Featured Staff Member

Isaac Gilbertson

Isaac Gilbertson

Academic Advisor

College of Letters and Science Advising Commons

Hello! My name is Isaac Gilbertson. I have lived in the Bozeman area my entire life, and even now, I cannot stop looking at the mountains each morning and being in awe. I Graduated from MSU with a B.S. in Human Development and Family Science, and I am an Academic Advisor for CLS who advises Psychology, Earth Sciences, and English. I became an Advisor because it fits well with one of my main passions, which is to help people develop in the way they would like to, primarily students. My second passion is country swing dancing which I help host a few dances each month and will talk your ear off about it if you let me. I love meeting new people and hearing their stories.

MSUASC Member Elections – FY24

It is time for the annual All Staff Council elections, nominate yourself and a fellow staff member today!

This is an important opportunity for yourself or a fellow staff member to:

  • get involved
  • meet people
  • learn more about Montana State University

The ballot is scheduled to open June 19, 2023,  at noon, at that time you will be able to view the nominees bio and photo.  Vote at https://www.montana.edu/msuasc/election/index.html.

Click here for Printable Flyer to post in your common break area. (Nominations close May 26th at noon)


Global Employee Health & Fitness Month


Health and fitness are essential for every human being on the planet since it has numerous benefits that can lead to enhancing one’s quality of life. However, as we grow older, people tend to lose themselves in their work routines and a consistent exercise regime takes a backseat. It is to rid the world of such attitudes that the Global Employee Health and Fitness Month was launched in 1989 by the National Association for Health and Fitness. This nonprofit association, which was founded in 1979, has been on a mission to improve the health of Americans since its formation and has come up with numerous ideas to encourage a healthy lifestyle. One of these projects includes the Global Employee Health and Fitness Month — an award-winning worksite health promotion program.

Today, the Global Employee Health and Fitness Month has become an international observation that encourages health and fitness at the workplace and looks at the advantages of a healthy workforce. Due to the observation of this month, thousands of employees are leading healthy lives and countless employers have adopted practices that focus on employee health.


1. Take the stairs, take breaks to walk during the day, do desk exercises and stretches. 

2. Hold a walking meeting.

3. Make healthy food choices.

4. Practice gratitude every day both at home and work.

5. Explore stress-relief techniques like taking frequent breaks, journaling, deep breathing exercises etc.

6. Create Wellness Objectives.


 Skin Cancer Awareness Month

from Skin Cancer Foundation at skincancer.org

With over 5 million cases diagnosed in the United States each year, skin cancer is America’s most common cancer. Fortunately, skin cancer is also one of the most preventable cancers. By sharing facts about the dangers of unprotected sun exposure and encouraging people to check their skin for warning signs, we can and will save lives.

We can’t do this work alone.

Skin Cancer Awareness Month is a time for us to speak up about the dangers of skin cancer, share the facts and help save lives. There are so many ways to get involved, including the new #SkinCheckChallenge!

Here’s how it works:

  • First, check your skin from head to toe. Look for anything new, changing or unusual.
  • Then, post a photo or video of your skin check and share it online with the hashtag #SkinCheckChallenge.
  • Share a “thumbs up” pic or get creative! Tag us and tell us if you found anything.
  • Then, invite two friends to do it too.

Let’s start a wave of skin checks around the world to help save lives. Are you up for the challenge? Let’s go!


All Staff Scholarship FY24

The All Staff Scholarship Program was created to encourage the exceptional staff at MSU to pursue their professional and academic goals. 

The ASC Scholarship Committee has awarded $7,050.00 to twelve recipients to be applied to their Fall 2023 education costs.

MSU Library Announces the Bobcat Browse Summer Book Group

For more information about the Bobcat Browse collection or this book group, visit https://www.lib.montana.edu/spaces/browse/ 

or contact Collection Development Librarian Rachelle McLain, rachelle.mclain@montana.edu or 406-994-6549.


Calling all new staff - lunch is on us!

All Staff Council would like to welcome you to MSU with a meal voucher for lunch and small gift. Please complete the New Staff Welcome Gift survey to coordinate receiving your gift.  


If you have any questions, please contact msuasc@montana.edu.

Montana State University
All Staff Council
211 Montana Hall
P.O. Box 172440
Bozeman, MT 59717-2440

Chair:  Molly Lammers

