- Periodically throughout the semester our office sends important deadlines notices
and other information to the dandd listserv (Deans and Dept Heads listserv). Please
contact the Registrar’s office if you are not on this listserv and you wish to subscribe.
- When requesting cap changes or signing Add/Drops please be aware of the room capacity.
If you over-register students or overbook a room, it will be your responsibility to negotiate any changes or room swaps, as well as contact any affected students.
- Departments that share courses must coordinate before changes are submitted to the
Registrar’s Office.
- After Advising for a term has begun, you will need to submit the “Schedule Section Change request form.” This DocuSign will be routed to Dept Head, Dean, and Provost’s office for signatures
before being delivered to the Registrar’s Office. Please use for any major changes
including day/time changes, adding a section, cancelling a section, changing class
restrictions, changing instructional method or course start & end dates. If there
is already enrollment in these sections, your office will be responsible for dropping
and notifying all affected students.
- If you are adding a section you must find an available room for that time. We are
unable to schedule a new section if there is no room availability.
- Preferred method of receiving course updates is to Copy and Paste/Export the Schedule
of Classes into an Excel spreadsheet. Please use current version (for that term) of
Schedule of Classes to make all edits because the info varies from semester to semester,
particularly CRNs, dates and room assignments. (e.g. for Spring 2022 edits please
copy directly from Spring 2022 Schedule of Classes). **Refer to Section Report Updates and Key for instructions on editing.
- If a course is offered every other/alternating year, you must request those each time
because they will not “roll” over when our office rolls terms.
- Please remind your faculty to check their room assignments for each term and submit
any changes ASAP prior to the start of each semester!!
- When multiple instructors are listed on the same course, the teaching percentages
must be indicated by the academic department. The total of all instructors should
equal 100% unless approved otherwise by the Office of the Provost. Instructors listed
at 0% will have access to D2L and, potentially, grading, but are not included in the
automated course evaluation process. Instructors with percentages from 1%-100% will
be included in the automated course evaluation process. If only one instructor is
listed on a course, the teaching percentage will always be 100%.
Office of the Registrar
Montana State University
111 Montana Hall (campus map)
P.O. Box 172660
Bozeman, MT 59717-2660
Office Hours
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Excludes University Holidays
Telephone: (406) 994-6650
Fax: (406) 994-1972
Email: registrar@montana.edu
Antoni Campeau