My 4-H Year (Green Sheet)
Printable Version of My 4-H Year Green Sheet (Word)
4-H Year: |
This record belongs to |
County |
Age |
Years in 4-H |
Grade in School |
These are my projects for this year |
These are my project goal for this year. Briefly describe three project goals for the coming year. These are 4-H related goals but not related to your project. Examples: leadership, community service, citizenship, etc.
1. |
2. |
3. |
I have evaluated my records and believe that they are accurate, complete, and verify that this represents my own work.
4-H Club Member Date
I have reviewed this record book.
4-H Club Leader Date
Club and Project Club Meeting Participation Record the number of club and organized project meetings you attend. Add notes as needed.
Club Name or Project |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Community Service Record ways that you have served others.
Service |
Describe What you Did |
Office and Committees (4-H and Other) Record club offices you hold and committees you are a member of. Examples: Club Officer/ Club Representative for County Committees.
Name of Committee or Office |
Describe What You Do |
May add additional pages as needed.
Promotional Presentations Record ways you have promoted or publicized 4-H. Examples: news articles, talk, radio, thank you letters, ambassador responsibilities, window display, 4-H float, nursing home visits, food booth, fundraisers, etc.
Type of Presentation |
Description |
Event or Location |
Date |
Communication Activities Record your communication activities. Examples: Demonstration Illustrated Talk, reports at club meetings, public speaking, livestock judging reasons, etc. |
Type of Communication |
Title |
Event or Location |
Date |
May add additional pages as needed.
Awards and Honors (4-H and Other) Record All Awards and honors that you have received this year. Include both 4-H and other, such as school, sports, community, etc.
Activity or Event |
Award |
Location |
Date |
May add additional pages as needed.
Journal of Activities, Events, and Experiences Use this page to record ALL activities, events, and experiences as you have them. Include things such as school, sports, church, home chores, and volunteer activities.
Type of Activity |
Location |
Description |
Date |
May add additional pages as needed.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race,