This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0115352. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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Working Papers

M. Ghosh and D.K. Sobek, "Effective Metaroutines for Organizational Problem-Solving," working paper (click for PDF download).

M. Ghosh and D.K. Sobek, "An Empirical Test of Three Design Rules in Healthcare Process Improvement," working paper, submitted to IIE Transactions (click for PDF download).

M. Ghosh and D.K. Sobek, "Test of a Boundary Object for Process Improvement," working paper (click for PDF download).


M. Ghosh, "Design Rules, Metaroutine, and Boundary Objects: A Framework for Improving Healthcare Delivery Systems," Ph.D. dissertation, Montana State University, Bozeman MT.

C. Jimmerson, D. Weber, and D.K. Sobek, "Reducing Waste and Errors: Piloting Lean Principles at Intermountain Healthcare," Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, May 2005, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 249-257(9)  (click for PDF download)

Conference Papers

M. Ghosh and D. K. Sobek, "A Test of the Design Rules in Health Care," Proceedings of the 2006 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, FL.  Best Paper Award.  (click for PDF download)

D.K. Sobek and C. Jimmerson, "A3 Reports: Tool for Organizational Transformation," Proceedings of the 2006 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, FL. (click for PDF download)

M. Ghosh and D. K. Sobek, "Pragmatic Problem-Solving for Health Care: Principles, Tools, and Applications" Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Society of Health Systems Conference, San Diego, CA. (click for PDF download)

D.K. Sobek and C. Jimmerson, "A3 Reports: Tool for Process Improvement," Proceedings of the 2004 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Houston, TX. (click for PDF download)

D.K. Sobek and C. Jimmerson, "Applying the Toyota Production System to a Hospital Pharmacy," Proceedings of the 2003 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Portland, OR.  (click for PDF download).