• Elise Loggers recieved the award for the Best Graduate Student Poster at the 2025 meeting of the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society.  Woo-hoo!
  • Nolan Helmstetter received the Don C. Quimby Graduate Wildlife Research Scholarship at the 2024 Ecology Scholarship Awards banquet.  Congrats!
  • Andrea has been honored by The Wildlife Society with the W. L. McAtee and G. V. Burger Award for outstanding service as an Associate Editor. 
  • Jacob Melhuish successfully defended his thesis focused on bats. Congratulations Jacob!
  • Carly Segal successfully defended her Master's thesis focused on arthropods, plants, and bison. Woo-hoo!  She will begin a PhD in fall 2024, working with Israel Borokini in the Ecology Department at MSU.
  • Andrea has been honored with the 2024 James and Mary Ross Provost's Award for Excellence.
  • Carly Segal received the 2024 Wynn Freeman Award at the recent annual meeting of the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Her art also was selected to represent the conference theme (Cultivating Respect for Nature without Destroying What We Seek).
  • Elise Loggers was awarded the Jim Posewitz Memorial Scholarship at the 2023 Ecology Awards banquet.
  • Oscar Dalling (MS student) will join the lab in spring 2024.
  • Nolan Helmstetter (PhD student) will join the lab in fall 2023.
  • Elise Loggers has been honored with a Yellowstone Doctoral Scholars Fellowship from the Montana Institute on Ecosystems.
  • Jacob Melhish received the Bob Berry Holohil Award at the 2023 Western Bat Working Group meeting in Victoria, BC.
  • Jacob Melhish was awarded a grant from the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society (Feb 2023).
  • Carly Segal's art was selected to represent the theme (Plants and Pollinators: Conserving all of the interdependent parts) of the annual conference of the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society in 2023.
  • James Waxe successfully defended his Master's thesis and can now focus on his job with The Nature Conservancy as the High Divide Headwaters Land Steward and Science Manager.
  • Andrea is grateful to have been honored by the College of Letters and Sciences for Teaching Excellence in Mentorship.
  • Elise Loggers and Carly Segal were awarded SITKA Ecosystem Grants in spring 2022.
  • Thomas Sutton successfully defended his Master's thesis and now begins working as a wildlife biologist for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks!
  • Jackson Connors was granted funds from the Undergraduate Scholars Program to support his research project.
  • Nate Bowersock begins a new position as a Black Bear/Furbearer biologist in Missouri!
  • Elise Loggers received the 2022 Wynn Freeman Award at the annual meeting of the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society.
  • Carly Segal's art was selected to represent the theme (Fostering Diversity in Species, People, and Perspectives) of the annual conference of the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society in 2022.
  • Carly Segal has been awarded grants from the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society and the Meg and Burt Raynes Wildlife Fund (Feb 2022).
  • Andrea was honored with a 2022 Faculty Excellence award
  • Elise Loggers and Mary Levandowski successfully defended their Master's thesis research!
  • Jacob Melhuish returns to MSU and the Litt lab as a Master's student (Jan 2022).
  • Carly Segal joins the lab as a new Master's student in fall 2021.
  • Andrea was voted in as President-Elect of the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society in February 2021.  This is a 3-year position - President-Elect, President, and Past President.
  • Elise Loggers was awarded a grant from the Sarah Baker Memorial Fund, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, as well as a second SITKA Ecosystem Grant.
  • Andrea was invited for a virtual visit to Colorado State University as part of the Dr. Dave Otis Speaker Series, February 2021.
  • Andrea was honored with a 2021 Faculty Excellence award
  • Elise Loggers was honored with the 2020 Daniel Goodman Conservation Biology Scholarship.
  • Ethan Palen was granted funds from the Undergraduate Scholars Program to support his research project.
  • Elise Loggers was awarded a SITKA Ecosystem Grant to support her research on grizzly bears.
  • Shannon Hilty successfully defended her thesis (spring 2020)!  Woo-hoo!
  • Nate Bowersock successfully defended his thesis (spring 2020)!  Congrats!
  • Elise Loggers was awarded a grant from the Meg and Burt Raynes Wildlife Fund to support her research on grizzly bears.
  • Shannon Hilty was honored with the Wynn Freeman Award at the 2020 annual meeting of The Wildlife Society in Butte, MT.
  • Elise Loggers joined the lab as a new Master's student during fall 2019.
  • Andrea was accepted to be part of a short course on Bayesian statistics during summer 2019.
  • Andrea has been granted sabbatical leave for the 2019-2020 academic year.
  • Jacob Melhuish was honored with the Wynn Freeman Award at the 2019 annual meeting of The Wildlife Society in Helena, MT.
  • Shannon Hilty was awarded a travel grant from the College of Letters and Science to attend and present at the 2019 annual meeting of the Western Bat Working Group in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
  • Thomas Sutton joined the lab as a new Master's student during spring 2019!
  • Older news/announcements have been archived.