The Mark and Robyn Jones College of Nursing is offering limited educational loans through the HRSA Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP). These loan are for students who are enrolled in advanced education nursing degree programs and are committed to become nurse faculty. In exchange for full-time post-graduation employment as nurse faculty, the program authorizes cancelation of up to 85% of any such loan (plus interest thereon). The full 85% loan cancellation is given to those who serve for 4 years as a nurse faculty.

What is the definition of advanced education nursing program?

A program that trains individuals to serve as nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse-midwives, nurse anesthetists, nurse educators, nurse administrators, and public health nurses.

What is considered full-time employment as a nurse faculty?

After graduation full-time employment may include: (1) employment as a full-time faculty member at an accredited school of nursing; (2) employment as a part-time faculty member at an accredited school of nursing in combination with another part-time faculty position or part-time clinical preceptor/educator position affiliated with an accredited school of nursing that together equates to full-time employment; or 3) employment as designated joint-appointment faculty serving as full-time advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) preceptor within an academic-practice partnership framework affiliated with an accredited school of nursing.

What costs can the NFLP loan support?

The loan can be used to cover the cost of tuition, fees, books, lab expenses, and other reasonable education expenses.

How do I qualify?

You must be enrolled in a course of study in an advanced education nursing degree program; maintain MRJCON’s minimum acceptable level of academic standing; and be eligible to work in the United States.

You must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

What if I need a leave of absence from my educational program?

MSU may approve and grant a temporary leave of absence to borrowers of NFLP loan funds according to the internal MSU student enrollment and leave policies, upon a determination that there is a reasonable expectation that the borrower will return to the institution. Students who do not return from a leave of absence will enter repayment status. The NFL is repayable in equal or graduated periodic installments (with the right of the borrower to accelerate repayment) over a 10-year period that begins 9 months after the individual ceases to pursue a course of study at a school of nursing.

How long do I have to find a job?

NFLP borrowers have 9 months after graduaton to find employment as a full-time nurse faculty.

How do I apply for a NFLP loan?

Contact the Associate Dean for Research and/or the Research Office for more information. The loans are administered by the MSU Office of Financial Aid.



Molly Secor

PO Box 173560 

Bozeman, MT 59717
