MRJCON Strategic Plan 2019 - 2026


Intentional Focus 1

Drive Transformational Learning Experiences Creating Outstanding Educational Outcomes for All Students - Montana State University students are challenged and changed by their active participation in high quality, innovative experiences at both the undergraduate and graduate level, becoming learned professionals and global citizens.

Unit Goals

1.1 Broaden access for underrepresented populations and increase academic success for all students through excellence in undergraduate education.

• Revise BSN and Accelerated BSN curricula to incorporate national trends including IPE, new AACN BSN Essentials, etc.


New curriculum

• Apply AACN framework to the development of an MSU CON Holistic Review, Admissions, and Placement Policy. 


New admission policy

• Identify strategies to retain pre-nursing students who are not accepted into the nursing major.


Parallel planning by Pre-Nursing advisors Fall 2022.

• Facilitate the smooth matriculation of Tribal transfer students.


Hope Week. Success Academies. Kellie Phillips’ work with, and Dean's visits to, Tribal Colleges

• Explore creation of an additional campus site in Eastern Montana.


Report to faculty from Dean Shannon


1.2 Expand high-quality graduate education and post graduate education with an emphasis on rural and primary care health.

• Create and maintain graduate nursing programs to meet the needs of Montana (i.e., Psych-Mental Health DNP, Family Nurse Practitioner DNP, Post master’s DNP, PMHNP certificate, Acute Care certificate, and Masters in leadership).


Created PMHNP certificate, Post-Masters' DNP, and Nurse Midwifery program.

• Prepare graduate students for successful rural practice. 

2019 ANEW Grant

Accomplishment of grant aims. Renewal of ANEW in 2023

• Review graduate program curricula to ensure quality and outcomes (e.g., revise to incorporate national trends including new AACN master’s and DNP Essentials). 


Graduate program assessment workshop Fall 2022. Curricular mapping to new 2021 Essentials completed with new Program Learning Outcomes. Increase to 750 clinical hours at DNP level.


  • Implement evidence-based high quality, high impact teaching and learning practices for every student – MSU CON improves the curricular and co-curricular experience with demonstrated educational practices integrated with discovery and engagement that enhance learning and develop engaged global citizens and informed professionals.

• Develop an integrated simulation curriculum that supports experiential learning, particularly at the UG level.


Dedicated NRSG 400 courses at all level. 28 standardized simulations and dedicated simulation faculty. Incorporating use of OSCEs and standardized patients at graduate level.

• Facilitate faculty participation in ongoing MSU teaching/learning activities through the Center for Faculty Excellence.


Number of faculty participating annually


Intentional Focus 2

Improve Lives and Society through Research, Creativity, and Scholarship - Montana State University faculty, staff, and students are known nationally and internationally for discovering, applying, testing, and sharing knowledge and creative works that expand understanding and positively impact lives and society.

Unit Goals

2.1: The MSU CON research and creative activity demonstrates impact on the state’s and the world’s pressing challenges through application of our discoveries in communities, industry, and organizations, as well as through academic indicators of the expansion of knowledge. The CON supports all four Grand Challenges selected by MSU but specifically seeks to promote community wellness through access and equity in education and health outcomes, community-based participatory research, biomedical sciences, entrepreneurship, and policy (i.e., Grand Challenge #2). 

• Define CON-specific external outcome measures that reflect success in Grand Challenge #2 and monitor these for demonstrated improvement.


Number of research and scholarship products produced by faculty related to Grand Challenge #2 including grant proposals, publications, patents, etc.

• Enhance education of CON undergraduate and graduate students through increased participation in research, creative, and entrepreneurial activities. 


Numbers of undergraduate and graduate students involved in research/scholarship activities with faculty, e.g., research assistants and mentoring. Number of undergraduate and graduate students who attend WIN annual research conference. Number of students participating in entrepreneurial and other creative activities, e.g., grand challenge or healthcare design competitions. Number of students who participate in scholarly dissemination activities, e.g., 3-Minute Thesis Competition, publications.

• Support engagement with promotion in the clinical track for NTT faculty to elevate clinical scholarship


NTT Rank Advancement policy passed. Five NTT faculty going for advancement.


2.2: The MSU CON serves a predominantly rural state and carries unique possibilities for inference, translation, and impact.  Our research and creative activity will address pressing health issues and capitalize on interdisciplinary scholarship to solve complex issues.

• Identify and disseminate interdisciplinary funding opportunities to CON faculty. 


Established SharePoint site for faculty that is regularly updated with funding opportunities related to MRJCON research and scholarship.

• Secure at least one new interdisciplinary training grant that focuses on promoting wellness in Montana communities. 


Funding of at least one HRSA funded interdisciplinary grant with MRJCON as PD.

• Increase grant expenditures of CON investigators working with multiple academic units or disciplines.


Number of funded grant proposals that involve interdisciplinary teams, annually.

• Increase the number of scholarly products by CON faculty/students that are authored or created with interdisciplinary partners. 


Number of interdisciplinary publications or other scholarly products produced annually.

• Continue and expand AHEC partnership.

2019-2024 2026

Annual report on joint activities and collaborative funding.


2.3: "Strengthen institutional reputation in scholarship – MSU’s success in scholarship results in increased state, national, and international prominence. MSU CON will annually increase or maintain scholarship standing when compared to peer colleges. 

  • MSU CON faculty will be recognized as regional and national leaders in promoting community wellness by 2024.
  • MSU CON will increase the number of faculty with membership among national academies, professional society fellows and state/federal/international advisory committees.
  • MSU CON will increase the number of faculty who receive awards and honors.
  • MSU CON will establish a baseline by 2020 and increase its number of international projects and collaborations in learning, scholarship and engagement by 10% by 2024."

• Strengthen our institutional reputation in scholarship by providing resources such as professional grant writer or grant writing support.


Continue collaborating with grant writer in AHEC and Donna Lawson in the Foundation (# grants cowritten). Support pre-award services through the ADR office (# proposals submissions with support from Susan Myers-Clack). Conduct scholarship Intensives 2x annually to support research faculty productivity.

• Recruit and hire research active faculty


Number of new TT hires.

• Identify efficiencies in faculty role to leverage scholarship opportunities. 


Restructuring of NRSG 675. Role of Associate Director for Research. Stepwise approach to TT responsibilities. Negotiated startup package.

• Develop a reliable process to nominate faculty to be recognized as regional and national leaders in promoting community wellness (Grand Challenge #2)


Faculty Council takes the lead.

• Develop a reliable process to nominate faculty for membership in national academies, professional society fellowships, and state/federal/international advisory committees. 

2020 2026

Associate Dean for Research role

• Continue to develop international opportunities for students and faculty to engage in learning and scholarship. 


Provide at least 2 global learning opportunities for students per year.  Number of international faculty presentations and other scholarly activities.


2.4: "Elevate expectations for scholarship – MSU faculty, staff, and students hold themselves to the highest standards of research and creative outcomes. The CON will set goals and document progress in annual research reports by 2020 through collection of aggregate faculty research productivity (required for CCNE accreditation). 

  • The CON will increase annual contract and grant submissions by 10% by 2024.
  • Publications, presentations of creative works, translational research and creative activity, and other evidence of dissemination of scholarship will increase by 10% by 2024."

• Recruit an Associate Dean to lead CON research efforts. 


AD Hire

• Experiment with strategies to highlight research and scholarship in the CON (e.g., NED Talks, etc.)


Provide support for faculty and staff opportunities that highlight nursing research/scholarship internally (NED Talks, DNP Posters, GFM highlight) and externally (WIN). Highlight current nursing research/scholarship on an updated MRJCON research website.

• Identify strategies to ensure the accurate collection of faculty research productivity information from Activity Insight. 


Provide social activities for faculty to meet and enter research productivity information into Activity Insight.


Intentional Focus 3 

Expand Mutually Beneficial and Responsive Engagement for the Advancement of Montana - Montana State University students, faculty and staff work together and with partners across the state and around the world to enhance the well-being of individuals, organizations, and communities.

Unit Goals:

3.1 "Increase mutually beneficial collaborations with Tribal nations and partners - MSU works cooperatively with Tribal governments, colleges, community groups, and Indigenous students to develop and achieve beneficial outcomes.

  • The CON will set goals for our impact to Montana through service and collect aggregate data to describe outreach efforts of our faculty (requirement for CCNE accreditation). "

• Experiment with innovative models to support Tribal students in nursing education. 


Student Success Academy, Hope week, Academic Nurse Mentors, Mobile Health Training grant, HEART Project

• Strengthen relationships with Tribal colleges throughout Montana.


Hope Week. Success Academies. Kellie Phillips’ work with, and Dean's visits to, Tribal Colleges

• Increase and streamline opportunities for collaborative research, scholarship, and service partnerships with Tribal communities. 


CO-OP recruitment. Increase in funding with Fort Peck CC and Blackfeet. Increase research funding in collaboration with tribal communities


3.2 Improve and develop mutually beneficial partnerships between CON and communities across Montana. 

• Evaluate aggregate faculty outcomes that demonstrate impact on communities through data collected from Activity Insight.


Report on number of communities engaged and tribal community research and population health outcomes

• Facilitate faculty partnerships in rural communities in Montana that support teaching, research, and service. 


Report on number of communities engaged and tribal community research and population health outcomes

• Partner with other MSU entities to leverage relationships and resources. 


Partner with clinical agencies and other organizations to develop partnerships


3.3 "Foster a culture of collaboration, continuous improvement, and individual growth - MSU and its students, faculty, and staff engage in a reciprocal relationship that values each member and improves the university environment.

  • At least 80% of full-time faculty will actively participate in faculty governance activities. “

• Increase the average faculty and staff compensation to the representative peer market average by 2024.


December 2022-January 2023, MRJCON received an additional $260,000 in funding to align faculty salaries with OSU standards. Implemented with Spring 2023 contracts. Additional state approved salary increases of 2% in FY23, 4% in FY24, and 4% in FY25 across all positions. Additionally, all classified positions have been evaluated and progressed to higher positions also increasing base salaries of staff.

• Increase faculty and staff participation in health and wellness, personal, management and professional development opportunities.


The college provides professional development funding through Faculty Council (~$17,500 per FY) to encourage professional development activities. The University provides additional training and development opportunities for faculty and staff. Additionally, through BCBS and the state health plan, faculty have access to many different wellness initiatives.

• Make and annually monitor progress on the 2017 MSU Diversity & Inclusion Framework. 


Report regularly at EC on the diversity plan and annually receive report from the Academic Diversity Partner. Monitor progress and set new goals.

• Evaluate participation in faculty governance and develop strategies to encourage “faculty and staff citizenship”. 


Faculty President (Maria, Joe, Wade)

• Develop a strategy to increase student engagement in the Montana Student Nurses Association and Student Forum. 

2020 2026