need to be turned into the office by September 20th
- Meeting Attendance
- We discussed if it would be a good thing to have a club meeting attendance added to our rule book. Nothing was decided at the meeting.
- Year Plans
- Air Pistol
- Thursday nights
- October 24-December 12
- 10 Kids
- No practice on Nov. 28
- 4:30-6:00
- $20 registration fee
- MRSA (no reply from Joe yet on this)
- Air Rifle
- Tuesday nights
- October 22-December 10
- 12 kids/ session
- BB gun 5:00-5:30
- Rifle 5:30-6:30
- $20 registration fee
- MRSA (no reply from Joe yet on this)
- Archery
- December 2-March 3
- Shotgun
- April
- Western Heritage
- October 20
- Hunting
- October 23
- Office Cleanout
- Need to come to the office and look at anything from shooting sports and see if we need to keep it
- Coya said that she would come in next week
- Instructor Training
- Jody is going to get certified in both Archery & Hunting
- Misty is going to get certified in Archery
- Record Book Changes
- Make sure that it get out to kids multi-months ahead
- Change form—bring to October meeting
- Bowscore
- Tabled
- Reimbusements
- Tabled
- Grants
- Look at getting idesas for NRA and RMEF
- Air Pistol
- By-laws
- 2024-2025 Enrollment begins October 1
- Leaders Council Meeting- September 17th
- Foundation Meeting- September 17th
- SSLC Meeting – October 3rd
Mitsuru moved to adjourn the meeting, which was 2nd by Donna.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President, Jody Cope.
Pledges were led by everyone.
Samaria K., Coya W., Jody C., Mitsuru B., Jen P., Misty A., John G., Donna J., Misty A.
Minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report:
- $11,458.39 in bank, $10,937.24 on the Balance Sheet and $3463.36 in the Midway account
- Agent Report
- Jody reported for Rose. They interviewed one applicant for the 4-H agent position and offered her the job. She will start in July.
- Fundraising Committee
- No Report
- Discipline Reports
- Archery
- No report
- Archery
- Rifle
- No report
- Rifle
- Pistol
- No report
- Pistol
- Western Heritage
- 4 kids shooting
- Will practice every Sunday through June
- Western Heritage
- Hunting
- Due to instructor injury we will postpone the hike until July
- Hunting
- Shotgun
- Last practice was May 20th
- We had a great 6 weeks
- Shotgun
Old Business
- Midway Account
- Donation taken care of and working on paperwork for the cash grant
- Foundation Facility Fee
- Samaria is in contact with Liz about getting the whole amount of $1083.75 paid from Foundation instead of just the $240.
New Business
- Kessler Donation Allocation
- Shooting sports got a $1500 donation from the Kessler family
- Need to decide what we would like to use this donation for
- Coya would like for a thank you card to be present at practices next fall for member to sign for the family
- Upcoming 2024-2025 Events
- By Law changes/amendments
- Rule book changes/amendments
- President and Secretary Nominations are open
- Coya nominated herself for President and John 2nd the nomination
- Great Falls Gun Show- September 27-29
- Coya would like to have an interactive display at the show
- Table cloth and office information
- John will be there to help for the 3 days
- Shooting Sports Record books
- All Non-animal journals and Project books or skills sheets are due to the office for review by July 9th
- Shooting Sports Record book Instructor Review
- Coya, John G., and Samaria agreed on reviewing shooting sports records on July 18 at 1 p.m.
- SSLC Meeting – September 5
- Leaders Council Meeting- July 9th
- Camp- June 9th-12th
Jody moved to adjourn the meeting, which was 2nd by John and Donna.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President, Coya Williams.
Pledges were led by Jen and Misty.
Rose M., Samaria K., Coya W., Jody C., Mitsuru B., Jen P., Misty A., John G.
Minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report:
- $11,242.76 in bank, $10,972.66 on the Balance Sheet and $3463.36 in the Midway account
- Agent Report
- Rose let us know that there was a $5,000 donation to the 4-H program. The extension office will be closed May 6 and 27th.
- Fundraising Committee
- No Report
- Discipline Reports
- Rifle
- No report
- Rifle
- Pistol
- No report
- Pistol
- Western Heritage
- 4 kids shooting
- Will practice 2 in May and all through June
- Western Heritage
- Archery
- 1 person going to Qualifiers in May
- Archery
- Hunting
- We are planning a hike in June
- Get COI in advance
- Hunting
- Shotgun
- 19 kids shooting
- 2 weeks left
- Shotgun
Old Business
- Midway Account
- Still waiting for a reply back on how to get cash grant
- Invoice for SS Tournament
- Paid in April
- Foundation Facility Fee
- $240 fee paid to committee
- Camp
- Logan Nation is in charge of getting Western Heritage to camp
New Business
- None
- SSLC Meeting – June 6
- Archery Qualifier- May 5
- Leaders Council Meeting- May 14
- Camp Registration- May 15
- Camp- June 9th-12th
John moved to adjourn the meeting, which was 2nd by Jody.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President, Coya Williams.
Pledges were led by Jen and Mistry.
Rose M., Samaria K., Coya W., Jody C., Mitsuru B., Donna J., Jen P., Misty A.
Minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report:
- $13,499.86 in bank, $11,930.38 on the Balance Sheet and $3302.87 in the Midway account
- Agent Report
- Rose let us know that there are 3 people interested in the 4-H agent position. There are 311 members and 70 leaders enrolled in 4-H. The office will be closed from noon to 1 each day due to short staff issues. No May project day and the Green Clover baskets are due by June 30th.
- Fundraising Committee
- Two people still haven’t picked up their claim tickets for their rifles
- Discipline Reports
- Rifle
- No report
- Pistol
- No report
- Western Heritage
- Met at the end of March
- Archery
- 1 person going to Qualifiers in April & May
- Hunting
- Met at the end of March
- Shotgun
- Start April 8 from 6-7 p.m.
Old Business
- Midway Account
- Sent in new list of Instructors
- Finding out how to get cash grant and donation
New Business
- Invoice for SS Tournament
- Expo park charged $1083.75- check was written
- Foundation Facility Fee
- Jody will email Liz to see what the process is for the $240 fee
- President & Secretary Positions
- Up for election in October
- Samaria has one more term that she can run for
- Camp
- They decided to do Western Heritage this year with Scott Francis on June 10
- Project Day- April 13
- SSLC Meeting – May 2
- Archery Prequalifier- April 7
- Archery Qualifier- May 5
Jody moved to adjourn the meeting, which was 2nd by Misty.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President, Coya Williams.
Pledges were led by Donna and Katrin.
Katrin F., Samaria K., Coya W., Jody C., Mitsuru B., Donna J.,
Minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report:
- $12,108.33 in bank, $14,587.60 on the Balance Sheet and $3302.87 in the Midway account
- Agent Report
- Katrin let us know that she would be our contact person at the office. Katrin and Rose will both be gone on March 14th & 20th. The application process is open for a new 4-H agent.
- Fundraising Committee
- Send out email to remind those who haven’t turned in their tickets yet.
- Drawing will be on March 15th.
- Discipline Reports
- Rifle
- 1 went to state in .22 rifle
- Rifle
- Pistol
- 1 went to state in air pistol and 2 went to state in .22 pistol
- Pistol
- Western Heritage
- Will meet in March
- Western Heritage
- Archery
- We had 8 kids go to state
- Archery
- Hunting
- Will meet in March
- Hunting
- Shotgun
- Start April 8 from 6-7 p.m.
- Registration to go out in March
- Shotgun
Old Business
- Live Tournament Discussion
- Vests for volunteers
- Walkie/Talkies
- Timer for air gun
- Lighting for air gun
- Sign in divided by discipline
- Sign-up sheets for tournament
- QR code for results
- Internet in building went well
- Awards- need to order again for next year
- Stablize barriers for air gun
- Chalk line for target heights (buy)
- Train others on scoring system
New Business
- Reimbusement for trailer hitch
- Coya bought a new trailer hitch for $62.99
- Donna moved to reimburse Coya $62.99 for the trailer hitch. Jody 2nd the motion. Voted and passed.
- Facebook Page
- Katrin will be taking care of recreating the Shooting Sports page under MSU-Extension
- Agent approved posts only
- Will pull a list from the old page for name invists
- Gun Show- Spring
- Coya will be gone April 26-28 so we will not be doing the spring show
- We will revisit in June for the September show
- Project Day- March 9
- Leaders Council meeting- March 12
- SSLC Meeting – April 4
Jody moved to adjourn the meeting, which was 2nd by Donna.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President, Jody Cope.
Pledges were led by Samaria.
Allyssa P., Samaria K., Coya W., Misty A., Jody C., Donna J., Isis B., Conn M., John G., Mary K.
Misty moved to approve the minutes as read. Mary 2nd the motion.
Treasurer’s Report:
- $8,495.33 in bank, $10,035.06 on the Balance Sheet and $302.87 in the Midway account
- Agent Report
- Allyssa let us know that her last day of working in Cascade County Extension is February 6th. She also said the office will be closed on February 19. Katrin will be helping with the Shooting Sports program until a new agent is hired. Rose is on call for our tournament and Jody will be the office representative at the tournament. She also let us know that we are waiting on Facebook to get back to the office on what is going to happen the 4-H Facebook pages due to the fact that the SS gun raffle has gotten them taken down.
- Fundraising Committee
- Tickets are on sale.
- Email went out to all shooting sports families about selling the tickets.
- $5559.90 is the cost of the guns
- $4440.10 will be our profit
- Discipline Reports
- Rifle
- Air Rifle
- We had 2 kids go to Helena on January 6th
- We have 1 kid that is looking at going to state.
- Air Rifle
- Rifle
- .22 Rifle
- We have 6 kids signed up for the project.
- We are working on all 3 positions with the kids.
- We have 1 that will be going to State.
- .22 Rifle
- Pistol
- Air Pistol
- We had 3 kids go to Helena on January 6th
- 2 of those kids placed in the top 5
- Air Pistol
- Pistol
- .22 Pistol
- We have 5 kids signed up for the project
- 3 of the 5 are already standing
- At least 2 of them are looking at going to state
- .22 Pistol
- Western Heritage
- Email went out to the parents about getting a date set for practices.
- Still working on getting guns for the project
- Western Heritage
- Archery
- We had 8 kids go to Helena on January 6th with 4 of them placing
- We had 7 kids go to Shelby on January 28th with 5 of them placing
- We had 1 go to Kalispell on January 27th and placed in Hunting.
- We have 2 going to Red Lodge on February 3rd.
- It’s going great
- We are getting ready for our tournament.
- We are good with the light that was broken during practice at the church.
- Archery
- Hunting
- Email went out to the parents about getting a date set for practices.
- We had one member get high point at the Kalispell tournament.
- Hunting
- Shotgun
- April start date
- Shotgun
Old Business
- Live Tournament
- Awards have been picked up by Jeremy.
- Registration closes on February 9, 2024
- No contract yet
- We will have pipe/tables/chairs/wifi for the tournament
- We can set up on Friday afternoon starting at about 3 p.m.
- We need to be cleaned up on Saturday by 9 p.m.
- We will have a spot at the registration table for kids to sell raffle tickets at.
New Business
- Leaders Council Meeting Recap
- Samaria let everyone know that Leaders Council has asked her to go look to see if
there are any grants that we can apply for
- John and Conn suggested talking to the following organizations:
- Pheasants Unlimited
- Safari Club
- Ducks Unlimited
- Turkey Club
- Farmers Union
- Samaria needs to report back to Leaders Council in March on our findings and they would be willing to help buys 2 smaller priced shotguns
- John and Conn suggested talking to the following organizations:
- Midway Account
- Samaria let everyone know that we need to donate a minimum of $100 per year to the account and remove our annual cash grant each year to be able to keep our account active and not lose that money.
- John G. said that he would donate the $100 to the account for us.
- Samaria is going to check with Jeremy to see how the donation works and how to get the Cash grant.
- Samaria will report back to the committee in March with an update
- Samaria let everyone know that Leaders Council has asked her to go look to see if
there are any grants that we can apply for
- Project Day- February 10
- Live Tournament- February 17
- MSU Extension Office Closed – February 19
- SSLC Meeting – March 7
Isis moved to adjourn the meeting, which was 2nd by Conn.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Secretary, Samaria Kirby.
Pledges were led by Samaria.
Allyssa P., Samaria K., Coya W., Misty A., Jody C., Donna J., Jen P., Isis B.
Donna moved to approve the minutes as read. Misty 2nd the motion.
Treasurer’s Report:
- $7, 663.31 in bank, $7,944.11 on the Balance Sheet and $3111.37 in Midway account
- Agent Report
- Allyssa let us know the office will be closed on January 15. There will be spring instructor trainings. She sent the tournaments out.
- Fundraising Committee
- Coya, Jody, and Samaria talked about the ideas that they had for fundraising.
- It was decided that we would do a 10-gun raffle through Scheels again.
- Jen moved to sell 500 tickets for $20 each for the 10-gun raffle to go towards shotguns, cases, and Western Heritage and to be drawn on March 15th. Donna 2nd the motion. Motion passed with a vote.
- We decided that we will draw 3 names from the members who sell tickets for 3 $25 gift cards from either Scheels or North 40. The member will get their name in the drawn for each book of tickets that they sell.
- Samaria will work with Scheels to get the raffle set up.
- Coya will work on the raffle tickets.
- Sponsorship Committee
- None
- Discipline Reports
- Rifle
- Air Rifle
- We have 2 kids going to Helena on January 6th
- .22 Rifle
- We have 6 kids signed up for the project.
- Pistol
- Air Pistol
- We have 3 kids going to Helena on January 6th
- .22 Pistol
- We have 5 kids signed up for the project
- Western Heritage
- Samaria will get ahold of parents
- Archery
- We have 57 kids shooting during 3 sessions
- We have 6 kids going to Helena on January 6th
- It’s going great
- Hunting
- Samaria will get ahold of parents
- Shotgun
- April start date
Old Business
- Live Tournament
- Registration went out on January 1st
- It is on Fair Entry
- We need to order more awards for the tournament.
- Samaria will talk to Jeremy about ordering 25 gold; 15 silver; 10 bronze.
New Business
- None
- Leaders Council Meeting- January 9
- Project Day- January 13
- MSU Extension Office Closed – January 15
- SSLC Meeting – February 1
Misty moved to adjourn the meeting, which was 2nd by Donna.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President, Coya Williams.
Pledges were led by Jen and Donna.
Allyssa P., Samaria K., Coya W., Misty A., Andrew K., Mary K., Jody C., Donna J., Jen P.
Minutes and Correspondence
Donna moved to approve the minutes as read. Misty 2nd the motion.
Treasurer’s Report
- $7, 036.84 in bank and $3,111.37 in Midway account
- Agent Report
- Allyssa let us know that there are 7 in Hunting, 2 in Western Hertiage, 16 in Shotgun, 6 in .22 Rifle, and 8 in .22 Pistol. She also told us that John Ganon got certified in Pistol. Karcie would like to get certified in Pistol and Shotgun and Emery would like to get certified in Archery. Samaria is going to the Advanced Archery training, while Josh L. goes to the Advanced Rifle. The office will be closed December 25th and January 1st. Allyssa will be gone December 22nd-January 1st.
- Fundraising Committee
- None
- Sponsorship Committee
- None
- Discipline Reports (A, R, P, SG, WH, H)
- Rifle
- Air Rifle
- We have 11 kids shooting
- 7 in air and 4 in BB
- 1 practice left
- 2 kids would like to go to tournaments
- .22 Rifle
- January 9-February 27
- 5:30-7:00
- $20 registration fee
- 12 kids limit
- Air Rifle
- Pistol
- Air Pistol
- We have 7 kids shooting
- One practice left
- 3 kids looking at going to tournaments
- .22 Pistol
- January 11-February 29
- 4:30-6:00
- $20 registration fee
- 10 kid limit
- Air Pistol
- Western Heritage
- Samaria will get ahold of parents
- Archery
- December 4th start
- 55 kids signed up so far
- 3 sessions
- Hunting
- Samaria will get ahold of parents
- Shotgun
- April start date
- Talk to Jeremy about purchasing another shotgun
- Rifle
Unfinished Business
- Live Tournament
- January 20, 2024 at Expo Park
- $15 entry fee
- We will do Air Pistol (8:30-11:30), Air Rifle (12:00-4:30) with only prone and 3P. Archery times will stay the same.
- Registration will go out in January on Fair Entry
New Business
- Fundraising Committee
- We called for a committee to meet to discuss ways to be able to purchase more shotguns for the upcoming season.
- Jody, Coya, and Samaria will be on the committee
- Project Day - December 9
- MSU Extension Office Closed - December 25
- MSU Extension Office Closed - January 1
- SSLC Meeting - January 4
Jody moved to adjourn the meeting, which was 2nd by Donna.