
Honors students may choose to live in Honors residence halls, Atkinson Quadrangle, or on the Honors floor in South Hedges. The "Quads" are gracious buildings surrounded by giant blue spruce trees, an expanse of lawn, and flowers. The buildings are coed, with women on one floor and men on another. These residence halls have a first- floor living room, a full-size, equipped kitchen, dining room, and laundry. We are also able to offer honors housing in Hannon Hall (female) or in Langford Hall (male).  Honors dorms are typically quiet, and students often form study and discussion groups. Although meals are served in nearby Rendezvous Dining Hall, residents of the Quads often hold dinner parties on the weekends.

montana state university honors igloo

The South Hedges honors floor is adjacent to Miller Dining Hall with amenities that include kitchens, study lounges, laundry facilities, elevators, a convenience store, as well as fitness and weight rooms.   The Quads, Hannon Hall and Langford Hall are close to the new Rendezvous Dining Hall and have similar amenities.


Please visit the University Student Housing page or contact University Student Housing at 406-994-2661 or housing@montana.edu if you are interested in Honors housing.  Honors housing is highly recommended for Honors students but is not required.