Undergraduate Level Courses

Course  Cr/Labs
ERTH 101IN Earth System Sciences 4 Cr, Lab
ERTH 201IN Honors Earth System Science 4 Cr, Lab
ERTH 212RN Yellowstone: Scientific Lab 4 Cr, Lab
ERTH 303 Weather and Climate
ERTH 307 Principles of Geomorphology 4 Cr, Lab 
ERTH 450R Snow Dynamics and Accumulation 4Cr, Lab
ERTH 484 Climates of the Past, Present and Future 3
ERTH 490R Undergraduate Research 1-6 
ERTH 491  Special Topics 1-4
ERTH 494 Seminar 1
ERTH 498 Internship 2-12
ERTH 499 Senior Thesis/Capstone 3
GEO 103CS Intro to Environmental Geology 4 Cr, Lab
GEO 105IN Oceanography 3
GEO 111IN  Dinosaurs 3 Cr, Lab
GEO 140IN Planetary Geoscience 3
GEO 211 Earth History and Evolution 3
GEO 290R Undergraduate Research 1-6
GEO 291 Special Topics 1-4
GEO 302 Mineralogy and Optical Mineral 4 Cr, Lab 
GEO 305 Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology 4 Cr, Lab
GEO 309 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy 4 Cr, Lab 
GEO 310 Invertebrate Paleontology 3 Cr, Lab 
GEO 312 Dinosaur Paleontology 3 Cr, Lab 
GEO 315 Structural Geology 4 Cr, Lab 
GEO 330 Paleontology Lab Techniques 2 Cr, Lab 
GEO 411 Vertebrate Paleontology 3 Cr, Lab 
GEO 413 Macroevolution/Fossil Record
GEO 417 Taphonomy: Fossil Preservation 3 Cr, Lab
GEO 419 Field Paleontology 2 Cr, Lab
GEO 420 Hydrogeology 3 Cr, Lab
GEO 428 Field Methods 3
GEO 429R Field Geology  3
GEO 433 Tectonics 3  
GEO 439 Geophysics
GEO 440 Volcanology 3
GEO 443 Principles of Sedimentary Petrology 3 Cr, Lab
GEO 445 Glacial Geology 3
GEO 471 Geochronology & Thermochronology 3
GEO 490R Undergraduate Research 1-6 
GEO 491 Special Topics  1-4
GEO 492 Independent Study 1-3 
GEO 494 Senior Geology Seminar 
GEO 498 Internship  2-12
GEO 499 Senior Thesis/Capstone 3
GPHY 121D Human Geography 3
GPHY 141D  Geography of World Regions
GPHY 284  Intro to GIS Science & Cartog  3 Cr, Lab 
GPHY 290R Undergraduate Research 1-6
GPHY 291 Special Topics 1-4
GPHY 321 Urban Geography 3
GPHY 322  Economic Geography 3
GPHY 325 Cultural Geography 3
GPHY 326 Geography of Energy Resources 3
GPHY 329 Environment and Society 3
GPHY 357 GPS Fund/App in Mapping 3 Cr, Lab
GPHY 358 GPS Mapping Srvc Learning  1
GPHY 365 Geographical Planning 3
GPHY 384 Adv GIS and Spatial Analysis 3 Cr, Lab
GPHY 401 Environmental Planning & Mgmt Toolkit 3
GPHY 402 Water and Society 3
GPHY 408 Adv Geospatial Analysis for Earth Sciences 3
GPHY 411 Biogeography 3
GPHY 425 Geographic Thought 3
GPHY 426 Remote Sensing 4 Cr, Lab
GPHY 429R Applied Remote Sensing 3 Cr, Lab
GPHY 441R Mountain Geography 4 Cr, Lab
GPHY 445 Adv. Regional Geography 3
GPHY 484R Applied GIS & Spatial Analysis 3 Cr, Lab
GPHY 490R Undergraduate Research 1-6
GPHY 491 Special Topics 1-4
GPHY 492 Independent Study 1-3
GPHY 494 Seminar 1
GPHY 497 Geography Instruction 1-2
GPHY 498 Internship 2-12


Graduate Level Courses

Course  Cr/Labs
ERTH 505 Geomicrobiology 3
ERTH 512 Mtn & Plns Riparian Proc. 2
ERTH 516 North Rocky Mtn Geology 2 Cr, Lab
ERTH 551 Snow Science Seminar 3 Cr, Lab
ERTH 562 Advanced Geomorphology 3
ERTH 583 Topics in Paleoecology 3
ERTH 584 Climates of the Past, Present and Future 3
ERTH 585 Advances in Geobiology 1
ERTH 588 Professional Development 1-3
ERTH 589 Graduate Consultation 3
ERTH 590 Master's Thesis 1-10 
ERTH 591 Special Topics 1-4
ERTH 592 Independent Study 1-4
ERTH 594 Seminar 1-4
ERTH 598 Internship 2-12
ERTH 690 Dissertation Research 1-10
ERTH 694 Doctoral Seminar 1-3
GEO 508 Depositional Systems 3
GEO 509 Montana Geology 
GEO 515  Structural Geology  3 Cr, Lab 
GEO 517  Taphonomy 
GEO 521  Dinosaur Paleontology  2 Cr, Lab 
GEO 522  Dino Paleontology II  2 Cr, Lab
GEO 530  Tectonics of Sedimentary Basin 
GEO 533  Graduate Tectonics 
GEO 540  Volcanology  3 Cr, Lab 
GEO 543 Graduate Sedimentary Petrology 3 Cr, Lab
GEO 550  Graduate Igneous Petrology  3
GEO 571 Geochronology & Thermochronology
GEO 575  Professional Paper  1-6 
GEO 583  Applied Geological Hydrology  3 Cr, Lab 
GEO 591  Special Topics  1-4 
GEO 592  Independent Study  1-4 
GEO 594 Seminar 1
GEO 598 Internship 2-12
GPHY 501 Environmental Planning & Mgmt Toolkit 3
GPHY 502 Water and Society 
GPHY 504 GIS Research Fundamentals  3 Cr, Lab 
GPHY 506 Topics in Resource Geography 3
GPHY 507 Topics in Political Ecology 3
GPHY 520  Land Use Planning 
GPHY 545  Adv Regional Geography 
GPHY 575  Professional Paper  1-6 
GPHY 591  Special Topics  1-4 
GPHY 592  Independent Study  1-4 
GPHY 594  Seminar