

Effective Date

January 1, 2019

Revised Date

January 15, 2025

Review Date

January 2028

Responsible Party

University of Human Resources


Table of Contents

100.00 Introduction and Purpose

200.00 University Required Training

300.00 Employee Requests to Attend Job-Related Training

400.00 Personal Development Activities





100.00 Introduction and Purpose

Montana State University recognizes the importance of training and professional development activities, which maintain and advance employee skills, knowledge, and competencies. This policy establishes the requirements for approval and time off for employee training and professional development activities.

200.00 University Required Training

The university may require employees to attend professional development activities and training as part of their work assignments. Attendance will be considered work time and the employee will be compensated for the attendance as required under relevant wage and hour laws, regulations, and university policies.

300.00 Employee Requests to Attend Job-Related Training

Employees may request approval from their supervisor to attend training or professional development activities that will improve their job-related knowledge, skills, and abilities. If approved, attendance will be considered work time and the employee will be compensated for the attendance as required under relevant wage and hour laws, regulations, and university policies.

400.00 Personal Development Activities

Employees may wish to take time off to attend personal development activities or training to advance their own personal or professional development or to advance their personal educational goals, including taking university courses. Employees may request approval to attend training or university courses during their regular work schedule. If the supervisor approves the request, the time away from work duties may be covered as follows:

  1. The employee will take annual leave for the work time missed.
  2. The employee will make up the work time missed if it is possible to do so without accruing overtime.