Plant and Insect Identification
Montana State University Schutter Diagnostic Lab works in conjunction with local Extension Offices to provide identification of plants, plant diseases and insect identification. If you have a
diseased plant, harmful insect or weed that you need assistance in identifying please
contact us. We have several pamphlets on area insects in our downloads file and MSU
has numerous free, printable publications at their MSU Publication Store as well for homeowner reference.
If you would like to bring in a sample for us to process please printout and fill in one of the following forms if at all possible.
Our webpages must be accessible so we have our documents in printable/downloadable PDF version first, then we have the document in a webpage version. You may need to scroll through the page to find the document you are looking for.
Documnets on this page:
- Plant ID Form or send a picture to
- Plant Disease ID Form or send a picture to
- Insect ID Form or send a picture to
- Turf Disease ID Form or send a picture to
Printable version of Plant ID Form (PDF)
Schutter Diagnostic Lab
119 Plant Biosciences Facility
P.O. Box 173150
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717
Client Name ____________________________ Email _______________________________
Address ________________________________ Phone ______________________________
City ___________________________________ Zip _________________________________
- Sample collected by: ______________________ Phone: _______________
Address: ______________________________________________________
- In which county was the sample collected? ___________________________
Nearest to what Montana city, town, or major landmark? _________________
If not Montana, specify where: _____________________________________
- Sample was collected in this habitat (=PDIS "host"): (circle proper item or specify below)
cropland lawn garden house pasture forest roadside rangeland aquatic
crop-field: crop = other:
- Sample is from this form of plant: (circle proper item)
grass herb (wildflower/forb) vine shrub tree moss other
- If roots are not included in the sample, does the plant appear to be rhizomatous? Rhizomes
are stems that grow horizontally below ground and send up new shoots at some distance from the parent plant, meaning the plants
typically grow in clusters, rather than as solitary individuals.__________________________________________
- Information on habitat can expedite identification. Please include any available
information on canopy cover (full sun, part shade, full shade), and soil moisture levels (e.g. plant
was growing in moist low lying area, or dry exposed, south facing slope).
- Prevalence: (circle proper item) few or just one scattered abundant
- Other plant information: __________________________________________________
- Email identification info: yes no
Email address (if different from above): ______________________________
Submitting several entire plants with flowers and fruit will ensure accurate and prompt identification.
Please call 406-994-6297 or refer to “Plant Identification” website at for instructions on how to submit samples to the clinic.
Agent County 7/12
Printable version of Plant Disease ID Form (PDF)
Plant Disease and General Diagnostic Form
Schutter Diagnostic Lab
119 Plant BioScience Facility
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717
Client Name______________________________ Email______________________________
Address__________________________________ Phone______________________________
City/State_____________________________________ Zip___________________________
Plant common or scientific name____________________________________________________
Planting date, age of plant or size ____________________________________________________
Approximate date problem first appeared_____________________________________________
What do you see that makes you think there is a problem?
Describe the location/environment:
Describe the pattern of disease problem in the field or area:_______________________________
Please see back
Rev 9/13
County Extension Office only
Agent ____________________ County ___________________
Pesticides used Yes No
(give name and rate if possible) fungicide________________________________________
Please list if any soil amendments were used (compost, manure, grass clippings, etc.)
Did the problem show up all at once? Yes No
Is the problem getting worse? Yes No
Check problem distribution on the plant(s) (check as many as apply):
This season's growth Top of plant Limited
Last season's growth One side of plant Widespread
Bottom of plant Scattered Other____________________
Check the plant part(s) affected (check as many as apply):
Leaves/needles: Stem/stalk Roots
Upper Surface Flowers Bulbs/rhizomes
Lower Surface Fruit/seed Tubers
Branches/twigs Other
Describe what you see on the plant(s):(check as many as apply):
Yellowing Browning/scorched Seed rot
Interveinal yellowing Interveinal browning Stem rot
Canker Marginal browning Rot
Dead Areas Leaf spot/holes Stunted
Dieback Distortion/curling Seedling blight
Galls Mottle/mosaic Other
Printable verion of Insect ID Form (PDF)
Insect Identification Form
(Insects, Spiders, and Other Arthropods)
Schutter Diagnostic Lab
119 Plant BioScience Facility
P.O. Box 173150
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717
Client Name:___________________________________ Email:________________________________________
Address:______________________________________ Phone:________________________________________
_______________________________________ County:_______________________________________
Where was insect found? (check one)
Inside home Farm Public or commercial building Residential yard or garden
Plant (specify host): Other: _________________________
Have you applied any pesticides? Yes No Please list:___________________________
Do you need control measures? Yes No
Why do you want to know identification?
Comments - Describe problem. Is there any additional information you would like to add?
Rev 9/13
County Extension Office only
Agent _______________ _____ County ___________________
Printable version of Turf Disease ID Form (PDF)
Turf Disease Diagnostic Form
Schutter Diagnostic Lab
119 Plant BioScience Facility
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717
Client Name______________________________ Email______________________________
Address__________________________________ Phone______________________________
City/State_____________________________________ Zip___________________________
Type of grass __________________________________________________________________
Was the grass seeded or sodded? ____________________ When?________________________
Approximate date problem first appeared _____________________________________________
Describe the location/environment:
Describe the pattern of disease problem in the turf: _____________________________________
Irrigation used Please check: Yes or No
Type of system _______________________________________
Frequency ___________________________________________
Amount _____________________________________________
Please see back
County Extension Office only
Agent ____________________ County ___________________
Pesticides used Please check: Yes or No
(give name and rate if possible) fungicide________________________________________
Fertilizer used Please check: Yes or No
(give name and rate if possible) fertilizer________________________________________
Please list other cultural practices used (aeration, dethatching, etc.) ________________________
Did the problem show up all at once? Yes No
Is the problem getting worse? Yes No
Check symptoms on the turf (check as many as apply):
Leaf Spot Frog eye/Dead areas Other
Bleached Patches/Rings/Arcs
Yellowing Poor growth
Terrain associated with problem (check as many as apply):
Low area Irregular Sloped
Level High area Other
Soil Type:
Clay Fill Sandy
Aspect of the site where sample was collected:
East North Unknown
West South