Welcome to Montana municipal government! Through this six-week introductory course, participants will study the foundational elements of local government, including its purpose, laws, best practices, duties of elected and appointed officials, and much more. It is a great practical overview of municipal government in Montana for both new and experienced officials.* 

*This is a non-credit course offered through Montana State University Extension.


This course follows a six-week, semi-asynchronous format based on the Montana Municipal Officials Handbook, 3rd ed. Participants will complete one unit per week following posted deadlines and must complete the following steps for each unit prior to the weekly deadline: 

1. Read the assigned Handbook sections.

2. Complete the unit quizz.

3. Participate in the online discussion forums with one original post and one response post each of at least 50 words.





If you don't already have one, please create ONE eXtension account for all of your MSU Local Government Center online and hybrid education.** 

You cannot be registered for the course until you click the verification link referenced in the online account instructions.

**We CANNOT track education credits for one individual across multiple eXtension accounts.**

2.  Complete the registration form.

Click on the link and complete the registration form.

Registration is open until end of day on Friday, October 4th, 2024.


3.  Pay the course fee.

This course is $50.00 per participant.

Course fees must be paid by October 4th, 2024. Click on the link and complete course fee payment with a credit or debit card.

Course fees are only refundable if written cancellation is received by the MSU Local Government by October 14th, 2024. 


Once all three steps are complete, the MSU LGC will enroll you and send you a confirmation email with access information prior to the start of the course.


The Montana Municipal Officials Handbook, 3rd ed. can be viewed or downloaded from the MSU Local Government Center's website. Participants are welcome to download and print the handbook from the link below.


We manually enroll participants into their course cohorts to avoid quorum issues, so you won't have access to the course until after registration closes, as we wait till we have a complete list of participants before creating the cohort groups. If you'd like to be able to start working ahead, here's a course syllabus with the readings, course objectives, and major topics for each unit. 



If you have questions about the online course, feel free to email Lydia Maunz at lydia.maunz@montana.edu or call 406.994.6695.