Mail Services
Mission Statement
The mission of Mail Services is to provide the University community with reliable, customer-focused and cost-effective service and to efficiently integrate with the U.S. Postal Service.
About Us
The friendly and dedicated employees of Mail Services provide University departments with USPS incoming/outgoing mail service, intra-campus mail pick-up/delivery, bulk mail, and passport services. In addition, postal services are available to faculty, staff, students and the general public through our post office customer service window.
Contact Us
Should you require any additional information, have questions or wish to provide suggestions as to how we might improve our services, please contact us!
Important Phone Numbers
- Mail Services Manager - (406) 994-6208
- Post Office - (406) 994-6207
- Passport Office - (406) 994-3311
- FAX - (406) 994-2620
Mail Services is located on the first floor of Culbertson Hall.
Location/Hours of Operation
Mail Services is located on the first floor of Culbertson Hall (between Johnstone Center and Langford Hall). Convenient 15-minute customer parking spots are available on Harrison Street in front of the lobby entrance.
Post Office Customer Service Window
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (open during the noon hour)
Note: Staff is available until 4:30 if someone needs to collect a PO Box package from the door to the right of the customer service window.
Building Lobby Hours
Building lobby hours are from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily (including weekends).