Onboarding Resources for Hiring Staff
Initial Hiring Steps
Upon completion of background check, HR will email “New Hire Paperwork” which includes I9, W-4, MSU Welcome Letter, JumpStart invitation, etc. HR will complete an EPAF (electronic personnel action form) after “New Hire Paperwork,” has generated a GID, Net ID, and email. *An I-9 must be completed within 3 days of employee’s start date. Please give your new staff a heads up that they will need to bring appropriate documentation (the Welcome Email is a good place to do this.)
- Notify your Division Specialist/Business Operations Manager of the new hire to initiate the HR New Hire Form for new MSU employees or those who have had a break in service more than 3 years.
- Submit Student Success new hire form (this will ensure the new employee is included in Division communications).
- Notify your Division Specialist or departmental staff to send "New Hire" paperwork to new student employee through DocuSign (HR New Hire Form, W-4, Vehicle, Confidentiality Agreement, etc).
- Submit DSS EPAF form for new student employee (your Division Specialist will then fill out EPAF).
- A Division Specialist will send an I-9 invitation for new MSU employees or those who have had a break in service more than 3 years. An I-9 must be completed within 3 days of employee’s start date.
- Student employees do not have an employee email account automatically generated. The department must request a work email account be created. You will find that form here: https://www.montana.edu/uit/email/exchange_request.html.
* International Students: Contact HR (DarcyTickner (406) 994-7926or dtickner@montana.edu ).Darcy will process the I-9 and ensure tax documentation is collected.Division Specialist or appropriate department contact willcomplete the DSS EPAF form for student.
Departmental To-Do List:
The employee’s direct supervisor will direct new employee to create MSU password (which pairs with NetID and email login). LINK: https://www.montana.edu/uit/facultystaff/neo.html
- The department will submit a key request: https://www.montana.edu/ufm/fs/facilities_services/campus-key.html
- Program any door keypads with new codes.
The employee will obtain a Cat Card: https://www.montana.edu/catcard/faculty-staff.html
- The employee’s direct supervisor will request access to Banner once training has been completed by directing new employees to Banner registration and other department/office specific Banner training. LINK: https://apexprod.msu.montana.edu/apex/f?p=112:1:115509892724921::NO::P1_CLASS_OF_TRAINING:Banner%20Online%20Training
- If staff member will be purchasing or traveling for work purposes, a p-card will need
to be requested. The supervisor or other appropriate staff member will email Fiscal Shared Services at FSS-SAS-2@montana.edu or FSS-ISA@montana.edu to request. Attach the PCard Application form to the email.
- Employee must complete training first: https://www.montana.edu/ubs/purchasingcard/index.html
- If an existing MSU employee with a PCard, complete the PCard Application form and indicate departmental transfer.
- In either case, you should complete the form and submit through DocuSign to your FSS representative.
- If a staff member is a supervisor, request Z-Org assignment by emailing epaforwebtimerequest@montana.edu.
- If an employee is required or expected to use their cellphone for work purposes, you may request a cellphone allowance. LINK to the form.
- Order nametags deskplates, and any other office specific necessities for the employee.
Once registered, the employee will need to complete the following:
Information Security
FERPA (Tutorial, lower right of the page.
Banner Student (varies by office)
Banner HR (varies by office)
- DegreeWorks Training (varies by office)
Specific offices will assign the necessary supplemental training at https://www.montana.edu/bannertraining/
Once completed, the employee will need to submit: Banner Account Request form.
- Professional Development
The direct supervisor or other office colleague will provide any other job specific departmental/office training.
Welcome Templates
Division/MSU Information
Division Org Chart
Administration: Who's Who
Knowledge Binder PDF Download (UPDATED: 6/15/2023)
- Knowledge Binder includes:
- Acronym Cheat Sheet
- Office Cheat Sheets
- "Outside" Departments (These are the offices that tend to work closely with our Division, but is not an exhaustive list)
- Knowledge Binder includes:
Long Term Onboarding & Engagement
- Transitioning from Onboarding to Long Term Engagement
- Long-Term Engagement Ideas
- Why is Onboarding Important? Handout
Employee Offboarding Procedures
- Submit DSS EPAF form for all departing staff.
- The Division Specialist will email “Termination Checklist” to employee through DocuSign.
- Search "Termination Checklist" in the "All Templates" section.
- The Division Specialist will email termchecklist@listserv.montana.edu with the following information:
- Employee name
- Department
- Last for digits of ID
- Date of Termination
- The supervisor will direct employee to return keys to the PLEW Building.
- The supervisor will direct employee to turn in P-Card to MSU Business Office.
- Remove access from all internal shared emails and other shared files or software platforms.
- Move ZOrg assignments for supervisors by emailing epaforwebtimerequest@montana.edu.
- Change/Delete any passwords or door codes.
- Submit DSS EPAF form for all departing student staff.
- The Division Specialist will email termchecklist@listserv.montana.edu with the following information
- Employee name
- Department
- Last 4 digits of ID
- Date of Termination
- Remove access from all internal shared emails and other shared files or software platforms.
- Change/Delete any passwords or door codes.
* International Students:
Contact HR (DarcyTickner (406) 994-7926or dtickner@montana.edu ).