Ambassador Application
Printable Version of Ambassador Application (Word)
A 4-H Ambassador is an official envoy, an authorized representative of the Montana
State 4-H Program. A 4-H
Ambassador is a self-motivated enthusiastic leader who promotes 4-H using skill, knowledge
and leadership abilities acquired in 4-H with 4-H members, area residents, community
leaders, elected officials and non-4-H youth. A 4-H Ambassador serves to strengthen
the 4-H program through public relations. Being an Ambassador is an honor and a privilege.
Being chosen as an Ambassador entails the acceptance of “great” responsibility and
total commitment to the Montana State 4-H Ambassador program.
Ambassador Qualifications
- Must be 14 years of age by October of the current 4-H year.
- Must be enrolled in 4-H for at least 2 years, must currently be enrolled in 4-H and be a member in good standing.
- Must be or have been a Junior Leader or Club Officer.
- Must submit an application and be interviewed.
- Must be enthusiastic about 4-H as demonstrated by participation, leadership, example & similar experiences.
- Must have the time available to fulfill the role of an Ambassador.
- Must be responsible.
- Must be willing to attend Ambassador Meetings and trainings, these include Fall Training and Congress.
- Must be willing to serve in Ambassador Roles when asked.
- Must be in good standing in school.
- Must have parent and/or guardian support.
- Must have County Agent staff support.
- Must be capable and willing to get out of school on a limited basis for special programs.
- Must be willing to serve out the Ambassador term which is from one 4-H Congress to the next the following year.
Ambassadors Duties
- Represent 4-H in public relations role
- Promote 4-H with potential members, parents and the general public
- Help conduct 4-H events
- Organize 4-H promotional activities
- Develop personal leadership skills and self-confidence
- Serve as the 4-H representative to other organizations
- Recruit new members
- Encourage financial support for 4-H
- Work directly with county, district and state 4-H leaders
- May be discharged at any time if their behavior is not becoming of Ambassador ideals (any dismissal will be approved by the 4-H Executive Council)
Fallon County Extension
MAIL: P.O. Box 850; Baker MT, 59313
FAX: (406) 778-3431
Montana State University Extension is an ADA/EO/AA/Veteran’s Preference Employer and
Provider of Educational Outreach. Revised: 7/2017
What do you believe to be the three most important characteristics of a good leader? What do you think are the
most important characteristics for a County Ambassador to possess?
Why are you interested in serving as a County 4-H Ambassador?
What is something that you want to accomplish as a County 4-H Ambassador?
Major 4-H projects and activities (only include those which you feel competent in
conducting workshop and giving
instruction to others. Include the specific skill you could teach in each project
or activity.)
I understand the expectation and responsibilities of an ambassador.
Application Signature
I have reviewed this application and support my child’s discussion to become an Ambassador.
Parent/Guardian Signature of approval