Important Announcement:

U.S. EPA terminated the grant funding Mountains and Plains Thriving Communities Collaborative on February 21, 2025. Despite our best efforts to secure alternate funding and the possibility of future reversals of this action, the pace and scale of this termination has outmatched our capacity to respond. Therefore, at this time, we are forced to end the formal work of MaPTCC.

We want to reassure you that, along with our partners at the Colorado State University, Utah State University, the University of Wyoming, the Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy, and the Center for Social Creativity, our commitment to rural, tribal, and underserved communities remains strong.

Read the full annoucement here

Related Program Updates:

Thriving Communities Grant: As of February 28, the funding for this grant remains intact and MAP EJ Grants Hub, a project of JSI, separate from MaPTCC, continues to operate. For updates, please sign up for MAP EJ Grants Hub listserv and/or monitor their website. Questions may be directed to

Solar for All: This program continues to operate. For information and updates, please visit the organizations administering Solar for All in your region

Alternative Resources for Technical Assistance (TA):

Below are organizations offering technical assistance services that may help fill gaps left by the MaPTCC program

National TA providers:

Regional & Specialized TA providers:

 Tribal-Focused TA Providers:

Funding Opportunity Databases:

Other Resources:


(Page Updated: March 12, 2025)