Please note: Prior to registering for classes, former students must file an Intent to Register via their MyInfo account; new students and summer-only students must apply for admission to MSU.

Student Categories

Continuing Students

  • Continuing students are registered in courses during Spring Semester 2025.
  • Continuing students are automatically admitted to Summer Session and may simply register in the same manner and at the same time as they do for Fall Semester 2025. The Summer registration alternate PIN (also referred to as "adviser code" or "registration code") is the same number that continuing students have been assigned to use for Fall registration.
  • Registration begins March 26th on the Web (refer to Registration Handbook for registration timetable).

Former Students

  • Former students are those who have previously been admitted to MSU and paid fees, but who did not attend or withdrew from Spring Semester.
  • Former students must file an Intent to Register form with the Registrar's Office. Former students should use the online Intent to Register through MyInfo. Registration information will be sent via the email address provided on the Intent to Register form.

New Students

All new undergraduate students are required to participate in Orientation/Class Registration. Students enrolling in the summer semester, must register for Fall Orientation. During Orientation, students will receive advising for both their summer and fall courses. More information and the Orientation team’s contact information can be found at:

Registration Procedure - Graduates

  • New graduate students may register on the Web via MyInfo (instructions will be included with your admission acceptance letter from The Graduate School). 
  • Check Your Registration Status
    Check your registration status on the Web via MyInfo by following these links: Enter Secure Area; Login (follow instructions on that page); Student Services; Registration; Student Detail Schedule.
  • Obtain Your Fee Summary
    Obtain your fee summary on the Web via MyInfo by following these links: Enter Secure Area; Login (follow instructions on that page); Student Services; Student Records; Electronic Billing & Payment. 
  • Pay Your Fees
    Fee payment is due by the third day of class and may be done online, by mail, or in person at the Student Accounts cashier's window, Montana Hall. For more information, visit the Summer Fees page.

Summer-Only and Other Non-Degree Students

Summer-only students are those who have not previously been admitted to MSU and who wish to attend just the summer term. A typical summer-only student is one who seeks to earn MSU credits during Summer Session and then transfer those credits to their home campus elsewhere. Other summer-only students may include non-degree graduates or practicing teachers who wish to earn credits for purposes of recertification or salary advancement.

Before summer-only students are allowed to register for courses, they must apply for admission and be accepted into the University.

Registration Procedure - Undergraduates

    • Advising for Summer Session only students will be advised by the Academic Advising Center (AAC).
  • Students should contact the AAC at (406) 994-3532 or to schedule an advising appointment (these can be done in person, or via phone or Skype).
  • Following the advising appointment, students will be given their registration "PIN" (or code) along with instructions on how to register for Summer Session courses.

Registration Procedure - Graduates

  • New graduate students may register on the Web via MyInfo (instructions will be included with your admission acceptance letter from The Graduate School).

For information on how to check your registration status, obtain your fee summary, and pay your fees, see instructions under "New Students," above.


 More Information

For more information about registration, please contact:

Office of the Registrar
(406) 994-6650

The Graduate School 
(406) 994-4145

Fall Semester 2025 Registration

Please refer to the Registration Handbook for instructions on how to register properly for Fall 2025. All students must meet with an academic advisor in order to be eligible to register for Fall classes.

Continuing Students

Continuing students may register for Fall Semester from March 26 through September 3rd. 

New Undergraduate Non-Degree Students

New undergraduate non-degree students who attend Summer Session and who would like to continue as non-degree students during Fall Semester may select courses during their summer attendance.

Undergraduate non-degree students who attend Summer Session and who would like to be admitted as degree-seeking undergraduates for Fall Semester must meet the requirements of admission as outlined in the University Course Bulletin. For information regarding admission procedures, visit the Office of Admissions Web page.


Advising Services for Returning Students

Returning students are encouraged to contact their department adviser or other official representative of their college, or the Academic Advising Center, for assistance with course selection or for help with other questions.

Find your Advisor 

Advisor Contact List