
Student Health provides services for current MSU and Gallatin College students. 

Students pay a health fee each semester to be eligible to use services at SHS. These services include medical, dental and nutrition visits, lab, x-ray, and pharmacy.

The fee is charge automatically with tuition and fees when a student is enrolled in 7 or more credits at MSU. Students taking less than 7 credits or enrolled at Gallatin College will be charged the health fee at their first visit with SHS. The charge will be sent to their student account.  

Spring 2025

  1. Students enrolled in a total of 7+ credits or more for spring 2025 are automatically assessed the Student Health fee, granting access to Student Health Services (Medical, Dental, Nutrition, Pharmacy)
  2. Students enrolled in fewer than 7 credits or students enrolled at Gallatin College who wish to access SHS may opt in to the $320 Student Health fee.

Students are not required to have the MSU health insurance plan to use Student Health Services.

Student Health Services is unable to see individuals who are not currently enrolled as students at MSU or Gallatin College.


Office visit with a medical provider, nurse, or nutritionist

  • $0. This is covered by your student health fee.

X-Rays, Labs, and Medical procedures

  • Charges vary depending on service, your provider will explain any costs during your visit and prior to care being given. Be sure to ask if you are unclear!
  • SHS does not bill outside insurance, but we can give you a receipt to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.


  • Charges vary depending on the vaccine. Your provider or nurse will explain any costs prior to receiving the immunization. Be sure to ask questions if you have them!
  • The pharmacy will attempt to bill your insurance, but based on carrier, your immunizations may not be covered as a pharmacy benefit.
  • You can get a receipt to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.
  • Flu Shots are $30 and typically covered by most insurance as a pharmacy benefit.

Orthopedic devices such as a splint, boot, or crutches 

  • Cost varies depending on item, your provider or nurse will explain any costs. Please ask if you have questions!
  • SHS does not bill outside insurance, but you can get a receipt to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.


  • Cost vary depending on the prescription or over-the-counter item.
  • Pharmacy can bill most insurance plans for prescriptions.

How to Pay 

Following your appointment, you can pay online in your Patient Portal. You can also pay upon checkout after your visit. SHS accepts most major credit cards except American Express. Charges not paid at checkout or online post-visit will be sent to Student Accounts at MSU's Business Services. Students can pay their Student Account at Montana Hall or through MyInfo.