For information on Graduation and MSU's Commencement Ceremony see the Registrar.

If you are a student (graduate or undergraduate) graduating Spring or Fall of this year, please use the form below to indicate what item you want and where you would like to receive it.

 denotes required fields.

Basic Information
e.g. Andres (ahn-DRES); Louise (Loo-ees); Xolani (zoh-LAN-ee)
e.g. Business (B.S.)
Contact Information
Select your stole from one of these two sources.  No custom orders, $25 or less.

Midwest Global Group
Select the item that represents your identity/culture.
eg: AF3-CLASS OF 2023 KENTE STOLE-"SCALES OF JUSTICE" or Red Mexican Serape Graduation Stole/Sash