4-H Upcoming Events
Our webpages must be accessible so we have our documents in printable/downloadable PDF version first, then we have the document in a webpage version. You may need to scroll through the page to find the document you are looking for.
For other upcoming events also check out our MSU Extension Flathead County Calendar on the Calendar page. The MSU Extension Flathead County Calendar includes 4-H and AG events.
- Project Interviews
- Citizenship Seminar & Legislative Breakfast
- 4-H Foods Fair
- Montana Rec Lab
- County Congress
- Interstate Exchange
- State Congress
- Lil Chief & Hand to Heart Award
Project Interviews
At the end of each 4-H year 4-H members have the opportunity to participate in the interview process with the 4-H projects they enrolled in. Below is the application to complete and turn into the Extension office TBA. Project Interviews will be held TBA. At this time Volunteers to do the interviews are greatly needed.
Printable version of Project interview Application (PDF)
Citizenship Seminar and Legislative Breakfast
The Citizenship Seminar is held January 15-17, 2023. The Legislative Breakfast was held January 17, 2023 (check calendar on the calendar page for dates). Thank you to all who participated in this event! For information on this event and any state event go to http://montana4h.org/programs/events/Cit-Seminar.html for the Citizenship Seminar information, and go to https://www.montana.edu/extension/4h/programs/events/legislative-breakfast.html for the Legistative Breakfast information.
4-H Foods Fair
Printable version of Foods Fair Entry Form (PDF)
The 4-H Foods Fair is held in January 13, 2024 (check calendar on the calendar page for date) at the Location is the Expo building on the Fairgrounds, details in the January 2024 Newsletter. Many brought their favorite
recipes. Club participation is encouraged. 2023 theme is "Flannels and Favorites".
There are classes for Cloverbuds, Juniors, Seniors, and Adults. Your recipes may turn
up in a cookbook someday! Thank you to all who participated! All of the dishes looked
delicious! Thank you to the volunteers who helped make the event run smoothly! We
look forward to next year's event!
Montana Rec Lab
This state event will take place this year Early bird registration TBA and regulary registration TBA made out to the Flathead 4-H Council. Registration includes lodging, snacks, meals, t-shirs, workshops, and exciting speakers (check calendar on the calendar page for dates). Make sure to submit a Medical Release form with your registration. 2023 theme is "4-H Rendevous!" More information go to https://www.montana.edu/extension/4h/programs/events/rec_lab/index.html for more information.
Participants must be 13 years old by Oct. 1.
County Congress
2024 County Congress Registration is deadline is Sunday April 14, 2024 the event will take place on April 27, 2024.
County Congress is an annual county 4-H public speaking, demonstrations, communications compitition.
Oral competition categories include: public speaking, career communications, demonstrations and illustrated talks and livestock juding.
Fine arts categories include: quilting, arts, crafts and fashion review. Fine art categories also include a speaking element. Check calendar on the calender page for date. Day and time to be determined.
For more information and to register for County Congress got to https://www.montana.edu/extension/flathead/countycongress.html.
Interstate Exchange
Interstate Exchange is a program for 4-H members to interact with other 4-H members
in other states in the United States through visiting other states. This is done by
The Interstate Exchange Spaghetti Supper to be determined (check calendar on calendar page for date).
State Congress
Check calendar on the calendar page for date.
For 4-H ages 13-19 (as of October 1st) to do Demonstrations and Illustrated Talks. Go to https://www.montana.edu/extension/4h/programs/events/mt_4h_congress/index.html for more information.
Lil Chief & Hand to Heart Award
Printable version of Lil Chief & Hand to Heart Award Application (PDF)
Check the calendar on the calendar page for date.
The purpose of the Lil Chief award is to recognize an outstanding senior 4-H members (4-H ages 14-18) who demonstrate exceptional Citizenship and Community Service. Winners must show evidence that they have acquired positive life skills through their activity record and stories (list your community service and citizenship activities along with pictures). Winners receive a specialty belt buckle. Applications are due to the MSU Extension Flathead County Office. Check the due date on the calendar on the calendar page. Award will be presented at the Awards Ceremony. Interview days and times are to be determined.
The Hand to Heart award is a community service award with the age division of 4-H ages 8-13 (member's age as of Oct. 1). Feel free to add as much community service information and other helpful items that you would like to share, such as pictures or trinkets. Applicants are required to interview for this award. You will be notified of your interview time and place previous to the event. Remember to dress as if you were going to a job interview. A Grand and Reserve Champion will be selected and the award will be presented at the Awards Ceremony. Interveiw days and time are to be determined.
Due no later than 5pm, April 19th 2024 at the Flathead County MSU Extension Office
The Little Chief and Hand to Heart Leadership Awards are presented to one Flathead County 4-H senior member and one Flathead County 4-H junior member each year. These recipients have demonstrated outstanding leadership skills, personal development, and service to others throughout the past year (June 1, 2023 to present). The Little Chief and Hand to Heart awards represent the goals and values expressed in the 4-H Pledge. Little Chief and Hand to Heart award recipients have excelled in citizenship, leadership and community service through 4-H and other activities.
Little Chief Award: Leadership Award for senior 4-H members. Applicants for the Little Chief Award must be 14-19 years of age as of October 1, 2023.
Hand to Heart Award: Leadership Award for junior 4-H members. Applicants for the Hand to Heart Award must be 8-13 years of age as of October 1, 2023.
Application Requirements: Applications must be completed in essay format and turned into the MSU Extension Office by 5pm on Friday, April 19th. Applications can be typed double spaced or handwritten in pen. Applications are limited to 1-2 pages handwritten or typed double spaced (not including supporting documentation). One additional page may be used for supporting documentation such as pictures, newspaper clippings, etc. Youth should complete their own application with minimal assistance from adults or other youth. The youth’s application should focus on their participation in citizenship, leadership, and community service activities during the past year from June 1, 2023 to the present. Applicants should provide 1-2 examples from their experience in each of the three categories of citizenship, leadership, and community service. Each example should be accompanied with 1-2 specific details of something learned from the experience. Examples can include activities outside of 4-H. Applicant and Club Leader signatures are required.
Interview Requirements: After submitting a completed Award Application, applicants will be required to interview for this award. Interviews will be held on May 2, 2024 and the MSU Extension Office located at 1108 S. Main St. Ste 4 in Kalispell. Applicants will be notified of a specific interview time on or before May 9, 2024. Dress as if you are interviewing for a job. During the interview, applicants must give a 3–5-minute presentation about their involvement and accomplishments in the specific areas of Citizenship, Leadership, and Community Service from June 1, 2023 to present. Then, interviewees will ask the applicant several follow-up questions. Applicants may use digital or printed materials such as a 4-H poster board or digital materials such as a Power Point or Canva file during their 3-5 minutepresentation. Digital presentations must be emailed to richard.balestri@montana.edu and ashli.darrach@montana.edu or delivered to the MSU Extension Office no later than 5pm April 29, 2024.
Important Dates: Friday, April 19, 2024- Award Application Due
Thursday, May 2, 2024- Little Chief/Hand to Heart Interviews
YEARS IN 4-H: 4-H AGE: Birthdate:
In essay format, please describe (in your own words) what you have done in the areas of Citizenship, Leadership and Community Service through 4-H and other activities throughout the past year from June 1, 2023 to the present. Applications are limited to 1-2 pages. Please provide 1-2 examples of your experiences in each of the three categories of citizenship, leadership, and community service. Each example should have 1-2 specific details of something you learned from that experience. Conservation activities do count as citizenship. Please see the Application Requirements on the cover page for specific guidelines.
Member's Signature Date
Leader’s Signature Date
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