Faculty are one of the biggest pieces of student success at MSU. The daily and weekly interactions you have with students give instructors valuable insight into students' lives and wellbeing. If you notice a student who seems to be struggling, you have the ability to reach out and be a resource. Faculty can have a profound affect on students when you openly acknowledge that you are aware of their distress, are sincerely concerned about their welfare, and are willing to help them explore options. Whenever possible, we encourage you to speak directly and honestly to students if you sense academic or personal distress.

Options for Supporting Students

  1. Reach out to the student yourself, ask to meet or if there is anything you can do. Please see below our Guidelines for Intervention for more information on how to handle these meetings. 
  2. Submit a CARE referral through the Dean of Students Office and our CARE team will reach out to provide support to your student. 


For more information about the CARE program, please see our CARE website.


If there is immediate risk to life or property, call 911.

Guidelines for Student Intervention


  1. Request to see the student in private. This should help minimize embarrassment and defensiveness. Show respect for the student.
  2. Briefly share your observations and perceptions of the student's situation. Express your concerns directly and honestly.
  3. Listen carefully. Try to see the issues from the student's point of view without agreeing or disagreeing.
  4. Attempt to identify the problem. Is the student connected with any ongoing resources? You can help by exploring options to deal with the concern.
  5. Acknowledge inappropriate or strange behavior. Comment on what you observe without sounding judgmental.
  6. Flexibility in administering established policies may allow an alienated student to respond more effectively to your concerns.
  7. Involve yourself only as far as you are comfortable, then refer the student to the appropriate resources. As you attempt to reach out to a troubled student, do not become more involved than time or skill permits.



Discover How You Can Help

All linked information below is from the Reaching Out Handbook: Resources for Responding to Students in Distress, used with permission from Boise State University's Health Services. 

Additional Resources       

Student Conduct

Campus Safety and Welfare Guide

Campus Resources for Student Support