Printable Version of Fallon County 4-H Policy (PDF)
4-H Policy & Procedures
Revised 2024
This handbook expresses the polices for the organization and administration of the Fallon County 4-H Program. In Addition to these polices, Fallon County 4-H Program will also abide by the Montana 4-H Program Policy and Procedures outline in the MSU Extension Montana 4-H Program Policies and Procedures Publication. County Policies may be more restrictive than the state polices, but not less restrictive than the state polices.
ARTICLE I: The name of this organization shall be the Fallon County 4-H Council.
ARTICLE II: The object of this organization shall be to promote 4-H work in Fallon County through:
- Meetings of the Council for the purpose of discussing the matters of the 4-H program in the county and outlining a program of work that will assist in stimulating greater interest in and raising the standards of 4-H work.
- Cooperation with the Fallon County Extension Office and other agencies interested in assisting in the development of the 4-H program.
- Informing 4-H leaders and members in the 4-H Program to more effectively serve Fallon County.
ARTICLE III: All Fallon County 4-H members and leaders are welcome at Council meetings. Voting membership of the Council shall consist of two members and two leaders from each club. Voting membership will designate themselves on the roll call sheet at the beginning of the meeting. Leaders at large will be recognized as one club and have two votes on the Council.
- OFFICERS: The officers of this organization shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Senior Ambassador.
- ELIGIBILITY: All registered 4-H leaders shall be eligible to hold office. All Council officers are required to attend three of the four scheduled Council meetings. If an officer is unable to fulfill their duties, they will be replaced.
- TERMS: The term of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be two years and elections will be staggered. President and Secretary will be elected on even numbered years. Vice-president and Treasurer will be elected on odd numbered years. All offices in the 4-H Council shall be of one term, which consists of two years served. All offices shall have a limit of three consecutive terms. If an interim is needed, it does not count towards the three consecutive terms. The Senior Ambassador shall be elected by the Ambassador Team each year.
- ELECTIONS: A nominating committee composed of two members shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. One member of this committee will be from the Executive Committee. Any nominations should be turned into the Extension Office. Elections shall be held at the annual October meeting. Voting shall be by ballot if more than one nominee per office.
- PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at all meetings, appoint committees, and perform such other duties as deemed necessary.
- VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President shall act for the President whenever the latter is unable to attend to their duties. They will also assist the President and the County Extension Staff in making and carrying out detailed plans for the meetings of the Council. The Vice-President may act as chairman of the program committee.
- SECRETARY: The Secretary shall record minutes of the Council meetings and Executive Council meetings, take roll by club, and make reports as required. The secretary will be responsible to submitting Council meeting minutes to the Extension Office one week after the Council meets. Minutes will be printed in the 4-H newsletter prior to the next meeting. The secretary will give attend to any correspondence that Council may require that is not already handled by the Extension Office.
- TREASURER: The Treasurer shall record all income and expenditures. The Treasurer will be responsible for composing a budget annually, completing quarterly reports for council meetings, distributing authorized checks for expenses that the 4-H Council incurs. The out-going Treasurer may be requested to assist the new Treasurer from October to January in the transition of duties.
- SENIOR AMBASSADOR: The Senior Ambassadors are 4-H members 14years and up. They shall assist the Executive Council and Officers as needed and provide leadership and a voice for the youth members. They shall promote 4-H at all times and help conduct meetings and County Events.
- JUNIOR AMBASSADORS: The Junior Ambassadors will be 4-H members 12 years old by October 1st. They will assist the Senior Ambassadors and Extension office as needed. They shall promote 4-H at all times.
- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The executive committee shall be composed of five council members which shall include the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Senior Ambassador. This committee shall have supervision over matters of general interest to the organization, shall act as a planning committee in the preparation of the yearly program of work and may appoint all standing committees. They may meet to attend council business between regular meetings of the council.
- COUNTY COMMITTEES: A representative from each 4-H club shall take part in each of the County Committees. Committee lists will be made at the annual October meeting of the 4-H Council. The County Committees are: Food Booth, Livestock, Fruit Sale, Fair book Revisions, Policy and Procedures, Fair Awards, Scholarship, Congress Selection and Special Awards.
- SPECIAL COMMITTEE-The President may appoint special committees from time to time to facilitate the working of the Fallon County 4-H Council.
- All registered 4-H members and leaders may be appointed to committees.
- The County Extension Staff and Council President are ex-officio members of all committees.
- Each committee is responsible for public relations.
- Committees shall present written reports at the Council meetings.
- CLUB HOSTING COUNTY EVENTS: 4-H Foods Festival, All-Events Day (Fashion Revue/Quilt Show, Communications), Small Projects Judging, Livestock Judging, Horse Judging, Weed Pull/Range Contest and Horse Play Day. These committees shall make arrangements for the judging event and assist in obtaining judges if necessary.
- ACHIEVEMENT NIGHT-The Fallon County 4-H Clubs will take turns in rotation to host Achievement Night which will be held in the fall.
- MEETINGS: There shall be four regular meetings of the 4-H Council each year. They will be held in October, January, April, and July. Day and time will be decided at the annual meeting in October. Council meetings will not last over 2 hours and committee reports will be written and presented. If meeting is not complete in this time period, another meeting will be held within two weeks.
- QUORUM: A quorum will consist of one representative from sixty percent of the clubs in the council.
- PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY: The Council shall be governed by “Roberts’ Rules of Order.”
ARTICLE VIII: AMENDMENTS-This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the council provided the amendment has been submitted and read at a previous Council meeting and passed by a majority vote of Council members present.
ARTICLE IX: MEMBER REIMBURSEMENT-Members will receive reimbursements after applying and being accepted. (Form: Reimbursement from 4-H Council)
ARTICLE X: PROPERTY-All Council property is to be used for only 4-H related activities and will be managed by the Executive Council and the Fallon County Extension Office.
ARTICLE XI: This Constitution will be posted on the Fallon County Extension webpage and should be reviewed by the membership prior to the annual October meeting and approved each year. http://www.msuextension.org/fallon/4h.html
ARTICLE XII: COMPENSATION & CONFLICT OF INTEREST: All persons associated with this chartered group are volunteers. No adult or youth will use their position with 4-H or the knowledge gained from their position in 4-H for personal financial benefit.
ARTICLE XIII: WHISTLE BLOWERS’ PROTECTION: To maintain the highest standards of conduct and ethics, the Fallon County 4-H Council and 4-H Program will investigate any suspected fraudulent or dishonest use or misuse of resources. Any allegations of dishonesty will be handled with sensitivity, discretion and confidentiality to the extent allowed for by law. The 4-H organization will use its best efforts to protect whistleblowers against retaliation.
ARTICLE XIV: DOCUMENT RETENTION & DESTRUCTION- The following procedures for the retention and destruction of Records will be followed.
Charter permanent
By-Laws permanent
EIN Paperwork permanent
990 tax returns 7 years
Annual and Audits 7 years
Bank Records 3 years
Donor Records and Acknowledgement Letters 3 years
Grant paperwork 3 years after completion
Minutes 3 years
Correspondence 3 years
Yearly Program Plans 3 years
Copies of all permanent records will be kept on file at the Fallon County Extension Office. The Extension Office in collaboration with the organizational leaders are the designated persons to identify the records that have met their required retention time and will oversee the destruction. All destruction will be by shredding.
ARTICLE XV: Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
ARTICLE XVI: No part of the net earnings of the organization shall incur to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
ARTICLE XVII: Upon the dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
- 4-H YEAR: The 4-H year will run from October 1 to September 30.
- AGE REQUIREMENT: Youth who turn 5 years of age by October 1 may join 4-H Cloverbuds. When youth turn 8 years of age by October 1, they may join a regular 4-H club. If youth turn 19 years of age prior to the beginning of the program year (October 1), they are ineligible to re-enroll in 4-H unless they are still in high school (Montana 4-H Policy and Procedures, 2016).
- 4-H ENROLLMENT: Returningmembers must re-enroll in 4-H before December 1 of the current 4-H year or revert back to first year status (April 2017). New members have until June 1 to enroll in 4-H for the current 4-H year (Oct. 14, 1997). June 1st is the last day members can add or drop projects.
- 4-H MEMBERSHIP DUES: Each registered 4-H member will owe the Fallon County Extension Office a $5.00 due to help cover project materials for the 4-H year (October 23, 2002). Membership dues are the responsibility of each club. They are to list names of members; fees paid and have the money sent to the Extension Office by December 1 (2017).
- 4-H CLOVERBUDS: Cloverbuds is the only project in which youth ages 5-7 can be enrolled in. Cloverbuds will run from January through May. Montana 4-H Policy does not allow Cloverbuds to participate in any 4-H fundraisers and Cloverbuds may only take indoor exhibit to the Fair.
- COMPLETION OF A 4-H YEAR: to receive completion of a 4-H year members must:
- Complete 50% of the projects they are enrolled in.
- Submit record books by the 2nd Wednesday in September to be considered for Project Awards. The last date to turn record books in for credit is October 1st.
- All criteria for completing a record book must be complete.
- Have record books up to date by August 10th of the current 4-H Year and will be reviewed at the Club level.
- Goals should be completed.
- A majority of project activities should be completed.
- Feed records (animal projects) should be complete to August.
- Income and expenses should be up to date.
- Participate in one County Event.
- Do a demonstration at a club or County Level.
- Attend 80% of club’s meetings during the current 4-H Year.
- Have record books up to date by August 10th of the current 4-H Year and will be reviewed at the Club level.
- 4-H MEMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: All members must participate in all 4-H Council fundraisers to be eligible for any
financial assistance from the 4-H Council for any 4-H funded trips. (October 17, 2001). Members must also:
- Complete 4-H year requirement
- Complete requirements for Exhibiting at the Fallon County Fair
- Be a member in good standing.
- Participate in all 4-H Council Fundraisers
- Sell at least 5 boxes of Fruit (2017)
- Work scheduled hours in the 4-H Food Booth at the Fair
- Enroll in 4-H & 4-H Project(s) & complete records for at least 50% of the projects enrolled in.
- Record Books must be submitted to the Extension Office by the 2nd Wednesday in September. Leaders are encouraged to read all records book before they
are turned into the Extension Office.
- Record may be handwritten or typed.
- No credit for the 4-H Year for records book handed in after Oct. 1.
- Youth enrolled in a Livestock Project must complete their record book to be eligible to sell an animal at the following years fair.
- “My 4-H Year” Record (green sheet)
- List at least 3 goals for the 4-H Year. These should be non-project goals.
- Examples: leadership, citizenship, community service, othe
- Member and Leader Signature where required.
- Complete all sections in the “My 4-H Year” form with no obvious omissions. Enter “none” for sections of the “My 4-H Year” form for which you have no entries.
- List at least 3 goals for the 4-H Year. These should be non-project goals.
- Complete “Summary of 4-H Year.”
- Include photos, certificates, project manuals and anything else you wish.
- “My Animal Project” (purple) & “My Non-Animal Project” (blue)
- Include project sheets for ALL project currently enrolled in.
- If you were unable to complete a project, include an explanation why the project was not completed.
- List at least 3 goals for each project.
- Include all major events related to your project (activities, what you did, what you made, what you accomplished).
- Include Project Manual if completed activities in it.
- Level 1: 7 activities each year are required from the project manual and project manuals are required to be turned in. A Leader or parent MUST date and initial the activities as you complete them. A total of 21 completed activities from the Level 1 manual are required in 3 years or less to complete Level 1.
- Level 2 & above: 5 Activities are required. If activities are not from project manual, they will need to be approved by the Extension Office. (October 2021)
- Include new things learned or gained from your project. (MUST fill in activity page of record sheets)
- Complete all sections of the form, entering “N/A” (not applicable) for portions of the records that do not apply to your type of project.
- Include project sheets for ALL project currently enrolled in.
- Record Books must be turned in by the date set by the 4-H Council.
- Based on Project work alone. Meet and exceed the requirements for completing a project.
- Identify goals for the project area. Provide documentation of how they were achieved.
- Complete activities related to project area. Demonstrate what was learned or gained from experience.
- Record Books must be turned in by the date set by the 4-H Council.
- Record Books that are returned to youth to complete are not eligible for Gold Seal.
- Identify & achieve goals for the 4-H Year. Provide documentation of these goals & how they were achieved.
- Journals should reflect that learning occurred with each project.
- Journal should be neat and legible.
MEMBER AWARDS: Council will give a 7 year and 10-year gift to eligible members.
- The most outstanding Junior and Senior exhibit in 4-H project areas at the fair will be awarded a Grand Champion or Reserve Champion if the judge deems it is worthy (July 7, 1983).
- There is no mandatory number of exhibits in a class in order to present a trophy.
- Premium money will be given out on the Sunday of the fair (Jan. 22, 1997).
- Round Robin awards will be the following: Grand will be worth $110 and Reserve worth $90 (April 2012).
- Herdsman’s Awards: Herdsman awards will be given for Swine, Sheep, Goats, Dairy, Cattle, Poultry, Rabbit, Horse and Camelid. Grand Awards will be worth $25, and Reserve Awards will be worth $15.
ACHIEVEMENT (Awards) NIGHT: The date for Achievement Day will be in the fall (April 2017).
COUNTY EVENT AWARDS: Participants in County Events to receive a blue, red, or white ribbon and a certificate to put into a journal or scrapbook to save (July 21, 1999).
- All 4-H projects will be eligible for completion discs.
- Fallon County 4-H Council will pay for all discs and disc plates awarded to all eligible 4-H members. (This will include the name plate and engraving) Senior members will receive certificates in place of the project completion disc. (April 2016)
- All metal extensions to the disc plates are the responsibility of the members to purchase from the Extension Office.
- Project completion will be determined by a committee consisting of two leader representatives from each club based on a completed Project Completion Form and the completion of Project records. This committee will meet at 5:30 pm the second Wednesday in September.
- See Criteria for Completing a Record Book for detailed information. (Page 6)
- Journal Completion will be determined by a committee consisting of two leader representatives from each club. This committee will meet 5:30 pm the second Wednesday in September. This Committee will also determine recipients of any additional journal awards including Most Outstanding Journal Award.
- Members not wishing to have their journals reviewed for county or project awards, must contact the Extension Office prior to 5:00 pm on the second Wednesday in September.
- Pins will be awarded for Project Awards instead of discs and the 4-H Council will pay for them.
- Pins will be awarded in project areas not for individual projects. An example is a Shooting Sports pin instead of one each for rifle, archery, hunting etc. Another example is a Horse pin instead of one each for horsemanship, green horse, horse training etc.
- Youth have the option to complete an awards application, interview or have their journals reviewed for project awards (Nov 2012).
Special Awards will be determined by a committee consisting of two leader representatives from each club. This committee will meet 5:30 pm the second Wednesday in September.
- Special awards will include the following non-project area award pins: Achievement, Agriculture, Citizenship, Family & Consumer Science and Leadership.
- Recipients of these special awards must be nominated by one of the leader members of the Awards Committee but not a leader in the member’s club. These awards cannot be applied for.
Definitions of Special Awards:
- Achievement: Complete projects with a good understanding of success in the overall 4-H program. Members should have completed goals beyond the basic minimum requirements. Member promotes 4-H and exhibits good communication skills using a variety of media and/or ways in 4-H and in other activities.
- Agriculture: Members complete projects in agriculture area gaining a good understanding of success as well as failure in agriculture. Members demonstrate a wise management of the overall environmental ecosystem.
- Citizenship: Members demonstrate being not only a good citizen but a role model and shows good conduct both in 4-H and in other activities. Member must be a positive role model at all times. Member demonstrates leadership in and out of 4-H Activities. Member shares knowledge and skills in a positive manner with youth and adults.
- Communications: Member promotes 4-H and exhibits good communication skills using a variety of media/ways in 4-H and in other activities.
- Family and Consumer Science: Members complete projects that have proven to enhance the atmosphere of the home.
- Leadership:Member demonstrates leadership in and out of 4-H Activities. Member shares knowledge and skills in a positive manner with youth and adults
- By submitting one scholarship application, you will be considered for Fallon County 4-H Scholarship given in memory of Karen Losing and Fallon County 4-H Scholarship given in memory of John Reetz
- Scholarships are available to present and past 4-H members (two $200 scholarship given in memory of John Reetz and two $200 scholarships given in memory of Karen Losing).
- The 4-H Council will allow the scholarship committee the discretion to change award amounts based on merits of application, not to exceed $800.00 total. At least two scholarships will be given, one in memory of John Reetz and one given in memory of Karen Losing.
- Requirements:
- A present or former member of a Fallon County 4-H Club and presently a Fallon County Senior in high school.
- No limitations of major course of study.
- May attend any accredited school of higher learning in any state.
- Minimum GPA of 2.5 upon completion of high school is necessary.
- Winners of scholarships must show proof of a minimum GPA of 2.5 from the first semester of continuing education. Scholarships must be claimed by June 1 of the year following the awarding of the scholarship.
Deadline: Completed application must be in the Fallon/Carter Extension Office by 5:00 p.m. on April 1. If April 1st is a Saturday or Sunday, the scholarship will be due the following Monday by 5:00 pm.
Description of 4-H experience (Club enrolled in, # of years, offices held County Activities participated in, Participation beyond county- Congress, etc.) |
50 points |
Activities outside of 4-H (Community Service, Clubs, Church, School, Jobs etc.…) |
15 points |
What are your long-term educational goals? Why is this important to you?
15 points |
Current transcript of your grades
5 points |
Two letters of recommendation (One letter must be 4-H based- from a leader or 4-H parent) |
15 points |
100 points |
- VOLUNTEER ENROLLMENT: Returningleaders must re-enroll in 4-H before December 1 of the current 4-H year (January 2017). New leaders can enroll at any time.
- All adults who have one-on-one contact with 4-Hers throughout the year need to be screened and certified. Exceptions are infrequent contact persons such as guest speakers and fair judges, etc. Once you are a certified leader/volunteer, you will not need to go through the screening process again, as long as you do not have a break in association with 4-H. Screening will be done by Verified Volunteer (October 2016), a company contracted by 4-H to compete the screenings. Until the entire screening process is complete, a leader/volunteer will not be certified. (November 2016)
- LEADER DUES: Clubs must turn in their $6.00 leader dues and $1.00 insurance fees to 4-H Council treasurer by December 1st. (Oct. 2016). Horse leader dues are $6.00 and $2.00 insurance fee.
The Fallon County 4-H Council has its own GEN (General Employer Number) and have 501 c (3) status (2012). The Fallon County 4-H Council and each 4-H Club will have their own EIN (Employer Identification Number) under the Councils GEN. The Extension Office will file for each 4-H Club an IRS tax report by February 15 for the previous tax year.
- SIGNATURERS: Two signatures are needed on the 4-H Council checking account. One signature will be the council treasurer and one signature will be the council president (January 17, 2001).
- FEES: 4-H Council Treasurer will pay insurance fees, State Ambassador fees, and Leader dues each year in a timely manner. Clubs must turn in their leader dues and insurance fees to 4-H Council treasurer by December 1 (January 1999.) The 4-H Council will pay the Leader Screening fee for all present and future 4-H Leaders (Verified Volunteer, $30.00) (October 2016). If a leader needs to have a screening completed again due to lack of enrollment, it will be the responsibility of that leader to pay the screening fee (October 2023).
- State Leaders Dues $6.00 to the Montana 4-H Foundation to assist the Foundation board with education, promotion, and leader trainings.
- Member and Leader Insurance: $1.00 ($2.00 for horse leaders and members) paid to American Income Life.
- State Ambassador Dues $11.00 to the Montana 4-H Foundation to cover the cost of Fall Ambassador training and a name badge for each Ambassador
- 4-H FAIR FOOD BOOTH will pay the Fair Board the lessor of, 7% of money made or $500, to cover Fair Board’s cost (Fallon County Fair Board)
- FRUIT SALE: Each member will receive 10% of their fruit sales if all deadlines set by the Fruit Sales committee are met. If a member fails to turn in their order sheet, pick up their fruit, sort their fruit, deliver their fruit, or turn in their money by the designated dates, their 10% will be donated to the Fallon County 4-H Council (October 2004). Youth choosing to use social media (mass messages) to sell fruit will donate their 10% to the Fallon County 4-H Council and will be ineligible for awards and bonuses (January 2016). Youth may advertise fruit sales on social media but cannot make sales through social media. (January 2022)
- WINDOW DISPLAY: National 4-H Week Window Display winners shall be paid $50.00 (January 2015).
- FRIEND OF 4-H PLAQUES: The Friend of 4-H Plaque money received during the Fallon County Fair Livestock Sale will be used to send the $5.00 per member to the State according to their recommendations. Any money that is contributed above that $5.00 per member amount will be used for something local (April 17, 1999).
- MARKET ANIMALS: No market checks will be issued to 4-H members until they have turned in a completed thank-you to the 4-H Office with postage attached (January 19, 2000). A commission will be kept from all market animals sold to help cover the cost of sale advertising, buyer’s gifts, checkoff, buyer thank-you ads, and mileage for hauling animals to processors. (July 19, 2017)
- COUNTY EVENTS: The Council will pay the following per county event: $75.00 for judges for one-half day, $150.00 for judges for a full day and current state rate mileage with a limit of $100.00. The amount of $75.00 will be paid to the club that is hosting the event ($150.00 for Achievement Night) with reimbursement forms completed and turned in with receipts, to the 4-H Council Treasurer. (January 2015).
- AUDIT: An audit will be done by the Fallon County Extension Office on the 4-H Council and each 4-H Club in November of each year. The following items are to be turned in: the last 12 months of bank statements, checkbooks, savings account books, treasurer books and a current inventory of assets. An audit by a Certified Accountant and a current inventory of assets may replace the items to be turned in (January 2006). Montana 4-H requires that all 4-H Club bank statements be sent to the Extension Office for review (November 2012).
- FAIR JUDGES: The 4-H Council will provide a meal ticket for livestock judges at the fair to include a meal and a drink (January 2010). The 4-H Council will provide a meal and snacks for the indoor judges at the fair. (July 19, 2017).
- SCHOLARSHIPS: The 4-H Council will allow the scholarship committee the discretion to change award amounts based on merits of application starting at a minimum of $200 and not to exceed $800.00 total. There be at least two scholarships, but no more than four. (January 2017).
- 4-H AWARDS: Round Robin awards will be the following: Grand will be worth $110 and Reserve worth $90 (April 2012). Herdsman’s Awards: Herdsman awards will be given for Swine, Sheep, Goats, Dairy, Cattle, Poultry, Rabbit, Horse, and Camelid. Grand Awards will be worth $25, and Reserve Awards will be worth $15. Previous Year’s 4-H Donations are the budget for the current year’s fair Awards and T-Shirts.
- Council pays for youth to attend 4-H Congress. Council will pay all chaperone fees and mileage. One chaperone for every eight youth is recommended for chaperoning to Congress (April 15, 1998).
- Fallon County’s 4-H Council contribution to anyone attending the National 4-H Congress and Washington DC Focus trip will be a scholarship application process (January 2017).
- The 4-H council will pay the registration and mileage for Rec Lab & Leaders Forum (January 2015).
- The Fallon County 4-H Council will pay the camp fee for an adult chaperone to attend Eastern Montana 4-H Camp (April 21, 2004).
- Council will pay for the chaperone expense for the OREO Trip (April 2006).
- The Council will reimburse 50% of registration fee to eligible youth attending 4-H and/or OREO Trip (April 2017).
- To be eligible for reimbursement of trip registration, youth must meet the Council’s requirements for financial support in the current 4-H year (see Fundraiser Policy) (April 2017).
- Reimbursement forms must be turned in to 4-H Council Treasurer in a timely manner before receiving payment.
- To be eligible for financial support from the 4-H Council, youth must participate in all 4-H Council fundraisers by selling a minimum of 5 items during fruit sales and have worked (at a minimum) the four hours you were scheduled for in the 4-H Food Booth during the fair.
- Each member will receive 10% of their fruit sales if all deadlines set by the Fruit Sales committee are met. If a member fails to turn in their order sheet, pick up their fruit, sort their fruit, deliver their fruit, or turn in their money by the designated dates, their 10% will be donated to the Fallon County 4-H Council. (October 2004). Youth choosing to use social media (mass messages) to sell fruit will donate their 10% to the Fallon County 4-H Council and will be ineligible for awards and bonuses (January 2016). Youth may advertise fruit sales on social media but cannot make sales through social media. (January 2022)
- Your 10% check will be awarded to you by your club treasurer if you meet the above
requirements and deadlines. If you do not meet these requirements and deadlines, your
percentage will be forfeited by you and donated to your Fallon County 4-H Council.
In addition to the percentage checks, money bonuses will be awarded to the top individual
salespersons as follows:
- 1st place - $25.00
- 2nd place - $20.00
- 3rd place - $15.00
- Placing is based on money from fruit sales and not number of items sold (April 20, 2011).
- Any member selling over $1,000.00 in fruit will receive an additional $25.00 cash bonus.
- Money needs to be collected and turned in with fruit order form by the date set by the Fruit Committee. If payment has not been collected from the customer, the seller is responsible for covering the cost. Fruit that has not been paid for, will not be ordered (January 2018)
- No half box orders will be accepted on the 4-H Fruit Sale order sheets. Any half box order put on order sheet will be treated as a full box.
- Families may sell as a group and receive the 10% of total sales and be eligible for additional monetary rewards. To be eligible for financial support from the 4-H Council, families need to sell 5 boxes per family member. (January 2017)
- All members and a parent/ adult of youth under 14 years of age are required to work for four hours during the fair. If the member does not complete their required hours, they will not be able to exhibit at the fair next year. (April 2020)
- The hours a member puts in helping set up or dismantle the kitchen will not count towards their four hours of required time.
- The Food Booth Committee will turn in a list of the food booth schedule used for signing youth in for the shift to the Extension Office.
- Only those people working in the food booth need to be in the kitchen.
- Remember you are serving food to the public. Take pride in your appearance.
- Only committee members or shift managers will sign for workers on the schedule sheet. The Schedule sheet needs to be turned in to the Extension Office after the Fair.
- The Food Booth committee shall be made up from one adult representing each club.
- The committee member and one member from each club will help set up the food booth on the date set by committee before the fair.
- Committee members must be available to help take kitchen items back to courthouse on the date set by the committee and mop floors after Blue Rock has taken their hardware out of kitchen.
- Leftover food booth items may be used for Achievement Night to offset the cost.
The Fallon County 4-H Council provides financial assistant (up to 50%) for some 4-H trips. (April 2017)
- Members must meet 4-H requirements and fundraising requirements.
- Member must be in good standing.
- Member must be willing to provide a report to the Council and share their experience with other 4-H members.
- Member must fill out 4-H Reimbursement Form after participating in the 4-H trip to receive stipend from council.
- Council will pay 50% of the registration cost for 4-H Camp, OREO Trip and Rec Lab
- Council will pay registration for 4-H Congress.
Some of the 4-H Trips available to Fallon County Youth and Leaders include:
- LEGISLATIVE BREAKFAST (Odd years, January): Many of the legislators are new to their role. They may not know or understand that 4-H is part of MSU Extension and not understand that 4-H is valuable in your county. The purpose of the breakfast is to educate legislators about the value of 4-H and Extension. Youth are very important participants in this breakfast, as are their leaders and parents. Each youth who comes to the breakfast will have the opportunity to talk about his/her 4-H experience. So, any youth who signs up will be able to share something about what 4-H has meant to him or her.
- MONTANA STATE SHOOTING SPORT TOURNAMENT (early March): State-wide shooting sports competition for 4-H members enrolled in Archery, Air Rifle, & Air Pistol.
- MONTANA 4-H RECREATION LAB (March): Montana 4-H Recreation Lab provides an opportunity for youth ages 13-19to enhance their leadership, communication and team building skills in an action packed and interactive setting.
- 4-H CAMP (2nd Full Week in June): Fallon County 4-H along with the 4-H Programs in Carter, Custer, Prairie, McCone, Garfield, Wibaux, Rosebud-Treasurer, Powder River, and Dawson Counties participate in the Southeast Montana 4-H Camp for youth 3rd through 6th 4-H Camp is held at Camp Needmore in Ekalaka. All youth can partake in 8 hands-on educational workshops, campfires, games, and meals. 4-H Camp is a great opportunity to get kids outside to learn about nature, gain skills and meet peers. Older members may serve as Camp Counselors.
- OREO TRIP: Fallon County 4-H along with the 4-H Programs in Carter, Custer, Prairie, McCone, Garfield, Wibaux, Rosebud-Treasurer, Powder River, and Dawson Counties participate in the 4-H OREO Trip for youth in 7th and 8th Each year a different two-day trip is planned. In the past trips had been to Medora ND, the Black Hills of South Dakota, Red Lodge, Fort Peck and Yellowstone Park.
- MONTANA 4-H CONGRESS (July): Montana 4-H Congress provides youth from across the state an opportunity to come together on the Montana State University Campus in Bozeman for four days. Congress offers both youth and adults a venue in which to learn, be challenged, and most of all have, a great time with their peers. Montana 4-Hers ages 13-19 years old can attend Congress. Its purpose is to provide a safe and fun environment for youth to experience all that 4-H Congress has to offer, including: contests, workshops, entertainment, social events, and much more. 4-Hers received top awards in contest can attend and compete at National 4-H Congress.
- CITIZENSHIP WASHINGTONFOCUS (June): This is a week-long 4-H citizenship program for youth ages 14-19, is the preeminent 4-H citizenship and leadership experience for 4-H youth.
- MONTANA 4-H LEADERSHIP FORUM (Fall): This event is held as needed at locations around the state to provide a forum for the gathering of ideas for leaders and junior leaders. The Forum includes workshops on a variety of topics related to 4-H Projects and to overall youth development, as well as update on 4-H Programming and recognition for outstanding achievements. This an exciting event for leader, new and old, and provides a wonderful opportunity to meet other across the state.
- 4-H STATE HORSE SHOW (September): The Montana 4-H State Horse show is an opportunity for 4-H Horse Project members to test their skills alongside their peers from across the state in an educational and enjoyable competitive contest. Classes are offered to include nearly every aspect of the 4-H Horse Project as well as nearly every skill level of rider. Youth ages 8–19-year-old, may enter and competed based on the qualifying guideline in their county.
- 4-H AMBASSADOR FALL TRAINING (Fall): Fall Training is the annual development retreat for Montana 4-H Ambassadors. Ambassadors and prospective ambassadors will leave the weekend prepared and excited to take the knowledge and skills they have gained and apply them in their own counties. It is also a great place to have youth leader exchange ideas and create a statewide network of resources.
- Fallon County 4-H member must be 13 years old before October 1 of the current 4-H year.
- Member must receive a blue or red ribbon at a county event offered. (January 2021)
- First year participants will not be required to participate in a congress contest to attend. (January 2021)
- 4-H member must fill out the County 4-H Congress Application form, making sure it is complete with two leader recommendations. Leaders, parent, and member must all sign the application, thereby agreeing to all terms of member requirements and selection criteria. Delegate’s 4-H Journal must be up to date as of June 1 and turned in with the Congress Application for interview by the Congress Selection Committee. Applications due June 1.
- Application forms are to convince the committee of the member’s true interest in attending Congress as a learning tool for the future. Performance of 4-H members on previous 4-H trips and the use of past Congress experience will be considered by the Congress Selection Committee. You may be called in for an interview if the need arises.
- Delegates to Congress agree to attend all workshops and meetings at Congress to which they are assigned until the said event is finished.
- Delegates will give a Congress report to the 4-H Council and at Achievement Night. Additional sharing of your positive Congress experience will enhance your chances of attending 4-H Congress again.
- To be eligible for financial support from the 4-H Council for Congress, you must participate in all 4-H Council fund raisers by selling a minimum of 5 items in the fruit sale order blank and have worked (at a minimum) the number of hours you were scheduled for in the 4-H Food Booth during the fair.
- LIVESTOCK JUDGING: Senior members wishing to compete at Congress will be first selected by the highest cumulative scores from practices and judging deemed eligible by the County Extension Agent (January 2006).
- HORSE JUDGING: Must attend the current year’s County Horse Judging event. The top four ranking senior members wishing to compete at Congress will be chosen.
- FASHION REVUE:4-H member must be enrolled in the Sewing & Textiles Project. Member must attend the county Fashion Revue and receive a blue ribbon to go to Congress.
- DEMONSTRATIONS AND ILLUSTRATED TALKS: Member must have competed at the current 4-H Year’s Communications Day Event, be a senior member, and have received a blue ribbon.
- PUBLIC SPEAKING: Member must have competed at the current 4-H Year’s Communication Day Event, be a senior member, and have received a blue ribbon.
- STIR-UPS COOKING CONTEST: The highest scoring blue ribbon winning senior member entering a well-balanced complete meal in the county stir-ups competition who wishes to attend Congress.
- QUILT SHOW: 4-H member must be a senior member and attend the county Fashion Revue/Quilt Show and have been awarded a blue ribbon in the quilt division to go to Congress.
- GAVEL GAMES: Senior members may make up a team of four (4) to compete at congress. Local requirements are established on the county level.
- HORSE SKILL-A-THON CONTEST: Senior members may make up a team of four (4) to compete at congress. Local requirements are established on the county level.
- VIDEO PRESENTATION CONTEST: Member must have competed at the current 4-H Year’s Communication Day Event, be a senior member, and have received a blue ribbon.
- CAREER COMMUNICATIONS CONTEST: Member must have competed at the current 4-H Year’s Communication Day Event, be a senior member, and have received a blue ribbon.
These are county projects that are offered in addition to the Montana 4-H Projects listed in the Montana 4-H Selection Guide: Clover
JUNIOR FEEDER BEEF PROJECT(Revised 2017: Formally called Stocker- Feeder Project)
- Stimulate interest in the livestock industry.
- Provide an opportunity for youth to start in the beef business.
- Provide an opportunity for youth to participate in the beef project with a smaller animal.
- Member must be at least 8 years of age on October 1st of the current 4-H year.
- Must be enrolled by June 1.
- Must be enrolled in Beef Level 1, 2 or 3 and sign up for “Junior Feeder Beef”.
- Project is limited to Steer Calves been born between January 1 and June 1 of the current 4-H year.
- Must have a calf identified as a project animal by June 1st. Youth may have an alternate animal.
- If an animal in the project should die, it cannot be replaced with another animal outside of the project.
Other information
- This is a county level project, not a state project.
- Calves may be shown at the Fair and will be judged as a prospective market steer.
- Calf may also be shown in showmanship.
- All calves must be halter broken to be exhibited at the fair.
- These calves may only be present at the Fair for one day if they have not been weaned.
- Calves may also be shown in any other classes (i.e., Cow-Calf Pair)
- Youth may take heifer calves and enroll in Beef Breeding. Heifer calves under one year will be exhibited in the breeding beef division at Fair and will be judged as a prospective breeding animal.
- Stimulate interest in herding dogs.
- Provide information on livestock herding dog breeds, training their dog to herd, and competing at a dog trial.
- Member must have completed at least one year of obedience.
- Must be enrolled in 4-H and turn in a dog ID to the Extension Office no later than June 1 unless requested sooner by dog leaders.
- Youth must be enrolled in Dog Level 1, 2, or 3 and sign up for “Herding Dog.”
- Dog Obedience is a requirement for anyone interested in enrolling in dog agility and herding dog.
- All dogs must pass AKC Canine Good Citizen Program before participating in summer practice and/or competing at the Fair.
Animal |
Possession Date |
Minimum Fair Weight |
Age Requirements |
Traditional Market Beef Steer/Spayed Heifer |
January 1 |
900 pounds |
Must be born after January 1st of previous year- Effective Oct -2021 |
Miniature Market Beef Steer/Spayed Heifer |
January 1 |
400 pounds (October 2021) |
Must be born after January 1st of previous year- Effective Oct -2021 |
Horse, Dog, Cat, Llama/Alpaca |
June 1 |
No minimum weight |
None |
Market Hog Barrow/Gilt |
June 1 (Photo to Extension Office) |
200 pounds |
Must be born after December 1st of current year- Effective Oct -2024 |
Market Goat Wether/Doe |
June 1 |
50 pounds |
Must be born after January 1st of current year- Effective Oct -2021 |
Market Lamb Wether/Ewe |
June 1 |
90 pounds |
Must be born after January 1st of current year- Effective Oct -2021 |
Junior Feeder* |
June 1 |
No minimum weight |
Born in the current year |
Breeding Beef, Sheep, Swine & Goat |
June 1 |
No minimum weight |
None |
Pack & Driving/Harness Goat |
June 1 |
Must be weighed-in by July 15th. |
None |
Poultry and Rabbits |
June 1 (Picture to Extension Office) |
No Minimum Weight |
Market Rabbit- under 6 mo. Market Poultry-under 1 yr. |
Exploring 4-H Animal |
None |
May not sell at fair |
None |
- ANIMAL POSSESSSION DATES AND INFORMATION: After possession date, animals may not be commercially fed. Members cannot add a livestock project inconsistent with the possession dates. Members must be enrolled in a livestock project on or before the possession date.
- The livestock exhibitor must be properly enrolled in the livestock project that he or she exhibits.
- Each 4-H Market Livestock project member may weigh and tag a maximum of two Market Beef, Sheep, Goat, or Swine animals. The member can show either animal at the fair at his/her discretion. A family may choose extra project animals (not to exceed two per member when added to the project animals) that can be used by any member in the family. Records must be kept on all project animals from the date of possession until after the fair (July 15, 2003).
- If you are a member who is in both 4-H and FFA, you must choose at the time of the possession date which organization you wish to sell your animal under. Family alternate animals do not need to be designated 4-H or FFA. The member is only allowed to sell one market beef, one market swine, one market lamb, one market goat, one meat-type chicken and one rabbit.
- 4-H Liability Release forms are required each year from 4-H members enrolled in a livestock project.
- A copy of the livestock rules is to be available to each member enrolled in a livestock project. Livestock rules may be requested from your Extension Office, the Extension website or from 4-H Club Organizational Leaders.
- For the purpose of these rules, a 4-H project and an FFA SAE will be referred to as “project”. 4-H and FFA livestock will be judged together.
- CARE OF ANIMALS: 4-H and FFA youth are responsible for their animals from the time of possession through the Fallon County Fair. This includes the caring, fitting, feeding, showing, selling, and loading out of animals on Sunday. If you are unable to carry out this responsibility, prior arrangements must be made, and the County Extension Agent must be informed to be eligible to sell any animal species at next year’s 4-H/FFA Youth Livestock Sale (2012). All animals should show evidence of grooming and fitting.
- 4-H/FFA LIVESTOCK COMMITTEE: Livestock committee meetings will be held the second Monday of January, April, July, and October at 5:30 p.m. (October 2018)
- LIVESTOCK GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE will include the 4-H/FFA Livestock Committee Chairman, FFA Alumni, Baker FFA Advisor, Plevna FFA Advisor, County Extension Agent and Extension 4-H Coordinator. Persons with concerns about livestock projects during the Fair should contact the Livestock Superintendents or a member of the Livestock Grievance Committee and provided a written description of the issue. The Livestock Grievance Committee may make decisions at the Fair in cases of unforeseen issues. Their decisions are final.
- RECORD BOOKS: If a member does not turn in a completed My 4-H Journal (green sheet) and Animal Project Journal (lavender/purple sheet) or an equivalent with all the information included, by October 1 of the current 4-H year; the member in question will be allowed to show but would not be able to sell any market animal in the Fallon County 4-H/FFA Livestock Sale the following year (April 2005).
- Animal Quality Assurance will be held at least twice a year. 4-H and FFA members with breeding and market animal project, must attend their first year and at least every other year. This includes beef, sheep, swine, goats, rabbits, and poultry. (Oct. 2018)
- Montana 4-H and FFA require that animals be handled in a proper and ethical manner in accordance with accepted modern-animal husbandry and scientific practices. In addition, adequate care, including watering, feeding and comfort should be appropriately provided to all animals. Any individual treating an animal in any other manner may be asked to leave the grounds.
- Exhibitors, their parents, leaders, and instructors have a serious responsibility to follow animal-health practices approved by the industry and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to assure that meat customers are receiving wholesome food. Health aids and other approved products should be used with care, according to prescribed practices, only when needed, and in correct amounts.
- Montana 4-H and FFA require that market animals meet all the Food and Drug Administration regulations governing management and safety practices. Approved withdrawal times from health aids and growth stimulants must be followed. Animals that have not met these standards will not be allowed to be sold.
- Any animal showing signs of disease, emaciation, ringworm, abscess or other skin condition or non-ambulatory will be refused.
- No 4-H or FFA Livestock animal is to be administered a tranquilizer or any other foreign substance in any form to show at the Fallon County Fair. Further clarification may be made by referring to IAFE (International Association of Fairs and Expositions) Code of Ethics as stated in the Open Class Fair Book.
- To exhibit a market animal, the member must be enrolled in the appropriate Market Project. To exhibit a breeding animal, the member must be enrolled in the appropriate breeding project. The same animal, however, cannot be entered in both the market and breeding class at the fair.
- Any 4-H or FFA member with livestock is welcome to enter open class categories as long as a separate animal is exhibited in each class and lot.
- 4-H and FFA livestock will be judged together.
- Every exhibit will receive an award ribbon according to condition and conformation.
- Fair Judges will be made aware of any County rules.
- All stall and pens (except horse stalls, rabbit, and poultry cages) are to be disassembled on date set by committee.
- There will be a separation of pens for beef at the Fallon County Fair. Thus heifers, steers, cow/calf pairs, and dairy will be grouped together (January. 19, 2005).
- Market sheep and goats must have scrapies tags and these numbers will be written on the weigh ticket (July 2005).
- The market animal classes are open to only Fallon County 4-H and FFA members. The breeding animal classes are open to Fallon County and Carter County 4-H and FFA members.
- BEEF HANDLING ASSESSMENT: All cattle must be halter broke by fair time and all members in these projects should know how to tie a bowline knot, in case of emergency so your animal can be released quickly. An assessment of the youth’s ability to safely show his/her market beef animal will be held on Thursday evening. Two members of the Joint 4-H/FFA Committee will do the assessing. Exhibitors will be responsible for demonstrating they can walk and stop their animal. Exhibitors must use a show halter but show sticks will be optional. Youth will be given two chances to prove they can handle their animal. Any decision to remove an animal from the fair, as a result of the assessment, will not be made by one person and must be a group decision among the Joint 4-H/FFA Committee. (2012)
- STALL/CAGE RESERVATIONS: Youth must reserve stalls and rabbit/poultry cages with the Extension Office by July 1st. Fair Board will provide bedding.
- DRESS CODE: Official 4-H and FFA dress codes will be followed at all times during the showing of livestock. Western style may be used at the Livestock Sale. The following dress code will be followed for each 4-H livestock project except horse. A long sleeved white or solid colored shirt and dark brown, black, or blue jeans, boots & western hat (or bareheaded); no caps allowed. The wearing of a tie or organizational scarf is preferred. White clothing is preferred for contestants in dairy projects. No tennis shoes or sandals will be allowed. Horse projects require a different dress code. FFA members must follow official FFA dress code. If dress code is not followed the contestant may be dropped a ribbon placing.
- Refer to the “Fallon County Showmanship Guide” for showmanship guidelines.
- Judges will be given the guide prior to the fair and will be judging animals and youth based on the guidelines in the book.
- 4-H and FFA members will participate in Showmanship together.
- All animals must show evidence of fitting and handling. The contestant must be able to prove to the judge their ability to groom and fit animals.
- Contestants will be divided into three divisions:
- Senior: Members must be 14 years or older before October 1st.
- Junior: Members must be 13 years and younger before October 1st.
- Novice: Member must be 10 and under on October 1st.
- Round Robin Showmanship:
- Grand Champion and Reserve Champion showman from each of the following Senior and Junior Divisions will advance: Beef, Horse, Dairy, Goat, Swine & Sheep
- The animals shown by the Grand and Reserve showmanship will advance to the Round Robin.
- If a Grand or Reserve Champion is not awarded in a division the Joint Committee will choose a suitable animal to be used in the Round Robin Contest.
- If an exhibitor wins Grand or Reserve in multiple species, they will pick one species that they will want to represent. Therefore the 3rd or 4th place exhibitor may be asked to participate in the round robin in the other species. (April 2019)
- The 4-H and FFA livestock sale will take place at approximately 4:30 p.m. immediately following the Saturday afternoon rodeo performance. Signs will be posted giving purchaser’s name, sale price and approximate weight. Exhibitors will be solely responsible for the care and ownership of such livestock until they are dismissed to the owners at the close of the fair.
- 4-H and FFA members must sell their livestock at the regular sale if they desire to offer them for sale at the fair. Western attire is acceptable for the Livestock Sale.
- Any animal that is sick, lame, unsound, or in-tact will not be sold at the livestock sale. (October 2021)
- PREMIUM SALE: Livestock Buyers will have two options at the Fallon County Livestock Sale. They can buy the animal, or they can buy the animal on Premium. A base price will be set on market beef, sheep, goats, and swine.
Example: Animal Weight: 250 Pounds
Base Price: $1.50/lbs. (Set by the Sale Barn before the Sale)
Market Value: $375.00 (Base Prices X Animal Weight)
Bid Price: $2.50/lbs. (The price the animal is sold for at the Sale)
Total Value: $625.00 (Bid Prices X Animal Weight)
Premium Value: $250.00 (Total Value – Market Value)
- If a buyer buys the animal outright, they pay the Total Value ($625.00) and own the animal. If they buy the animal on Premium, they pay the Premium Value ($250.00).
- MARKET BEEF: Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Traditional Market Beef (steers and spayed heifers) may advance to the Eastern Montana Fair in Miles City. Miniature Market Beef will be shown and sold separately from the traditional Market Beef Class and there is no premium option. The carcass will also be judged separately on a county level. (November 2012). Grand and Reserve Market Beef must be bought out right, there is no premium option.
- SALE ORDER: Only blue and red ribbon animals will be sold at the sale. White ribbon animals shall be designated as unfinished and not saleable as market animals. The 4-H and FFA livestock will be sold in the following order (2018) and the Judge will determine sale order within each species:
- Market Beef (Grand, Reserve, Top 2 Carcass, Blue, Red), 2. Market Rabbits (Blue, Red), 3. Market Lambs (Grand, Reserve, Top 2 Carcass, Blue, Red), 4. Market Goats (Grand, Reserve, Top 2 Carcass, Blue, Red), 5. Market Poultry (Blue, Red), 6. Market Swine (Grand, Reserve, Top 2 Carcass, Blue, Red).
*Top Carcass animals will be determined by ultrasound data. No data will be given out at fair.
- RESALE ANIMALS: If an animal is up for resale, the first buyer must pay the full price. The animal is then owned by the organization or individual of the buyer’s choice and sold again. There is no premium option on resale animals. All resale animals will be sold at the end of the Sale. There will be no commission on resale animals.
- Livestock sale advertisement, picture expenses, check-off expenses, ear tags, and mileage (County Rate) for those hauling livestock to processors will be taken out of the 4-H and FFA member’s check before they receive it. This amount will be around 2.0% of the gross amount the market animal(s) sold for. (July 19, 2017)
- Livestock Sale account will pay for the popcorn and water provided to the crowd during the livestock sale at the fair.
- The 4-H/FFA Livestock Sale will have its own checking account with annual audits and 2 signatures on checks.
Silent Auction for Indoor Exhibits at the Fallon County Fair
- Member must be enrolled in the project. Only one silent auction item per project, but member may enter one for each project they are enrolled in.
- Item placed in the silent auction MUST be an entry in the fair and MUST be marked as such (for silent auction) on the fair entry form. Items that are entered in the fair need to be the main focal point of auction item, but items can be added to that item that will emphasize the project. (January 2019)
- Members are required to fill out a silent auction buyer information sheet that will include minimum bid, ingredients if applicable, what the buyer will receive when they purchase the item, delivery information and member information including, name, club, years in project. This form will be turned in with fair entry form. (January 2019)
- There will be a two (2) dozen cookie minimum on all cookie entries. (January 2019)
- Silent auction item must have received a Blue or Red ribbon placing. If designated item does not receive a Blue or Red placing, another item may be selected from that member’s other entries in that project that did receive said placing.
- Member may require a minimum bid for their item. Bids will be in increments of $1.00.
- The location of the silent auction in the main exhibit hall will be at the discretion of the fair board and manager; however, the location will be where the 4-H superintendents may observe the tables.
- The auction will run from Friday at 3:00 p.m. until Sunday at 3:00 p.m. Auction display items will need to be delivered to the exhibit hall before 3:00 pm on Friday. (January 2019)
- At 3:00 p.m. on Sunday a Fallon County 4-H Leader will declare the bidding closed and announce the winning bidders for each item. Items are to be removed from the area after 5:00 p.m. Sunday. Payments will be made to the Fallon County 4-H Council and the treasurer will make out checks to the members. No deductions will be taken from the monies collected.
- Members will need to present a thank you letter to the buyer to the Extension Office prior to receiving their check (January 2019)
- Items remaining after 5:00 p.m. on Sunday will be the responsibility of the member to deliver and collect money for. Likewise, the checks will be made to the 4-H Council.
- Perishable auction item should be replaced with fresh items for the buyer.
It has been suggested that members who have items in the indoor silent auction at the fair could display posters of these items and advertise for the auction in a couple places on the fairgrounds during the fair. The size of posters will be 8 1/2” x 11” with whatever the member wants to put on it– picture, drawings, words only, lamination, etc.
- Area 1. will be in the livestock barn around the office/restrooms.
- Area 2. will be under the grandstand for those coming and going there for rodeos etc.…
(Kids and Horses 4-H Project Club)
- All animals shown by 4-H members in 4-H classes must be owned by the member or in partnership with immediate family or the member must have access to the horse May 1 through the county fair. Each 4-H Horsemanship Project member must identify their horses by June 1 of the current 4-H year. Identified Horsemanship horses will be eligible to be used by other 4-H Horsemanship members. (October 2018)
- Project animals may not be trained by a professional trainer (excluding immediate family and 4-H Leaders.)
- Attending a 4-H horse helmet safety workshop and/or viewing the video “Every Time, Every Ride” is required first as a Junior member and again as a Senior member in order to be a registered member in a Montana 4-H Horse Project.
- To be in the Horse Training project, a member must own or have possession of the horse from the yearling to five-year-old age.
- One horse can be shown by two members if in different classes.
- All 4-H Members enrolled in the Horsemanship Project will participate in an assessment of their riding skills in the spring to determine the level of Horsemanship they need to enroll in for the upcoming 4-H year. If youth have mastered the level they are enrolled in, an additional assessment may be done as needed to determine if they can compete in a higher level at fair. All Assessments must be complete by June 1st. If a member needs to change levels after June 1 for competing at the Fair, the last day to do so it July 15th. Level determination will be based on the riding skills they have mastered, except for first time Horsemanship Level 1 beginners. This assessment will be made by a minimum of two registered Fallon County 4-H Horse Leaders and turned into the Extension Office. The rider, parent and horse leader must sign off on the level (January 2017)
- Kids and Horses riding practices is only open to 4-H/ FFA youth enrolled in the horse projects.
- Members must compete in the most advanced level they are taking.
- Members must ride at only one level English and/or one level Western. If riding both Western and English, the levels can have a spread of not more than two levels.
- Horses may be shown two handed in a snaffle bit or hackamore. Horses over the age of 5 years cannot be shown two handed. Horses shown in a curb bit must be shown one handed. A legal curb bit is any curb bit with solid or broken mouthpiece. Mouthpiece must be smooth where it comes in contact with horse’s lips or bars, no protrusion below the mouthpiece. Curb straps must be 1/2” wide and lay flat against the horse’s chin.
- Members must be 12 years old or older during the current 4-H year (October 1 thru September 30) and have at least three levels of Horsemanship Project completed to be able to enroll in the Yearling to Five-year-old Training Project and the Green Horse Project.
- Members must be at least 10 years old during the current 4-H year (October 1 thru September 30) and be enrolled in at least Level 3 Horsemanship to participate in the Ground Driving Project.
- If a yearling gets sick or too injured to show (not suitable to show) before January 1, the horse leaders (as a group) have the option to allow the member to replace the colt of the same age to continue the project.
- Yearling to Five-Year-Old Training Project horses cannot be entered in Horsemanship while enrolled in the training project.
- For Horse Playday to count as a county event, participants must enter at least 2 show events.
- Horse Judging is recognized as an official county event. The Horse Judging scores will determine the horse judging team to compete at 4-H Congress in Bozeman.
Western dress code:
- Long sleeved, button or snap, white or off- white blouse or shirt (no contrasting colors can be present on the shirt), Western type pants, Western boots, and western type hat (felt or straw) or safety helmet. Vests, sweaters, and jackets are prohibited. Chaps, gloves, and ties are optional. Spurs are optional unless otherwise prohibited. Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be contained in a net or braid while showing in the project or showmanship classes.
English dress code:
- Hunt type- Hunt coat (red, pink, or scarlet colors prohibited unless exhibitor has earned them as a member of a recognized hunt), Hunt boots. Hard hat with leather-type chin strap for hunter type classes, and Stock, chokers or ties required. Gloves optional. Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be contained in a net or braid. Note: English jackets and/or vests may not be worn in halter, showmanship, or bareback classes. Solid-colored long-sleeved blouse or shirt appropriate with English attire must be worn.
General Requirements for Riding Classes
- Entries must be shown in a stock saddle. Tie-downs, martingales and mechanical hackamores of any type are prohibited unless otherwise indicated in class description. Split or Romal reins are permissible, but roping reins are not allowed. Spurs are optional. Spurs should not be used forward of the cinch. In all classes, the judge has the option of requesting one or all contestants to perform individually.
- Wearing protective headgear meeting ASTM and SEI standards (whether Western or English Type) is mandatory for participation in all 4-H Horse Projects. Members and parents may sign a waiver if they wish to participate without a helmet.
- All members must turn in a dog ID to the Extension Office, no later than June 1st.
- Participants can ID and show multiple dogs. ID dogs must be in different levels and not compete against one another.
- All competing dogs must be a project dog.
- Dog Obedience is a requirement for anyone interested in enrolling in dog agility and herding dog.
- All dogs must have a current rabies shot to practice and compete at the Fair to be turned in by June 1st.
- 4-H youth must wear solid color shirts, black or dark pants with shoes or boots to exhibit. (No tennis shoes or sandals)
- All dogs must pass AKC Canine Good Citizen Program before participating in summer practice and/or competing at the Fair.
- All dog members need to go to one assessment prior to July 1st to place them in their level of obedience and agility. Performance in prior competitions will determine the level of obedience and agility dog members will be entered in. The last day assessment can be conducted to determine the level a 4-H member will exhibit at the fair is July 15th.
- During competition, all dogs will be kept on a leash unless off lead for competition purposes.
4-H Shooting Sports Projects |
Age as of October 1st of Current 4-H Year |
Additional Requirements (Must be complete before shooting begins) |
Fee (Paid to Fallon County |
BB Gun Safety |
8 years of age |
Enrolled in project. |
X |
Archery |
9 years of age |
Enrolled in project |
$10.00 |
Air Rifle |
9 years of age |
Enrolled in project. Encouraged for all First-year members |
$10.00 |
.22 Small Bore Rifle |
9 years of age |
Complete Air Rifle with a positive evaluation |
$10.00 |
Shotgun |
9 years of age |
Complete Air Rifle with a positive evaluation and will need to supply their own factory shotgun shells |
$20.00 Plus, the cost of shells & targets. |
Air Pistol |
11 years of age |
Complete Air Rifle with a positive evaluation |
$10.00 |
Muzzle Loading |
13 years of age |
Complete Air Rifle with a positive evaluation |
$10.00 |
Cowboy Action |
13 years of age |
Complete Air Rifle with a positive evaluation |
X |
- ENROLLMENT: All youth participants must be 9 years of age by October 1st, must be enrolled in a 4-H shooting sports project, must pass a safety test, and have their dues paid before they are able to begin shooting. Members can only enroll in two (2) shooting sports disciplines at a time.
- MEMBER FEES: Shooting Sports Project manuals will require a onetime $5.00 fee to the Fallon County Extension Office.
- RECORD BOOKS: All Shooting Sports youth are encouraged to complete their record book and have it turned in to the Fallon County Extension by the date set by the Shooting Sports Leaders and the Extension Office to be eligible for year completion, project awards, project completion disc, activity disc, exhibit at fair, etc. Youth should complete separate records for each discipline they are enrolled in.
- REQUIREMENTS: To receive credit for completion, to Exhibit at the fair and to receive financial assistant members must abide by all 4-H members requirement.
- MAKE-UP SHOOT: Members must complete 6 weeks of shooting so if a member misses a shoot, the shoot must be made up the following night of shooting or arrangements need to be made with the leader to make-up the shoot. (October 2021)
- COUNTY EVENT: The Carter County Shooting Stars Invitational will qualify as a County Event for Fallon County 4-H member. Fallon County Shootings Sports members and leaders will help host the event. Tasks for helping host the Carter County Shooting Sports Invitational may include set-up and clean up, scoring, running shooting range, obtain donation and sponsorship, providing food and drinks. Only youth enrolled in 4-H shooting sports may participate in this county event.
- LEADERS: A Certified Leader must be present at practice, if not, youth will not be able to shoot. Leaders must be 21 years of age by October 1. To be a leader’s assistant, participants must be 13 years of age by October 1 and cannot run a program without adult support until turning 21 years of age.
- Safety is always a must. There will be no horseplay at any time.
- Member should always handle equipment (rifle, bows, pistols, etc.) in a safe manner.
- Parents/ Guardian/ Responsible Adult must be present with member at all shooting sports events.
- If an instructor is talking, the member should be listening.
- There will be ear and eye protection on at all times while on the firing range.
- If member is not on the firing range, member should not distract those that are on the firing range.
- It is everyone’s responsibility to clean up the range.
- All rules and exceptions to rules are at the discretion of the Fallon County Extension and Shooting Sports leaders.
Ambassador Qualifications
- Senior Ambassadors: Must be 4-H members 14 years of age by October of the current 4-H year. Must be or have been a Junior Ambassador Leader or Club Officer.
- Junior Ambassadors: Must be 4-H members 12 years of age by October of the current 4-H year.
- Must be enrolled in 4-H for at least 2 years, must currently be enrolled and be a member in good standing.
- Must submit an application and be interviewed.
- Must be enthusiastic about 4-H as demonstrated by participation, leadership, & similar experiences.
- Must have the time available to fulfill the role of an Ambassador.
- Must be responsible.
- Must be willing to attend Ambassador Meetings and trainings, these include Fall Training and Congress.
- Must be willing to serve in Ambassador Roles when asked.
- Must be in good standing in school.
- Must have parent and/or guardian support.
- Must have County Extension Office staff support.
- Must be capable and willing to get out of school on a limited basis for special programs.
- Must be willing to serve the Ambassador term which is from one 4-H Congress to the next.
Ambassadors Duties
- Represent 4-H in public relations role.
- Promote 4-H with potential members, parents, and the general public.
- Help conduct 4-H events.
- Organize 4-H promotional activities.
- Develop personal leadership skills and self-confidence.
- Serve as the 4-H representative to other organizations.
- Recruit new members.
- Encourage financial support for 4-H.
- Work directly with county, district, and state 4-H leaders.
- May be discharged at any time if their behavior is not becoming of Ambassador ideals (any dismissal will be approved by the 4-H Executive Council)
Ambassador Leader(s) Qualifications
- Must be a registered 4-H volunteer that is enthusiastic and dedicated.
- Knows the needs of teens today.
- Has leadership abilities and can communicate with youth.
- Has time to make the program work effectively.
- Has the knowledge and capability to work with the public.
- Is able and willing to attend area Ambassador meetings and training.
- Must be at least 21 years of age.
- Must have skills in advising, coaching, and teaching teens.
Ambassador Leader(s) Responsibilities
- Assist with Ambassador selection and recruitment.
- Meet with the county 4-H Assistant and Ambassadors to identify county needs.
- Assist in identifying opportunities for Ambassador(s) to speak on behalf of 4-H.
- Assist the Ambassadors in developing & writing a plan of action for their activities.
- Assist in establishing attaining goals that are realistic and tailored to individual abilities and talents.
- Assist your Ambassadors in attending training to help make them successful in their role.
- Keep the County Agent & 4-H Assistant informed on what is happening with the Ambassador program.
- Work with the Extension Office & Council in keeping the Ambassador program a high priority.
The Council will pay the following per county event: $75.00 for judges for one-half day, $150.00 for judges for a full day and current state rate mileage (2021 State Rate is .575 per mile) with a limit of $100.00. The amount of $75.00 will be paid to the club that is hosting the event ($150.00 for Achievement Night) with reimbursement forms completed and turned with receipts, in to the 4-H Council Treasurer. (January 2015).
Clubs will sign up for a County Event in a rotating order. The club that is hosting Achievement night will sign up first, for Achievement Night and the rest of the clubs will follow (in order) picking the county event that they would like to host.
Country Pals (2024)
Fertile Prairie (2025)
Kidz-N-Kritters (2026)
County Cousins (2027)
Red Butte Ramblers (2028)
Tumbling Tumbleweeds (2029)
4-H County Events:
- 4-H Food Festival
- All-Events Day (Communications Day, Fashion Revue, Quilt Show and Ready to Wear Contest)
- Horse Playday (Host: Kids and Horses)
- Horse Judging
- Livestock Judging
- Small Projects Judging
- Shooting Stars Invitational (Host: Fallon County Shooting Sports Club)
- Weed Pull & Range Contest
- Achievement Night
4-H Foods Festival:
- Select a date, time and place that enables both youth and the Extension Office to attend. Date needs to be chosen far enough in advance for information concerning it to be published in a newsletter.
- Reserve event location and pick up the key or make arrangements to have door unlocked before contest.
- Contact interviewers based on number of event participants. Notify Extension Office of the number of interviewers prior to the event.
- Award items given: In the past, small kitchen gifts have been given to participating youth for various categories including most creative, nicest looking display, most nutritionally balanced menu etc.…
- A buffet table is furnished by the host club to which participants add their dishes. Food furnished by host club includes dishes and desserts to complete the items the participants make. Other items the host club will furnish are cups, plates eating utensils, salt & pepper, napkins, and beverages.
- Host club will be responsible for clean up after this event.
- Fill out Reimbursement Form and turn into 4-H Council Treasurer in a timely manner.
- Report at the Fallon County 4-H Council Meeting on Event.
All-Events Day (Communications Day, Fashion Revue, Quilt Show and Ready to Wear Contest)
- Select a date, time and place that enables both youth and the Extension Office to attend. Date needs to be chosen far enough in advance for information concerning it to be published in the newsletter.
- Reserve event location and pick up the key or make arrangements to have door unlocked before contest.
- Contact two judges and notify Extension Office of their names at least 1 week prior to the event.
- Provide refreshments.
- Provide prizes/awards for the winning entries. (If more than a ribbon and certificate
is desired) Awards may be furnished for a Junior Division Grand and Reserve, and a
Senior Division Grand and Reserve.
- Possible award categories: top Junior 4-H Quilt entry, top Senior 4-H Quilt entry, Peoples’ Choice overall quilt, top Junior 4-H Ready to Wear entry, top Senior 4-H Ready to Wear entry, top Junior 4-H Fashion Revue entry and top Senior 4-H Fashion Revue entry.
- Provide an announcer/reader and escorts if so desired.
- Host club will be responsible for clean up after this event.
- Fill out Reimbursement Form and turn into 4-H Council Treasurer in a timely manner.
- Report at the Fallon County 4-H Council Meeting on Event.
Horse Playday:(Hosted by the Kids and Horses Club and participants must be enrolled in the horse project)
- Select a date, time and place that enables youth to attend. Date needs to be chosen far enough in advance for information concerning it to be published in the newsletter.
- Reserve event location and pick up the key or make arrangements to have door unlocked before contest.
- Contact judge/judges needed.
- Provide prizes/awards for the winning entries. (If more than a ribbon and certificate is desired)
- Provide refreshments if desired.
- Host club will be responsible for clean up after this event.
- Fill out Reimbursement Form and turn into 4-H Council Treasurer in a timely manner.
- Report at the Fallon County 4-H Council Meeting on Event.
Horse Judging:
- Select a date, time and place that enables both youth and the Extension Office to attend. Date needs to be chosen far enough in advance for information concerning it to be published in the newsletter.
- Reserve event location and pick up the key or make arrangements to have door unlocked before contest.
- Contact judge/judges needed.
- Provide riding classes and riders.
- Notify Extension Office what classes are to be judged one week prior to the judging.
- Find reason takers prior to the event.
- Provide refreshments if desired.
- Provide prizes/awards for the winning entries. (If more than a ribbon and certificate is desired)
- Host club will be responsible for clean up after this event.
- Fill out Reimbursement Form and turn into 4-H Council Treasurer in a timely manner.
- Report at the Fallon County 4-H Council Meeting on Event.
Livestock Judging:
- Select a date, time and place that enables both youth and the Extension Office to attend. Date needs to be chosen far enough in advance for information concerning it to be published in the newsletter.
- Reserve event location and pick up the key or make arrangements to have door unlocked before contest.
- Contact judge/judges needed.
- Provide classes of animals to judge.
- Notify Extension Office what classes are to be judged one week prior to the judging. Extension will score the event.
- Find reason takers prior to the event.
- Provide refreshments if desired.
- Provide prizes/awards for the winning entries. (If more than a ribbon and certificate is desired) Award for top Senior 4-H Judger, top Junior Judger, top Novice Judger and top FFA Judger.
- Host club will be responsible for clean up after this event.
- Fill out Reimbursement Form and turn into 4-H Council Treasurer in a timely manner.
- Report at the Fallon County 4-H Council Meeting on Event.
Small Projects Judging:
- Select a date, time and place that enables both youth and the Extension Office to attend. Date needs to be chosen far enough in advance for information concerning it to be published in the newsletter.
- Reserve event location and pick up the key or make arrangements to have door unlocked before contest.
- Contact judge/judges needed.
- Provide classes to judge. (8 classes and 2 sets of reasons is recommended)
- Notify Extension Office what classes are to be judged one week prior to the judging.
- Find reason takers prior to the event.
- Provide refreshments if desired.
- Provide prizes/awards for the winning entries. (If more than a ribbon and certificate is desired) Awards may be furnished for a Junior Division Grand and Reserve, and a Senior Division Grand and Reserve.
- Host club will be responsible for clean up after this event.
- Fill out Reimbursement Form and turn into 4-H Council Treasurer in a timely manner.
- Report at the Fallon County 4-H Council Meeting on Event.
Shooting Sports Invitational:
- Assist the Carter County 4-H Shooting Stars Club in planning and implementing the
Invitational each year. Task may include.
- Set-up and clean up.
- Scoring
- Running shooting range
- Obtain donation and sponsorship.
- Providing food and drinks
- Only youth enrolled in shooting sports may participate in this county event.
- The registration fee for Fallon County 4-H Shooting Sports youth will be waived in exchange for their help.
Weed Pull & Range Contest
- Assist the Fallon and Carter County Weed Departments with this event.
- Meet with the Fallon and Carter County Weed Department to discuss the events and its task.
- Help select range contest topic and brainstorm ideas for prizes.
- Help set-up for the event including for the meal, posting signs along the route to location and for the range contest etc.
- Help clean-up after the event include after the meal, take down any signage along the route to the event location, collecting trash etc.
- Help prepare and serve a meal.
- Plan and post signage for the route to event location from Baker and from Ekalaka.
- Most all cost for this event will be covered by a grant through the Noxious Weed Trust Fund, but if the club incurs any cost a Reimbursement Form may be filled out and turned into the Fallon County 4-H Council with receipts. Maximum reimbursement will be $75.00.
Achievement Day:
- Select a date, time and place that enables both youth and the Extension Office to attend. Date needs to be chosen far enough in advance for information concerning it to be published in the newsletter. (During the month of October)
- Call the place/location to reserve and pick up the key or make arrangements to have door unlocked.
- Plan for 100-120 people
- Have a theme for the night and decorations.
- Decorate a welcome table.
- One or two head tables for awards
- Four tables for food and one for drinks.
- Provide the following information to office for the program:
- Person giving the invocation.
- A guest speaker talking for about 15 minutes or a fun activity.
- Master or Mistress of ceremony (two is good) (club members)
- Names of two flag bearers (club members)
- Names of two club members leading the pledges.
- Greeters
- Check with Food Booth Committee for any leftover beef, coffee, paper items, salt, pepper etc.
- Provide dinner rolls, butter, punch and possibly a cooked meat.
- Host club will be responsible for clean up after this event.
- Fill out Reimbursement Form and turn into 4-H Council Treasurer in a timely manner.
- Report at the Fallon County 4-H Council Meeting on Event.
- Council President and County Agent/4-H Coordinator are ex-officio members of all committees.
- Chairman of committees will be appointed by the 4-H Council President.
- Committee should optimally be comprised of at least one representative from each chartered 4-H Club in Fallon County.
- Chairman will contact/notify all committee members, 4-H Council President, and the Extension Office of all meetings prior to the meetings.
- All Committees must provide a written report at the Council Meetings and to the Extension Office.
Fruit Sale
- Meet in January to compare fruit prices and choose a fruit distributor.
- Format fruit order sheet and set prices based on any changes to wholesale prices.
- Determine sale days and delivery day.
- Calculate all sale sheets to determine total order.
- Ask for and gather push carts.
- Determine where fruit will be delivered and make arrangements.
- Contact County Shop for equipment to unload fruit off semi-truck.
- Be able to be on hand when youth pick up their fruit. (Part of the day if not all of it)
- Help clean up delivery site when finished and transfer left over fruit to courthouse.
- Review Fallon County Fruit Sale Policy and present any suggested changes to the 4-H Council.
- Report to 4-H Council
- Meet as a group or individually, during the first week in May, to read scholarship applications and choose recipients.
- Meet and report to the 4-H Council at the January meeting to propose changes to current scholarships guideline. (if any to be implemented in the current 4-H year)
Congress Selection
- Committee will meet during the first week in June.
- Evaluate congress applications, review 4-H journals and determine eligibility of congress applicants.
- Determine who will attend MT 4-H Congress and compete in which areas.
- Propose any changes to the delegate requirements at the July 4-H Council meeting. (these changes to be implemented the following 4-H year)
Policy and Procedure
- Review the County 4-H Policy and Procedures and propose any changes to the 4-H Council.
- Typically, 1-3 meeting every other year or as needed.
Special Awards
- Gather nominations for the Friend of 4-H and 4-H Alumni and other special recognition, select recipients and plan their award recognition.
Executive Committee
- This committee will be made up of the 4-H Council President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Senior Ambassador.
- This committee may meet and attend to council business between regularly scheduled meetings when deemed necessary.
- The executive committee will meet and plan a yearly budget to propose to the 4-H Council at the October meeting. (Budget meeting is to be held prior to the council meeting and when all members and an Extension representative can be present.)
Fair Awards
- Verify what your budget is to work with.
- Gather and present information on all awards given at the Fallon County Fair.
- Order all awards to be given out at the current year’s fair.
- Responsible for helping create the awards display in the exhibit hall during the fair.
- Responsible for preparing and hosting the Fair Awards Ceremony at the fair.
- Report to 4-H Council
Food Booth
- The committee shall be made up of at least one adult representing each club.
- In May, the schedule from the year before, is sent to all clubs (representative on committee) so they may go over it with the club members to determine when everyone wants to and can work. This schedule is to be returned to the Extension Office by June 1st. (April 2022)
- In July, the committee meets to set up the schedule according to when members and their parents want to work and determine if each shift has the right number of workers. Also, at the July meeting, the grocery list will be made out and the items that need to be ordered early will be done. We try to get the schedule in the Fair Packet that the Extension Office sends out to save on postage.
- On the date set by food booth committee set up the Food Booth. This includes getting our equipment from the courthouse, getting groceries, picking up last minute items, labeling the drawers and cupboards, etc.
- Each day of the fair, one committee member is responsible for being the Runner (getting whatever is needed from the grocery store or ice, etc.) Just being around to answer questions or whatever.
- On date set by food booth committee, it is the responsibility of the committee to clean up the food booth. This includes emptying the cupboards, packing up everything that goes back to the courthouse, determining who will return the items to the courthouse, selling any leftover groceries that cannot be returned, mopping the 4-H office and the kitchen, adding up the tabs, etc.
- In October, give a report to the 4-H Council at the meeting. Every council meeting a representative of the committee should be there to give any updates of the committee. A written report shall be given to the Extension Office to be kept on file.
- Meet to organize Food Booth activities other than Fair.
4-H/FFA Livestock Committee
- Meetings will be held the second Monday of January, April, July, and October at 5:30 p.m. (Oct. 2018)
- Offices to be filled are chairman and secretary. All registered 4-H leaders shall be eligible to hold office. If an officer is unable to fulfill their duties, they will be replaced. The length of an officers’ term will be 2 years with elections held at the October meeting of even years, Chair, odd year’s secretary. (January 2014).
- Voting membership will consist of any 4-H Member or Leader and FFA teacher or student present (January 2014).
- All decisions involving both 4-H and FFA youth need to have agreement and input from Fallon County FFA Programs and 4-H.
- Report to 4-H Council
Contact Information for MSU Extension Fallon County:
Mailing: P.O. Box 850; Baker, MT 59313
Location: 10 W. Fallon Ave; Baker, MT 59313
Phone: (406) 778-7110
Fax: (406) 778-3431
Facebook: Fallon County Extension