Thank you for raising your hand to teach for OLLI at MSU! We look forward to reviewing your proposal.

Submit a Program Proposal

OLLI at MSU plans our semester calendar 3-4 months in advance. Generally, proposals for the spring semester are due in September. Proposals for the fall semester are due in March. Volunteer OLLI program committee members and OLLI staff review the proposals. Submitting a proposal does not assure acceptance. 

We invite you to learn more about the OLLI audience before submitting your proposal. If you are unfamiliar with OLLI MSU, please get in touch with our office, and we will connect you with a volunteer committee member. Email:

We look forward to learning more about your chosen topic. Thank you for taking the time to submit a proposal for an OLLI MSU program.

Course, OLLI Extras or Travel ProgramOLLI Speaker SeriesHow It’s Made, Preludes & Performances or Community Event

Submit an OLLI at MSU Program Suggestion

Program Suggestion

More About OLLI at MSU

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at MSU offers a diverse array of intellectually stimulating, non-credit programs designed for OLLI members 50 years of age and better. Our cohort is highly educated, though perhaps not in your field, and enjoys learning about new, historic and timely topics and how these may be relevant to their lives. Participants enjoy the casual environment, discussion opportunities, and personal connection to presenters. Presenters find the OLLI at MSU cohort engaging, well-read and curious. We recommend your presentation material be geared toward the general public, addressing more technical content as needed during Q&A sessions.

Members choose and attend programs for the joy of learning, interest in the subject matter and learning amongst peers. It is a joy for our members to stay cognitively engaged in lifelong learning, and your participation is vital to this endeavor!