January 2025 4-H Council Minutes
Printable Version of 2025 January 4-H Council Minutes (Word)
Fallon County 4-H Council Meeting
Jan. 21, 2025 5:30 pm – Fallon County Exhibit Hall
Call to Order: Missy Thielen called the meeting to order at 5:34pm
Present: Kodie Olsen (Extension), JoDee Hess (Secretary, Fertile Prairie), Toni Reetz (Tumbling Tumbleweeds), Wanda Pinnow (Tumbling Tumbleweeds), Carol Sparks (Red Butte Ramblers), Dave Kirschten (Extension), Roddy Rost (Country Cousins), Missy Thielen (President, Country Pals), Ashley Moore (Tumbling Tumbleweeds), Molly Losing (Red Butte Ramblers), Charlotte Losing (Red Butte Ramblers), Jeannine Losing (Red Butte Ramblers), Matthew Losing (Red Butte Ramblers), Molly Barkley (Red Butte Ramblers), Haddie Barkley (Red Butte Ramblers), Wiley Thielen (Country Pals)
Pledges: American pledge and 4-H Pledge were led by Haddie Barkley and recited by members present.
Approval of Minutes: Oct. Council minutes were read. Missy Thielen moved to approve the minutes as printed with the correction of the spelling of Amidon on p. 3. Wanda Pinnow 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
Communications: None
Treasurer’s Report: There were some questions about some of the accounts under Checking. The Clifford Hanley Memorial is for the Indoor Champion of Champions. Darrell Johnson Memorial is not specified. George Olind Memorial is for a Vet Science Award and the Barb Olind Memorial is for a homemaking/baking/cooking Award. These 2 are funded by the family yearly. There is a question about how to pick. It is assumed that the CD’s that were due were rolled over, but Stephanie Crisler was not present to ask that question.
Fair Board Update: Dave Kirschten reported that they would like theme ideas for the fair by February. Submit ideas to the Extension office.
- Fair Book revisions for the 4-H/FFA Fair book is up to extension, not fair. So, we need to go through and clean up any spots that have Fallon/Carter County to just be Fallon County.
County Extension Update:
- Madi Butori has been hired in an FCS type position. They are figuring out what her role will be exactly. They are hoping that she can learn the Showworks program to print the tags for fair, and she will help Dave man a booth for the Extension at the fair.
- There are 86 members. 17 Cloverbuds. 14 Members are new this year
- People Partner Grant is online and due by February 14th.
- 4-H Foundation Scholarship is due soon, It is 1 application for several scholarships. It is extensive, but worth it.
- Rec Lab is in White Sulfer Springs on March 28-30. Applications are due Feb. 10. Kodie will be going. More info will be mailed out. Must be 13+
- 4H Update – Agents and Support Staff go. The office staff will go Feb. 19-20
- Website is down right now. Madi is working on it. It has to be ADA accessible. It is a very extensive overhaul to get the coding all correct to make it ADA approved.
- Please leaders make sure you are enrolled in z-suite. There have been some problems and if there is a lapse, then individuals will have to pay for a background check.
- Kodie went to the Citizens Seminar and Legislative Breakfast. It was at Helena and students got to write bills and present them and vote on it in a mock Congress to learn the process.
- Clubs make sure to get signature cards for the Bank Accounts so Dave Kirschten is on the account. There are still a couple of clubs that need to do this. Kodie will be in touch.
- They are working on an Annual Media Release form so that individual forms do not need to be completed at each event.
Committee Reports:
- Publicity/Ambassadors – Ambassadors are putting on a Record Book Workshop on Feb. 14th at 9:00am at the Exhibit Hall. It would be good to have adults there so that everyone knows more about a complete record book. Would like more ideas about workshops they can have. The ambassadors would like more “Boy” ideas like welding, survival, etc. but they are interested in any ideas.
- Livestock Committee- see the minutes for exact details.
- Beef Weigh-ins. Had 59 steers. The heaviest was 930lbs.
- AQA had 42 kids 4-6 Adults. Only 5-6 need AQA before fair. Counted as an activity in project.
- Talked about an open-faced barn for the pigs. Will be getting quotes, drawings, sunscreen ideas, etc.
- Buyers’ gifts were discussed – hats were a hit
- Fair themes
- It was brought up that kids’ shirts were wonderful, maybe we could sell some, Kodie informed us that in the past Mid-Rivers has graciously donated the shirts, so we should not sell them.
- Small Animal Processing – ownership transfers at bid. Can help transfer to processing
– this will be announced at the sale and on multiple buyer forms.
- Dave is working on a way to help process rabbits and poultry. He is going to follow up with the state to see if the kids under his direction could process them.
- Sponsors for buckles and golden pitchfork discussed – goes to the same people first to ask each year.
- There was discussion on the Plaques.
- Discussion about requiring specific shoes in the arena like boots – it would be hard to police. Some are concerned about Dudes and other soft shoes with animals.
- Roddy moved and Ashley 2nd to add a Scholarship Plaque to be auctioned at the fair to raise $ for scholarships. 2 Would be sold. Discussion: Current Plaques to go council to pay state dues based on last year’s numbers and the rest goes to the general fund. Carol discussed not adding more. It was brought up that more companies are not allowing their representatives to purchase animals but can do a plaque instead as a tax-deductible gift and it is a way for those businesses to still give. The market will determine the value of the plaques. Scholarship plaques would be specific and would make sure that the funds for the scholarships are available. Motion carried.
- Fair Book Revisions – Several revisions were presented (see paper) by the committee. Roddy moved to accept the Fair Book Revisions as presented. Wanda 2nd the motion. Motion Carried
- Buyers Gifts – Discussion was requested about buyers’ gifts. Members brought the idea of a Made in MT Meat spices and seasoning with a engraved digital meat thermometer would be a great idea. Thoughts were given about Cenex having spices, Sew What doing embroidery, maybe Cindy Stark making spices. Engraved Cutting Boards were brought up. Dave was going to ask the state if the kids could make seasonings to give and use this as an activity for their books.
- Shirt Discussion – There was some discussion about if we could get shirts like the ambassadors to show in. It was brought up that each kid would need a few and that it is a great way to distinguish the ambassadors.
- Fair Awards – Have not met yet. Want youth there to decide what awards to have on the sheets. Will try to meet the end of March.
- Food Booth - has not met.
- Fruit Sales – Toni reported- it will start Jan. 27th. Can get sheets form Extension or have an emailed PDF that will be sent. We will have Lane Legacy Beet sticks again. Forms are due Feb. 24th. Money does not have to be collected by order, but on delivery. Delivery is tentatively March 19th. Kodie will call Jen at the Fair Office to reserve the Exhibit Hall.
- Scholarship – 3 of 4 of last year’s recipients did turn in their class schedules. The committee will meet to review the forms.
- County Events – Ap. 26th will be Spring Livestock Judging. Registration by Ap. 11. Horse Judging they are hoping to do in May.
Old Business –
- Election of Interim Vice President- Toni nominated Roddy, Wanda 2nd. Motion carried with 11yes, 1 no votes
- Radio Ads – Paid for 100 will get 200.
- Rodeo Project – Will not have a book but will be eligible to do at fair as part of the horse project.
- Policy Review – Has not gotten done to go out to clubs. Will get done.
New Business – none
Other Business – USDA – send inspectors for sored horses – our options – we can say come inspect, get certified to be an inspector, or have no inspection and take on liability. We cannot let them compete if they come in sored. We need to notify the state which way option we are doing. Will look into who (Dave or Council) needs to make the decision.
Next meeting is Monday, April 21, 2025, at 5:30pm in the Exhibit Hall
Ashley Moore moved, and Toni Reetz seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried
Respectfully submitted by JoDee Hess, Secretary