Developing and Using Models
Developing and Using Models |
Science often involves the construction and use of a wide variety of models and simulations to help develop explanations about natural phenomena. Models make it possible to go beyond observables and imagine a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if . . . then . . . therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations. Engineering
Engineering makes use of models and simulations to analyze existing systems so as
to see where flaws might occur or to test possible solutions to a new problem. Engineers
also call on models of various sorts to test proposed systems and to recognize the
strengths and limitations of their designs. See A Framework for K-12 Science Education, 2012, p. 56 for the entire text. |
1. From the background information, what new awareness do you have about developing
and using models?
2. In a 3-Dimensional classroom, what would this Practice look like?
3. What questions did the background raise for you? 4. Unpack this Practice by identifying the verbs and nouns in the description. Is your list similar to this? |
Developing and Using Models Podcast |
1. What are your current beliefs about this practice?
2. In what ways do you think you are using this practice?
3. What challenges do you see to using this practice?
Conceptual Change Activities:
Developing and Using Models Activity#1: Syringe and Plunger
Developing And Using Models Activity #2: Create Your Own Water Cycle
Developing And Using Models Activity#3:Build a Bug
Developing and Using Models Activity #4:Goldilocks Principle
Developing and Using Models Activity #5: Measuring Atmospheric Pressure |
Developing Conceptual Understanding of Developing and Using Models Activity Background
The purpose of the following activities is to engage teachers in the practice of developing and using models. The emphasis is NOT on the activity itself, but rather the conceptual change related to the practice. Consumers of this Toolkit are reminded not to get wrapped up in the activity, but rather continually reflection on the conceptual nature of the practice to gain deeper understanding . Five activities have been provided to engage in each Practice.
Since the following activities are NOT lesson plans, in some cases only a brief explanation of the activity has been provided. The facilitator should encourage learners to direct their own investigations and intervene only as needed to redirect.
Have students place a layer of sand or pebbles at the bottom of each jar. Plant small plant in the jar and bury plastic cup in soil to simulate a pond or lake and add enough water to fill the cup. Put plastic wrap over the entire mouth of the jar and secure with a rubber band. Place the jar in a warm, sunny spot. The students will see droplets of water on the bottom surface of the plastic wrap. Ask the students to explain in their science notebooks why this occurred. Ask students to illustrate their jars and write observations focusing on the three states of matter (liquid, gas and solid) and transferring the vocabulary to precipitation, condensation and evaporation. Further investigation would be to add an ice cube on top of the plastic wrap to see if it causes any change. Ask students what the ice cube would represent in the atmosphere, and why it would cause condensation.
Click for worksheet.
Earth has a very different type of atmosphere. Our atmosphere has much less CO2 than Venus or Mars and our atmospheric pressure is close to midway between the two (1/90th that of Venus and 100 times that of Mars).
Many scientists believe that the composition of our atmosphere is due to the presence of life. Life acts to keep Earth's atmosphere in a dynamic balance. In other words, if life were to completely disappear, eventually our atmospheric composition could come to closely resemble Mars or Venus. Only with life continually producing oxygen through photosynthesis and removing and re-circulating CO2 does Earth's atmosphere remain fairly stable.
This activity introduces students to the atmospheric differences between the three "sister" planets in a graphic and hands-on way. Students need not memorize the chemical compositions and pressures of the three atmospheres; rather, the activity should give them an overall appreciation of the important similarities and differences. Students will use this understanding later as they begin to appreciate the scope and importance of the greenhouse effect on earth and realize that rather than being a bad thing, the greenhouse effect is critical for the survival of the biosphere
1. Discuss the "Goldilocks Principle." Use the information in Tables 1 and 2 to engage the class in a discussion of the greenhouse effect. If available, you may want to share illustrations or slides of Mars, Venus, and Earth.
2. After discussing the atmospheres of Earth and the other planets, ask the students (in teams or pairs) to build models of the atmospheres of Earth and the other planets. Emphasize that models are critical tools for planetary scientists trying to understand phenomena too distant to experience directly
3. Depending on the material available, ask students to represent the atmospheric gases with different colored beans, cotton balls, or jelly beans. (We will use jellybeans for examples in this activity.) They might represent:
• Methane (CH4) with white jellybeans
6. Challenge the students to produce a model atmosphere for each planet by placing the appropriate number of jellybeans in three small, re-sealable plastic bags. The necessary information is provided in Table 2. They will have to translate percentages into numbers of jellybeans, and in many cases, will face the difficulty of cutting the jellybeans into small enough pieces to represent small atmospheric concentrations.
7. Have students explain what they found to the class and write about it in their notebooks..
8. To extend this activity, you could take one set of bags and distribute the contents in areas measured to represent atmospheric pressure of each planet. For example, the jellybeans representing Earth might be distributed in a meter square. You might have to go outside to find an area big enough to represent the thin atmosphere found on Mars. To concentrate the beans representing the dense atmosphere of Venus, you could use a food processor or mortar and pestle to concentrate the jellybeans.
1. In what ways did this activity change your beliefs about developing and using models?
2. How difficult do you find it to develop and use models?
3. Discuss your level of confidence along the process of developing and using models. |
1. How do you currently help students develop and use models of science phenomenon
in your classroom?
2. Review a recent lesson you taught and evaluate the effectiveness of engaging students
in developing and using models.
3. What is the relationship between this practice and others? |
1. Ask a colleague to observe one of your lessons OR video yourself teaching and tally
the number of questions YOU ask and the number of questions STUDENTS ask.
2. Use the EQuiP Rubric for Lessons & Units: Science to evaluate a recent science lesson you taught. |
Asking Questions in Science & Defining Problems in Engineering
Planning & Carrying Out Investigations
Using Mathematics & Computational Thinking
Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
Obtaining, Evaluating & Communicating
The Toolkit was developed through the Montana Partnership with Regions for Excellence in STEM Grant. The contents of this version of the Toolkit have been modified from the original.