Printable Version of Year End Financial Summary Report (Word)

Year End Financial Summary Report

4-H Clubs, Committees and Councils need to complete and return this report to the County Extension Office at the end of the 4-H year for the year just completed. The 4-H fiscal year is from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30

Name of 4-H Group/Club                                                                                                                               4-H Year


Treasurer's Name                                                                                                                                           County

Leader Name                                                                                                                                                   EIN


Checking Account*

Starting Balance (October 1) Total Income/Deposit (+) Total Expense/Withdrawal (-)

Ending Balance (September 30)

Total Checking & Savings                  


Savings Account** if applicable

Starting Balance (October 1) Total Income/Deposit (+) Total Expense/Withdrawal (-)

Ending Balance (September 30)


1% Assessment Fee for 4-H groups that are under the Montana 4-H Foundation GEN                   

Bank Account is at                                                                                    Name of Bank


Bank Account is at                                                                                    Name of Bank


the check book is in the possession of

Cash on Hand: $


Signatories on the Account are:      

Cash is in the possession of

I certify that the above balances are a correct summary of receipts and expenses of the club, committee or council that I am treasurer of:

Treasurer's Signature                                                    Date


* Add the totals of all checking accounts under the EIN together for this section. **This section includes savings accounts, CD's or other investments under the EIN


Yearly Financial Review Certificate


We the Financial Review Committee, are from different families and are not signatories on the accounts for this club, committee or council. We certify that we have reviewed the Treasurer's book and bank accounts of the above group and found them to be correct to the best of our knowledge.









Date the 990 for this EIN was filed for the above 4-H year? (attach a copy of the confirmation from IRS)


revised 8/12


The Montana State University Extension Service is an ADA/EO/AA/Veteran’s Preference Employer and Provider of Educational Outreach.