Distance Education Trained Faculty
Faculty Prepared to Teach Online
In accordance with MSU's Distance Education Policy, our faculty are prepared to teach online. Faculty may prepare through the Center for Faculty Excellence Teach Online Program or other approved professional development activities. Faculty listed below have completed training through one of these professional development activities that conveys the importance of regular and substantive interaction with online students.
This list was last updated on 3/10/25 at 11:35am.
First Name | Last Name | Department |
Andrew | Abraham | Mathematical Sciences |
Breezy | Adams | Counseling |
Sarah | Adigwe | Mathematical Sciences |
Macbeth | Ahortor | Statistics |
Dennis | Aig | Film & Photography |
Ahmed | Al Kaisy | Civil Engineering |
Alexa | Alberda | Film & Photography |
Lindsey | Albertson | Ecology |
Madison | Alderman | Statistics |
Ahsan | Ali | Mathematics |
Jeanette | Allday | Extension |
Christopher | Allen | Civil Engineering |
Sarah | Allen | Honors |
Nana | Allotey | Statistics |
Mohammad Ruhul | Amin | Mechanical Engineering |
Melody | Anacker | Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology |
Christina | Anderson | Film & Photography |
Jessica | Anderson | Science Education |
Tonya | Andrews | Film & Photography |
Linda | Antas | School of Music |
Margaret (Beth) | Antonopulos | Music |
Heidi | Arneson | |
Elizabeth | Arnold | Mathematical Sciences |
Robert | Arnold | Film & Photography |
Shannon | Arnold | Agriculture/ Ag Ed/ Agricultural Tech Ed |
Jean | Arthur-Sellegren | English/Nursing |
Caroline | Austin | Business |
Eric | Austin | Political Science |
Alexandra | Aylward | Education |
Kregg | Aytes | JJCBE |
Cynthia | Bacon | |
Ronalee | Baker | Extension |
Veronica | Baker | Mathematical Sciences |
Quincy | Balius | History & Philosophy |
Derek | Bannasch | School of Music |
Ralph | Barnes | Psychology |
Anna | Bartkowiak | Counseling |
Jeff | Bartos | History & Philosophy |
Jeremiah | Bass | Physics |
James | Becker | Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology |
Verne | Beffert | Education |
Zachary | Begler | Film & Photography |
Robert | Bennett | English |
Jessikay | Bennion | Political Science |
Susan | Bilo | Academic Tech & Outreach |
Laura | Black | JJCBE |
Jennifer | Boles | Film & Photography |
Jennifer | Boone | Nursing |
Christina | Borst | Nursing |
Christina | Borst | Nursing |
Star | Bradley | Library |
Joseph | Bradshaw | Gallatin College (Arts & Science)/Science Education |
Lucus | Brady | Mathematics |
Kirk | Branch | English |
Kathleen | Brandis | Political Science |
Virginia | Bratton | JJCBE |
Alison | Brennan | Human Development & Community Health |
Galen | Brokaw | Modern Languages & Literature |
Jack | Brookshire | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Frederick | Brown | Business |
Jennifer | Brown | Chemical & Biological Engineering |
Lisa | Brown | Business |
Anne | Brown | Nursing |
Destiny | Brugman | English |
Scott | Bryant | JJCBE |
Macdonald | Burgess | Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology |
Elizabeth | Burroughs | Mathematical Sciences |
Christy | Buttler-Nelson | Nursing |
Sanlyn | Buxner | |
Sarah | Cairoli | English |
Naomi | Caldwell | Education |
Kyndra | Campbell | Gallatin College |
Anne | Caprio | |
Kari | Cargill | Microbiology & Cell Biology |
Samuel | Carlson | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Brooke | Carnwath | English |
Robyn | Carr | |
Mariana | Carrera | Agricultural Econ & Econ |
Chris | Carter | Native American Studies |
Patricia | Catoira | Modern Languages & Literature |
David | Charles | American Studies |
Nicholas | Childs | Physics |
Jake | Chipps | Computer Science |
Gillian | Cleary | Modern Languages & Lit |
Sarah | Codd | Mechanical & Industrial Engineering |
Yoshiko | Colclough | Nursing |
Casey | Cole | Nursing |
Sarah | Coletta-Flynn | English |
Anne | Compson | |
Jeffrey | Conger | Art |
Kevin | Cook | Mechanical & Industrial Engineering |
Amanda | Cooper | Gallatin College (Developmental Ed) |
Nancy | Cornwell | Film & Photography |
Michele | Corriel | Art |
Lewis | Cox | Mechanical & Industrial Engineering |
Genevieve | Cox | Sociology & Anthropology/Human Development & Community Health |
Cathy | Cripps | Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology |
Elizabeth | Croy | School of Music |
Shane | Cullian | Science Education |
Mary | Cummings | Computer Science |
Jason | Cummins | Education |
Catherine | Dale | Film & Photography |
Jill | Davis | English |
Lauren | Davis | Education |
Diane | Debinski | Ecology |
Kalli | Decker | Human Development & Community Health |
Daniel | DeFrance | Computer Science |
Hannah | Del Curto | Animal & Range Sciences |
Scott | Dersam | Sociology & Anthropology |
Robert | DesEnfants | Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Karen | deVries | Political Science |
Benjamin | Devries | Statistics |
Joshua | DeWeese | Art |
Hans | Dierenfeldt | Business |
Mensur | Dlakic | Microbiology & Cell Biology |
Diane | Dorgan | JJCBE |
Diane | Dorgan | Business |
Frank | Dougher | Land Resources and Env Sci |
Tracy | Dougher | Office of the Provost/Academic Affairs |
Jayne | Downey | Education |
Katharine | Downey | Science Education |
Douglas | Downs | English |
Barbara | Drescher | Psychology |
Jennifer | DuBois | Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Edward | Dunbar | Health & Human Development/Counseling |
Chelsea | Dunshee | |
William | Dyer | Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology |
Rebecca | Echeverri | |
Margaret | Eggers | LRES/ Micro & Cell Bio |
David | Eitle | Sociology & Anthropology |
Stephanie | Ewing | Land Resources @ Environmental Science |
Christine | Fanelli | Nursing |
Mary | Farina | Ecology/Environmental Science/SSC |
Brandi | Farnes | Nursing |
William | Fassbender | English |
Katrin | Finch | Extension |
Daniel | Flory | Sociology & Anthropology |
Frederick | Fox | Mathematics |
Ann | Fox (Ellsworth) | Education/ Letters & Science |
Nick | Fox | Land Resources @ Environmental Science |
Jacqueline | Frank | Library |
Kathryn | Franklin | Health & Human Development/Counseling |
Jesse | Fulbright | Extension |
Elizabeth | Fulton | Mathematical Sciences |
Ann | Galloway | Nursing |
Janet | Gamble | HHD/Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology |
Amaya | Garcia-Costas | Microbiology |
Veronica | Garcia-Moreno | Modern Languages & Literature |
Aisha | Garged | Modern Languages & Literature |
Aisha | Garged | Modern Languages & Lit |
Regina | Gee | Art |
Dena | Geiger | Nursing |
Dena | Geiger | Nursing |
Cailyn | Gillis | Food Sys/Nutrition/Kinesiology |
Gregory | Gilpin | Agricultural Economics & Economics |
Marc | Giullian | JJCBE |
Ada | Giusti | Modern Languages & Literature |
Candace | Goodman | Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Joshua | Gottemoller | Mathematical Sciences |
Robyn | Gotz | Earth Science |
Kimberly | Graham | Mathematical Sciences |
John | Graves | Science Education |
Carl | Graves | Science Education |
Devin | Gray | Computer Science |
Elizabeth | Green | Education |
Kelsey | Green | English/Center for Faculty Excellence |
Jennifer | Green | Residence Life/University Food Service |
Kaylin | Greene | Sociology & Anthropology |
Candice | Gresswell | Registrar's Office |
Holly | Grether | History & Philosophy |
Sean | Griffin | Earth Science |
Michelle | Grocke | Human Development & Community Health |
William | Grover | American Studies/Political Science/University Studies |
Anja | Gruber | Agricultural Economics & Economics |
Nicholas | Hagerty | Agricultural Economics & Economics |
Julia | Haggerty | Earth Sciences |
Sandra | Halonen | Microbiology & Cell Biology |
Margaret | Hammersla | Nursing |
Mary | Hansen | Library |
Marcy | Hanson | Nursing |
Yuka | Hara | Modern Languages & Literature |
Codi | Harbour | Gallatin College Workforce Programs |
Heather | Hardester | Liberal Studies |
Alex (Lauren) | Harmon | English |
Kristin | Harney | Music |
Jon | Harney | School of Music |
Anthony | Hartshorn | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Michael | Hatch | |
Jennifer | Hatchadorian | Liberal Studies |
Daniel | Heil | HHD/Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology |
Shawna | Heiser | Psychology |
Kathryn | Heiser | Human Development & Community Health |
Janet | Heiss Arms | Gallatin College |
Suzanne | Held | Human Development & Community Health |
Tracy | Hellem | Nursing |
Amber | Hemphill | LRES/Science Education |
Cheryl | Hendry | Gallatin College |
Matthew | Herman | Native American Studies |
Pascale | Hickman | Modern Languages & Literature |
James | Hicks | EHHD |
Jennifer | Hill | History & Philosophy/Liberal Studies |
Paul | Hook | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Rebecca | Hoover | Nursing |
Holly | Horner | University Studies |
Jeffrey | Hostetler | Gallatin College |
Bryce | Hughes | Education |
Rachel | Huleatt-Baer | Nursing |
Dani | Huvaere | Art |
Dani | Huvaere | |
Shauna | Hyatt | English |
William | Inskeep | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Kristen | Intemann | History & Philosophy |
Katherine | Ivester | Gallatin College |
Zach | Jandrasi | Mathematics |
Gesine | Janzen | Art |
Sara | Jay | EHHD |
Minjee | Jeon | Art |
Cheyenne | John-Henderson | Music |
Kristin | Johnson | Library |
Erick | Johnson | Mechanical & Industrial Engineering |
Elizabeth | Johnson | Nursing |
Sarah | Johnson-Palomaki | Sociology & Anthropology |
Clain | Jones | LRES/Extension |
Ashley | Jones | Nursing |
Steven | Juroszek | Architecture |
Mary | Kabaci | Health & Human Development/Community Health |
Donna Coleen | Kaiser | Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology |
Todd | Kaiser | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Kayte | Kaminski | EHHD |
Linda | Karell | English |
Bridget | Kevane | Modern Languages & Literature |
Jeffrey | Kinkaid | Mechanical & Industrial Engineering |
Lynn | Kinnaman | Gallatin College |
Steven | Kirchhoff | English/Political Science |
Kate | Kithil | Modern Languages & Literature |
Jane | Klassen | LRES/Chemistry&Biochemistry |
Robyn | Klein | Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology |
William | Kleindl | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Kelly | Knight | Sociology & Anthropology |
Tracey | Koch | Nursing |
Susan | Kollin | American Studies/English |
Daniel | Koltz | Human Dev & Comm Health |
Lindsay | Kordick | Health & Human Development/Science Education |
Katharine | Kujawa | Psychology |
Agnieszka | Kwapisz | Business |
Jennifer | Lachowiec | Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology |
Brooke | Lahneman | Business |
Brock | LaMeres | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Marvin | Lansverk | English |
Laura | Larsson | Nursing |
Ellen | Lauchnor | Civil Engineering |
Matthew | Lavin | Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology |
Lori | Lawson | JJCBE |
Dean | Lawver | Earth Sciences/Science Education |
Daniel | Lawver | Earth Sciences |
Myleen | Leary | JJCBE |
Chere | LeClair | Architecture |
Brock | LeMares | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Yaofa | Li | Mechanical & Industrial Engineering |
Stephanie | Lighter | Nursing |
Stephanie | Lindsay | Leadership/Education |
Theodore | Lipfert | Film & Photography |
Andrea | Litt | Ecology |
Eliot | Liucci | Statistics |
Christopher | Livingston | Architecture |
Hunter | Lloyd | Computer Science |
Charo | Loa | Modern Languages & Literature |
John | Long | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Melissa | LoPalo | Agricultural Economics & Economics |
LeAnne | Lorenz | Center for Biofilm Engineering |
Chaofu | Lu | Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology |
Amanda | Lucas | Nursing |
Amanda | Lucas | |
Jennifer | Luebeck | Mathematics |
Garret | Lumley | Mathematics |
Fenqjen | Luo | Education |
Jessica | Lusin (Milakovich) | Health & Human Development |
Nicholas | Lux | Education |
Christine | Lux | EHHD |
Tammy | Machowicz Olsztyn | Business |
Isabella | MacIntyre | Gallatin Coll Workforce Progrm |
Jelani | Mahiri | Sociology & Anthropology |
Nancy | Mahoney | Sociology & Anthropology |
Denise | Malloy | Education/English |
Jane | Mangold | LRES/Extension |
Frank | Marchak | Psychology |
Jason | Marcks | Physics/Science Education |
Miranda | Margetts | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Jerry | Markman | Mathematical Sciences |
Gina | Marquardt | Nursing |
Danielle | Martin | Nursing |
Nora | Martin | Education |
Laura | Marx | Nursing |
Tara | Mastel | Extension |
Amanda | Mattson | Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Patrick | Mayeda | Mathematics |
Timothy | McDermott | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Jamie | McEvoy | Earth Sciences |
Tanner | McFadden | |
Stephanie | McGinnis | Science Education |
Liana | McKelvy | Modern Languages & Literature |
Kathryn | McLain | Physics |
Thomas | McMahon | Ecology |
Kevin | McPhee | Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology |
Katherine | McWalters | Mathematical Sciences |
Louise | Mead | |
Amanda | Mello | |
Fabian | Menalled | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Cathlyn (Kaki) | Mendius | Nursing |
Nana | Mensah | Mathematics Education |
Sarah | Mensah | Statistics |
Ebenezer | Mensah | Statistics |
Christa | Merzdorf | Microbiology & Cell Biology |
Elizabeth | Mess | Music |
Elijah | Meyer | Statistics |
Mary | Miles | Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology |
Michelle | Miley | English |
Carrie | Miller | Nursing |
Benjamin | Miller | Nursing |
Perry | Miller | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Benjamin | Miller | Nursing |
Carrie | Miller | |
Jessica | Millimen | Sociology & Anthropology |
Shelley | Mills | Extension |
Gretchen | Minton | English |
Katherine | Mistretta | Community Development (Rainbows) |
David | Mogk | Earth Sciences |
Robert | Mokwa | Academic Affairs/Provost |
Brigitte | Morris | Modern Languages & Literature |
Sarah | Morris | Mechanical & Industrial Engineering |
Wendy | Morrison | Human Development & Community Health |
Sally | Moyce | Nursing |
Christina | Moyer | Psychology |
Jaya | Mukhopadhyay | Architecture |
Brendan | Mumey | Computer Science |
Jesine | Munson | Registrar's Office |
Christine | Muskett | Nursing |
Wataru | Nakagawa | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Stacy | Nation-Knapper | Liberal Studies |
Michael | Neeley | Sociology & Anthropology |
Elizabeth | Nelson | Earth Sciences |
Sharon | Neufeldt | Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Barry | Newton | Architecture |
Joseph | Niakoh | Statistics |
Patricia | Nickol | JJCBE |
Kim | Nordby | Gallatin College |
Greg | Notess | Library |
Bernard | Ntiamoah | Statistics |
Christy | Oliveri | Education |
Kevin | O'Neill | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Janet | Ore | History & Philosophy |
Roland | Owusu | Statistics |
Cara | Palmer | Psychology |
Mary | Pankratz | Nursing |
Tamara | Parrott | Animal & Range Sciences |
Stacey | Pascoe | Nursing |
Anjelika | Patton | Nursing |
Chris | Pavlovich | Science Education |
John | Paxton | Computer Science |
Robert | Payn | MDOT |
Sherri | Pearson | Gallatin College |
Elizabeth | Pecora | Nursing |
Sarah | Pennington | Education |
Lakviru | Perera | Statistics |
Mark | Pernarowski | Mathematical Sciences |
Dustin | Perry | Education |
Bob | Peterson | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Sean | Peterson | Gallatin College |
Jessi | Peterson | Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology |
Corey | Pew | Mechanical & Industrial Engineering |
Jean | Pfau McClellan | Microbiology & Cell Biology |
Jeremiah | Pharr | Mathematical Sciences |
Adrienne | Phillips | Civil Engineering |
Alexis | Pike | Film & Photography |
Charlie | Pinkava | Liberal Studies |
Kathryn | Plymesser | Civil Engineering |
Geoffrey | Poole | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Ryann | Popa | Nursing |
Scott | Powell | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Lynn | Powers | Science Education |
Zoe | Pratte | Microbiology & Cell Biology |
James | Pritchard | Ecology |
Elinor | Pulcini | Center for Biofilm Engineering |
Mark | Quinn | Microbiology & Cell Biology |
Charlene | Ramirez | Nursing |
Susan | Raph | Nursing |
Susan | Raph | Nursing |
Sally | Rappold | Nursing |
Sara | Rasch | Sociology & Anthropology |
Kathleen | Rasmussen | Gallatin Coll Workforce Progrm |
Rebecca | Rassi | Nursing |
Tyler | Ready | English/American Studies |
TJ | Reckner | Mathematical Sciences |
Richard | Rehberger | Gallatin College |
Michael | Reidy | History & Philosophy |
Greg | Reinemer | Science Education/Physics |
Marcie | Reuer | Education |
Lisa | Rew | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Johnathan | Reyes de Merkle | graduate student |
Kimberly | Richardson | Extension |
Denise | Riebe | Art |
Deborah | Rinio | Education |
Ashley | Rives Engler | English |
Tonya | Robinson | Native American Studies |
Leslie | Rogers | Education |
Juli | Rognlie | Gallatin College |
Angele | Romero | Nursing |
Phillip | Ronniger | College of Letters & Science |
Bradford | Rosenbloom | Education/University Studies |
Jay | Rotella | Ecology |
Brianna | Routh | Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology |
Julie | Ruff | Nursing |
Alice | Running | Nursing |
Cassandra | Runyon | Science Education |
Gretchen | Rupp | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Misha | Russ | |
Kathleen | Ryan | English |
Latrelle | Scherffius | Modern Languages & Literature |
Mark | Schlenz | |
Jade | Schmidt | Mathematical Sciences |
Mark | Schure | Human Development & Community Health |
Peter | Schweppe | Modern Languages & Literature |
Nina | Schweppe | Modern Languages & Literature/Center for Faculty Excellence |
Brandon | Scott | Psychology |
Tricia | Seifert | EHHD |
Timothy | Seipel | Land Resources & Environmental Science/Extension |
Elizabeth | Shanahan | Political Science |
Jana | Shank | Nursing |
Jamie | Sherman | Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology |
Terra | Shewmaker | Dean's Office |
Beth | Shirley | English |
Jocelyn | Short | Mathematics |
Daniel | Short | Liberal Studies |
Anne | Shovic | Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology |
Steven | Siegelin | Extension |
William | Sigler | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Vanessa | Simonds | Human Development & Community Health |
Monica | Skewes | Psychology |
Dana | Skorupa | Chemical & Biological Engineering/Center for Biofilm Engineering |
Anthony | Slominski | Ecology/LRES/Liberal Studies |
Marsha | Small | Native American Studies |
Ross | Snider | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Brad | Snow | History & Philosophy |
Durward | Sobek | Office of the Provost/Honors College |
Nicholas | Soderstrom | Psychology |
Jennifer | Sofie | Nursing |
Suzanna | Soileau | LRES/Rocky Mountain Science Center |
Kate | Solberg | Science Education |
Vandana | Sood-Giddings | Film & Photography |
Bok | Sowell | Animal & Range Sciences |
Angie | Sower | Chemistry & Biochemistry/Science Education |
Shelli | Spannring | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Whitney | Spears | English |
Ben | Spicer | Science Education |
Heidi | Staebler-Wiseman | Mathematical Sciences |
Laura | Stanley | Computer Science |
Christine | Stanton | Education |
Brad | Stanton | Civil Engineering |
Mary | Stein | Sustainable Food & Bioenergy Systems |
Stacy | Stellflug | Nursing |
Shauna | Stephens | English |
Tracy | Sterling | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Tobin | Stewart | Music |
Wendy | Stock | Agricultural Economics & Economics |
Wendy | Stock | Agricultural Economics & Economics |
Mariah | Stopplecamp | JJCBE |
Grace | Stroh | Mathematics |
Tracy | Sullivan | Art |
Eunyong | Sung | JJCBE |
Steven | Swinford | Student Success |
Tsunefumi | Tanaka | Physics |
Ken | Taylor | Physics/Science Education |
Scott | Taylor | Cell Biology & Neuroscience |
Desiree | Taylor | JJCBE |
Jordan | Teller | Nursing |
Nikita | Thatal | Mathematics |
Brian | Theroux | Science Education |
Amy | Thomas | English |
Jennifer | Thomson | Animal & Range Sciences |
Mingzhen | Tian | Physics |
Peter | Tillack | Modern Languages & Literature |
Molly | Todd | History & Philosophy |
Yvonne | Toepfer | Modern Languages & Literature |
John | Townsend Mehler | Liberal Studies |
Melinda | Truesdell | Nursing |
Else | Trygstad-Burke | Liberal Studies |
Staci | Turoski | Mechanical & Industrial Engineering |
Rachel | Upton | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Rosanna | Vallor | Education |
Ian | van Coller | Film & Photography |
Jim | Vanides | Science Education |
David | Varricchio | Earth Sciences |
J. Mitch | Vaterlaus | Human Development & Community Health |
Christine | Verhille | Ecology |
David | Vernooy | Architecture |
Michael | Videon | Music |
Sarah | Wangerin | Nursing |
Stephan | Warnat | Mechanical & Industrial Engineering |
Amy | Washtak | Science Education |
Tom | Watson | Film & Photography |
Bradford | Watson | Architecture |
David | Weaver | Land Resources & Environmental Science |
Ame | Wells | Nursing |
Cathy | Whitlock | Earth Sciences |
Teresa | Wicks | Nursing |
Megan | Wickstrom | Mathematical Sciences |
Rexanne | Wieferich | Nursing |
David | Willey | Ecology |
Kayce | Williams | Agricultural & Technology Education |
Danielle (Emily) | Williams | Agricultural & Technology Educ |
Philip | Williams | Modern Languages & Literature |
Shannon | Willoughby | Physics |
Sarah | Wilson | Education |
Sweeney | Windchief | Education |
Maria | Wines | Nursing |
John | Winnie | Ecology |
Jane | Wolery | Extension |
Zachary | Wood | Psychology |
Jennifer | Woodcock-Medicine Horse | Native American Studies |
Craig | Woolard | Civil Engineering |
Walt | Woolbaugh | Science Education |
Allison | Wynhoff Olsen | English |
Melinda | Yager | Mathematical Sciences |
Tomomi | Yamaguchi | Sociology & Anthropology |
Yuriko | Yano | LRES/Ecology |
Scott | Young | Library |
Anna | Young | English |
Gregory | Young | School of Music |
Catherine | Zabinski | Land Resources & Environmental Science |