Edward S. Davis
![edward davis](/plantinvasions/scientists/edward_davis/images/edward_davis.jpg)
Herbicide Testing Program
Our primary objective is to investigate experimental and labeled herbicide chemistry for control of grass and broadleaf weeds in dry-land crop production and evaluate crop tolerance to these products. In order to replicate scenarios representative of Montana’s diverse environments, field studies are conducted throughout the state at MAES research centers and on private property in cooperation with our Montana agricultural producers. Field trials are also established to evaluate crop varietal sensitivity to herbicides and rotational crop response to soil residues of herbicides applied in previous growing seasons. Controlled environment studies are also performed at the MSU Plant Growth Center to investigate herbicide activity on susceptible and herbicide resistant weed species. Information gathered from this work provides data necessary for developing herbicide labels for new and existing crop protection products and use patterns appropriate for Montana crop production.
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