Master Resource Outline


Course Title: NRSG 460 Nursing Concepts in Acute and Chronic Care

Credits: 4 (lecture)
Semesters Offered: Spring
Prerequisites: NRSG 329 IL NRSG 327, NRSG 328 NRSG 318


Course Description: 

This course facilitates understanding and building upon previous and concurrent theoretical and empirical knowledge for patient-centered care of adults across the lifespan to include aging, chronic illness and non-curable, life limiting diseases and those experiencing acute/critical and complex health alterations. Values of compassionate, culturally sensitive, holistic care is emphasized. Advancing theoretical knowledge, professional nursing practice and interprofessional collaboration, and delivery of safe, high quality care are key components.

Catalog Course Description:

Theoretical and empirical knowledge for planning collaborative, patient-centered, safe care of adults across the lifespan to include aging, chronic illness and noncurable, life limiting diseases and those experiencing acute/critical and complex health alterations. 


Course Objectives

1. Synthesize previously learned knowledge and concurrent knowledge into the care of patients across the adult lifespan in the defined population.
2. Determine the psychosocial, mental, and physical challenges, adaptive/maladaptive coping strategies, and health promotion for patients across the adult lifespan within the defined population.
3. Analyze evidence-based nursing practice, interprofessional collaboration, and technology to care for patients with serious health alterations.
4. Apply theoretical and empirical knowledge in design and implementation of nursing care with individuals across the life span and their families experiencing chronic health problems and life-limiting disease.
5. Examine interprofessional collaboration and community resources to promote wellness/ disease management in the context of aging, chronic illness, and palliative/hospice care. 

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course the student will be able to:

1. Integrate evidence-based knowledge for patient-centered care to those patients and families across the adult lifespan of the defined population.
2. Determine the various psychosocial impacts to patients and families across the adult lifespan in the defined population.
3. Analyze key quality, safety, and ethical issues and dilemmas related to caring for the defined population.
4. Compare and contrast the differences between palliative and hospice care.
5. Determine measures to improve quality of life as defined by the patient with respect to personal preferences and needs while accounting for cultural and socioeconomic uniqueness and challenges.


AACN Competencies

This course develops:

1.1. Demonstrate an understanding of the discipline of nursing’s distinctive perspective and
where shared perspectives exist with other disciplines.
1.2. Apply theory and research-based knowledge from the arts, humanities, and sciences.
3.3. Consider the economic impact of the delivery of health care. (different than TBSN acute
and chronic concepts)
8.1. Describe information and communication technology tools used in the care of patients,
 communities, and populations. 

Required Content and Concepts:

  1. Interprofessional and interdisciplinary coordination of care
  2. Transitions of care and case management
  3. Health promotion, rehabilitation, and prevention
  4. Physiological influences of aging
  5. Acute management of the time-sensitive injury or illness – CVA, AMI, Trauma, Sepsis
  6. Selected illness / injuries

• Neuro – CVA, TBI, SCI
• Cardiac – CHF, ACS, open heart, valve replacements, basic ECG interpretation
• Respiratory – COPD, ALI, ARDS, basic ventilator management
• Multisystem – shock
• Chronic illness – Diabetes – hypo/hyperglycemia, chronic / acute renal, cancer, liver failure
• Abd – chronic GI, GI bleed, liver with acute encephalopathy
• Neuro and ortho degenerative diseases
• Cancer Cellular proliferation -Neoplasia 

A. Overview of cellular structure and function
B. Biology of cancer
C. Tumor spread and clinical manifestations
D. Cancers in adults and children
E. Chemotherapeutic Agents

7. Ethical issues and communication with patients and families about sudden illness/injury, end-oflife issues, and death
8. Palliative and hospice
9. Prioritization (and triage) of care within patient assignments


Included Threads

  • Equity
  • Inclusion
  • Diversity
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Communication
  • Ethics
  • Clinical Judgement
  • Mental Health


Approved by UAAC: 11/24/2020

Approved by Faculty: 11/9/2020