The U.S. Department of Education, under the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) and other statutes, requires that the University notify all students annually of some especially important University policies having to do with student safety and security on campus and in the greater university community.  Each policy is briefly described below, accompanied by a link to the policy on the MSU website.  We recommend that students and their families are familiar with each policy.

Any questions you may have after reading the policies can be directed to the Office of the Dean of Students. Additionally, paper copies of any of the information provided online can be requested by calling the Office of the Dean of Students.

Leave of Absence Policy

Students may request a Leave of Absence if they:

  1. Experience a significant mental or physical illness, injury, or other extraordinary circumstance that significantly limits their capacity to function successfully or safely in their role as a student (this extraordinary circumstance may include the birth/adoption of a child); or
  2. The student has experienced an abrupt health or safety emergency, or some other type of extenuating circumstance, within their immediate family including an individual whose close association with the student is the equivalent of a family relationship.

The severity and duration of the circumstance must be such that it would not be reasonable to expect the student to complete the semester or be able to make up any missed work.

Students may apply for a Leave of Absence by scheduling a meeting with the Dean of Students Office.

Retroactive Withdrawal Policy

Students may apply for a Retroactive Withdrawal if they have experienced an extenuating circumstance that prohibited them from academic success and/or applying for a withdrawal in a timely manner during the semester in question. Retroactive Withdrawals may be applied for in regards to any previously occurring semester; there is no limitation on how much time can pass after the semester in question to be eligible to apply for a Retroactive Withdrawal.

The RWD is a withdrawal from all courses andis not easily granted. It is not intended to clean up a transcript for Financial Aid or GPA purposes.  Additionally, it is not applicable to students who face academic suspension and did not withdraw before the semester’s deadline.  Such students must go through the suspension appeal process.

Student Conduct 

Montana State University seeks to integrate education, the creation of knowledge and art, and service in its curriculum, programs, and activities. Consistent with this, the University’s mission statement highlights the values of excellence, integrity, inclusion, collaboration, curiosity, and stewardship for its faculty, staff, and students.

The purpose of this policy is to establish community standards and procedures necessary to maintain and protect an environment conducive to learning and in keeping with the educational objectives of the University. The expectations identified in this Code of Student Conduct represent a reasonable regulation of student conduct to help facilitate these standards.

For more information, please see the full student conduct policy and guidelines on the Student Conduct website.

Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs Policy

This policy sets forth the rules governing the possession and use of alcohol and other drugs (including medical marijuana) on University property and at University sponsored events.  It also describes the penalties for misuse and provides references and contacts for University and private education, prevention and even treatment resources for those who may find those resources beneficial.  The policy may be found online at

Safety Questionnaire Review Committee

The purpose of the Safety Questionnaire Review Committee is to implement this Policy at Montana State University. The Committee is responsible for reviewing and evaluating new and returning applicants for admission to Montana State University who, in accordance with the university admissions policy, disclose a criminal or other specified behavioral history of a nature that may adversely affect their own or others’ safety and success at Montana State University, and for determining whether they should be accepted into the university community in accordance with this Board of Regents Policy.

Persons applying for admission to Montana State University or returning to the university following a break in attendance are required to disclose whether they have been convicted of a felony crime, have been institutionalized for threatening or causing injury to persons or property, and/or have been dismissed and/or suspended from a college for disciplinary reasons. An affirmative response to one or more of these questions generates a requirement for further review by the Committee. Download the entire Board of Regents Policy.

Drug Convictions and Financial Aid Eligability

Please be advised that a student who is convicted of any offense under any Federal or State law involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance while enrolled in an institution of higher education and receiving any federal financial aid (e.g. grant, loan, or work study) will lose his/her eligibility for such federal assistance according to the following schedule:

If convicted of an offense involving the possession of a controlled substance, the ineligibility period is:

First Offense 1 year from date of conviction
Second Offense 2 years from date of conviction
Third Offense Indefinite

If convicted of an offense involving the sale of a controlled substance, the ineligibility period is:

First Offense 2 years from date of conviction
Second Offense Indefinite

Missing Student Policy

Students should be familiar with MSU’s Missing Student Policy found at .  The policy includes information to students about who they should report to in case they know of a student who may be missing.   Suspected missing students living on campus should be reported to MSU housing officials such as Residence Hall Directors, and suspected missing students living off campus should be reported directly to the MSU Campus Police at telephone (406) 994-2121 or online at The policy also allows all students to confidentially identify a contact  person to be notified in the event that they are found to be missing.

Posthumous Degrees Policy

In exceptional circumstances, the President may award degrees posthumously.  The appropriate degree may be awarded on the recommendation of the student’s major department chair, support from the appropriate college dean and approval by the Provost.  The recommendation will be considered if the student was enrolled at the time of death, was in good academic standing with senior status, had substantially completed the requirements for the degree to be awarded, or was otherwise subject to special consideration.

Upon the President’s approval, the Office of the Registrar will be notified and the degree will be awarded at the next Commencement ceremony or presented to the student’s family in an appropriate setting. Diplomas for posthumous degrees will be identical to other degrees awarded in the same colleges and majors.

Privacy Policy

The federal Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) and Montana statutes protect the personal privacy of all our students and prohibit release of education records to any third party without prior written approval.  However, there are some exceptions such as “life/safety” and transfers to another college or university- for more information please see which gives a complete description of student rights concerning educational records.

Timely Warning and Emergency Notification Policy

Federal law requires that the University establish policy and procedure for notifying all students and employees of any situation that arises on or off-campus that poses an immediate or continuing safety threat.  The threat could be natural (blizzard, earthquake) or man-made (criminal activity).  The policy, which you can find in the Annual Security Report includes the general circumstances in which a warning might be issued, who issues the alert, and how the alert is disseminated.  This policy ties in with student email and “MSU Alert” in which you can enroll for free text message alerts and situation updates.