Paying Rent
Rent will not be charged to your account until we have checked you in. Please allow 1-3 business days for rent to be applied to your account. This is separate from your Student Account
As a reminder, rent is billed from the contract start date you agreed to when you accepted your assignment and contract regardless of actual occupancy date. You can find this date on your assignment paperwork. If you need a copy of this, please contact us.
Rent can be paid through the Housing Portal 24 hours a day or over the phone (406-994-2661) or in person with the Cashier’s Office located on the first floor of Miller Dining Commons Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm
A $50 late fee will be assessed on the 6th of each month for any balances $100 or greater. If rent is not paid by this time the following month, the University may immediately terminate Tenant’s contract. Students may not register for classes or receive transcripts until full payment has been made for unpaid rental and/or other fees
If you transferred units, please allow for 1-3 business days after you have checked out of your old unit for rent to adjust. As a reminder, rent will be assessed on both units/room spaces for the time it takes for the move to be completed and a $100 Transfer Fee will be assessed to your account.
Mail Information
Your mailing address was included on your assignment paperwork.
Your Post Office of contact is located at 2201 Baxter Lane, Bozeman MT 59718 and their phone number is 406-586-1508
Your mailbox keys may be your kitchen counter if they were left by a previous tenant. If there are no mailbox keys in the unit, contact the Post Office within 30 days of moving in. After 30 days from your move in date, you are responsible for charges of rekeying the mailbox
You will need a proof of address letter, which you can download and print from the FORMS section of the Housing Porta
University Student Housing does not handle mail or have access to the mailboxes for University Student Apartments. Any issues with mailboxes, delivery services, lost keys, etc., contact the carrier for assistance
Furnished Units
- A limited number of furnished units are available
- Furnished single student units are an additional $12.50 per month
- Furnished family units are an additional $25 per month
- Furnishing are basic and include;
- A single or queen mattress and frame based on bedroom size
- A dresser in each bedroom
- A couch or love seat in common areas
- An occasional chair in common areas
- We try to accommodate a preference for a furnished apartment but please keep in mind they are limited in availability
- Furniture is not to be removed from an apartment unless a tenant has an Office of Disability Services accommodation. There will be a charge of $100 to remove the furniture if and when, an accommodation from the Office of Disability Services is approved.
Roommate Agreement and Tenant Responsibilities
Students within our community play an integral role in caring for the well-being of the people around them and the overall health of the community. As such, students will engage in dialogue with their roommate(s) and fellow community members in order to create shared expectations and guidelines for healthy and safe behaviors within the community. These dialogues are formalized through the roommate agreement process, community living agreement, as well as informally by participating in ongoing community meetings. The roommate agreement can be found in your Housing Portal on the gold bar under ‘Roommate Agreement’.
It is the responsibility of the Student(s) to keep their assigned unit clean and sanitary. Roommates are expected to maintain their spaces in a manner that is comfortable for all assigned Students in accordance with the mutually signed Roommate Agreement and Community Standards. Please see the ‘Community Standards’ for an in-depth description of cleanliness and sanitation expectations and requirements.