Performance Evaluation Policy
Subject |
Personnel |
Effective Date |
January 1, 2019 |
Revised Date |
January 15, 2025 |
Review Date |
January 2028 |
Responsible Party |
University of Human Resources |
Table of Contents
100.00 Introduction and Purpose
500.00 Employee Request for Evaluation
600.00 Employee Requests for Review of Evaluation
100.00 Introduction and Purpose
MSU encourages regular feedback and evaluation of employee performance throughout the year. An annual evaluation of performance is required for classified employees and contract employees working 0.5 FTE or more.
200.00 Faculty
The MSU Faculty Handbook specifies the policies and procedures for annual review of tenurable faculty, including applicable appeal rights.
The Departmental Role and Scope Documents specify the policies and procedures for review of non-tenured faculty not covered by a collective bargaining agreement. The NTT Collective Bargaining Agreementspecifies the policies and procedures for the annual review of NTT faculty.
The MTYFCA Collective Bargaining Agreement specifies the policies and procedures for the annual review of Gallatin College Faculty.
300.00 Classified Employees
Classified employees employed at 0.5 FTE or more and who have completed their probationary period will have their performance evaluated by their immediate supervisor and/or department head. The evaluation must be completed and submitted to University Human Resources no later than June 30 of each year. Evaluators may request an extension of the deadline from University Human Resources. Performance Evaluation forms for classified employees are available for use.
400.00 Contract Employees
Contract employees employed at 0.5 FTE or more, for six (6) months or more, will have their performance evaluated by their immediate supervisor and/or department head. The evaluation must be completed and submitted to University Human Resources no later than June 30 of each year. Evaluators may request an extension of the deadline from University Human Resources. Evaluation forms for contract employees are available for use. Evaluators may use the approved forms or may submit alternative forms to University Human Resources for approval prior to use.
500.00 Employee Request for Evaluation
Any employee who does not receive a performance evaluation by the deadline may submit a written request for a performance evaluation to the supervisor with a copy to the supervisor’s supervisor. The supervisor will have thirty (30) calendar days in which to complete the evaluation and submit it to University Human Resources.
600.00 Employee Requests for Review of Evaluation
An employee who disagrees with their evaluation may submit a written request for review
to University Human Resources. The written request must be filed within thirty (30)
calendar days of the evaluation and must state the specific areas of disagreement
as well as the reason(s) the employee disagrees with the supervisor’s evaluation.
The decision of the evaluator’s supervisor will be the final decision on the evaluation.
The employee’s written disagreement will be attached to the final performance evaluation
and placed in the employee’s personnel file.
To assist supervisors in conducting performance evaluations, guidelines and approved
forms are provided in the Performance Evaluation Guidelines. After the performance evaluation is completed, the form will be signed by the supervisor
and employee. The employee’s signature is acknowledgement of receipt. If the employee
declines to sign acknowledging receipt, the form may be forwarded without the employee’s
signature. The original will be filed in the department with a copy for the employee
and a copy sent to University Human Resources for inclusion in the employee's personnel